Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 516: Day and night

"I want to inform Aunt Feng, but I regret to tell you that you can't contact her!"

"When she entered the valley, she was teleported to a secret realm. For a while, she couldn't get out at all!"

Xiao Muchen looked at the swaying bracelet in Meng Qingting's hand.

He knew this was Meng Qingting contacting Aunt Feng, so he informed Aunt Feng where she was going.

There is a very strange rule in the Moon Worship Shrine.

A woman in the palace can only marry one person at a time, which means that as long as she loses herself to someone, then she must marry that person and become that person's woman.

That's why Xiao Muchen dared to make such calculations and dream Qingting.


Meng Qingting frowned, she didn't expect Xiao Muchen to calculate it so deeply.

Said coldly: "Aren't you afraid of me dying?"

"When you get here, will I still give you a chance to die? But Fang Zhenmei, he will definitely die!"

Xiao Muchen looked at Fang Zhenmei beside Meng Qingting.

"You want to kill me!"

Fang Zhenmei said flatly.

He had just received a letter from Su Hao, and he also knew that Su Hao was coming here.

As long as the young master is together, whether Xiao Muchen can leave today is a question.

"Am I not clear enough?"

Seeing Fang Zhenmei's light wind and cloud, Xiao Muchen's face looked gloomy.

"Mr. Hong, stop Meng Qingting first, let me kill Fang Zhenmei!"

Xiao Muchen told Mr. Hong to the side, and then took a step forward, a surging innocence that swept through his body without any reservation, and then his feet slammed on the ground, and his body tore the air. Appeared in front of Fang Zhenmei in a flash.

Then the fierce fist wind exploded the air, with an astonishing pressure, shrouded Fang Zhen's eyebrows like lightning.

See it!

Meng Qingting wanted to step forward, but a huge aura directly locked her, and then an invisible force led her to another place.

An urgent look appeared in Meng Qingting's eyes, and a jade card immediately appeared in her hand.


The jade card was shattered in an instant, and a powerful energy emerged from Meng Qingting's body, as if a powerful consciousness was about to burst out of her body.

But suddenly!

Countless runes appeared in this misty valley, and these runes instantly invaded Meng Qingting's body like lightning.

The consciousness that appeared in Meng Qingting's body suddenly seemed to be suppressed, and disappeared in an instant.

Meng Qingting fell to the ground.

"Mengmen, we are all guarding against your methods, don't make fearless struggles, it's useless!"

When Mr. Hong was speaking, he waved his right hand and several rays of light fell on Meng Qingting!

Suddenly Meng Qingting couldn't move her whole body, and she couldn't even speak.

She could only use her eyes to look at Fang frowned when Xiao Muchen was attacking.


The violent fist strength condensed into a whirlpool under Xiao Muchen's fist, with a harsh whistling sound!

The powerful fist strength rapidly enlarged in Fang Zhen's eyebrow pupils.

In the next instant, the brilliant sword intent surged out of his body, and finally formed a touch of sword aura, thrusting Xiao Muchen's fist away.


Xiao Muchen's fists and Fang Zhenmei's sword collided fiercely.

The fist was fierce, smashing Fang Zhenmei's sword energy, and then continued to bombard Fang Zhenmei.

Fang Zhenmei's figure retreated sharply, and the sword aura around his body condensed into sword aura again and rushed towards that fist, trying to resist Xiao Muchen's punch.

Sword Qi continued to condense, hitting Xiao Muchen's fist, and finally blocked Xiao Muchen's fist.

See this scene!

A cold light flashed in Xiao Muchen's eyes, and a strong force appeared in his palm, suddenly spit out, like a sharp arrow, lightning pierced Fang Zhenmei's sword energy, and directly attacked Fang Zhenmei's chest at a speed that made people unprepared.


Seeing this, Fang Zhen's eyes condensed, and the long sword in his hand was unsheathed in the blink of an eye. A sword smashed into the strength, directly splitting the strength.

At the moment when the strength was split, Fang Zhenmei didn't stay at all, and the long sword in his hand suddenly rose into the air.

The earth-shaking sword intent instantly surged from his body, and then slashed towards Xiao Muchen.


Looking at the sword that smashed, Xiao Muchen snorted coldly, and didn't care at all about the sword that was attacking.

He has cultivated a profound discipline of martial arts.

His own strength has already stepped into the realm of the first layer.

Fang Zhenmei is only in the late stage of life and death, and it is impossible to break through his defenses.

He continued to punch, and with this punch, a terrible destructive force radiated from his fist.

Wherever the fist passed, there was a terrible roar in the space, as if it could not bear the power of the punch.

The punch just now was just a test, but now the punch exploded all his own power!

But when his fist was about to slam the Chinese side's eyebrows.

Fang Zhenmei's sword energy had already blasted on him like lightning.

The strength of the sword aura was not what Xiao Muchen thought. This unusually overbearing sword aura directly stopped Xiao Muchen's figure.

And Fang Zhenmei was at this moment of pause, and his figure flashed away from Xiao Muchen's punch.

But his face was a little pale.

With the sword that he had just issued, he tried his best, but it only stopped Xiao Muchen's movements.

"Is that just the power?"

Although Fang Zhenmei avoided his punch, Xiao Muchen was not at all annoyed, but with a disdainful smile.

"A palm up to the sky!"

He glanced at Fang Zhenmei, a surging force appeared in his palm, and then formed a towering hand, and slapped Fang Zhenmei with one palm.


The palm of his hand was like a dark cloud, directly hitting where Fang Zhenmei was standing!

"Smash you directly!"

Looking at the falling palm, Xiao Muchen sneered.

But when the aftermath of power disappeared!

But he didn't see Hengfei's blood, he couldn't help but congeal, his eyes scanned the surroundings.

Mr. Hong who was beside Xiao Muchen's eyes condensed, and then he looked in the direction of Meng Qingting.

Found that Fang Zhenmei was standing beside Meng Qingting at this time.

He grabbed Meng Qingting with one hand and wanted to take Meng Qingting away.

"court death!"

Mr. Hong snorted coldly and flicked his fingers, and a burst of gray energy shot out from his fingers, directly attacking Fang frowned.


The gray energy directly penetrated Fang Zhenmei's body, but then the body disappeared.

At the other prescription, the figure of the eyebrows was revealed.

But Fang Zhenmei looked weak.

He had just performed the "Non-Separation Day and Night" twice in a row, which was an extremely consuming body technique that consumed zhenqi.

"Very weird shenfa!"

Seeing Fang Zhenmei who had escaped his blow, Mr. Hong showed a look of surprise on his face.

Being able to change body silently is a very powerful body technique.


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