Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 525: Shaking Wheel

The appearance of the skull looked a little gray, but Su Hao clearly felt a strange power inside the skull.

This power is condensed into a ball in the skull.

The Azure Dragon's true energy surged out of him instantly, a piece of lin armor appeared on his arm, and one claw grabbed the skull.

The skull was caught in his hands.

Suddenly the weird shadow in the skull head, as if seeing some opportunity, moved towards his arm.

However, Su Hao's arm was covered with Lin armor, and the weird gray aura couldn't invade into Su Hao's arm.

The weird gray aura turned into several tentacles, along Lin Jia's arm, towards Su Hao's body.

Su Hao frowned.

A cyan light appeared on his arm, enveloping the gray aura.

The miserable cry came from the gray breath.

"Unexpectedly, there is a soul in this gray breath!"

Su Hao let out a sneer.

Then a rush of Azure Dragon True Qi quickly enveloped the gray aura, wrapping the gray aura into a ball.

He squeezed his palm fiercely, and the gray breath burst and dissipated instantly.

After the grey breath dissipated.

On the ground, the intact skull cracked and turned into nothingness.

"Does the soul in this gray breath belong to Xiao Yao!"

Su Hao said in his heart.

At this time, the sound of the system rang in his ears.

[Congratulations to the host for killing Xiao Yao and rewarding a 3rd level crystal lottery card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it! 】

"I got another lottery card. I now have 1 level 3 lottery card and 1 level 4 crystal lottery card!"

Su Hao was a little excited.

Last time the 4th level crystal lottery card, but he was drawn to a real-self-level strongman, empty me.

Su Hao looked around for a while, found that there was nothing moving, turned around and left.

He wants to go back and check it out, and the situation is destroyed.

Zhengyi Sect was the first righteous sect of the Great Leader, and it was destroyed overnight, and Su Hao was a little surprised by the power of the attack.

Another place!

Inside the palace of the Dagan Dynasty.

In a palace, five men are standing in the main hall with serious expressions.

Among them, Zuo Zongzheng Tang Shouhe of the clan mansion stood in the middle.

On both sides of him were Ouyang Zheng from the Demon Sect of No Desire and Qing Yuanhou from Emperor Qian.

However, at this time, Qingyuan's breath was a little unstable, and it seemed that he had suffered serious injuries.

The other two are wearing Zhengyijiao's robes, and their aura is gloomy.

But being able to stand with Tang Shouhe and the others shows that the opponent's strength is bound to be extraordinary.

"This time, I would like to thank the two emperor brothers for suppressing the Zhengyi Sect's Shaking Wheel. Otherwise, we might not be so easy to win the Zhengyi Sect!"

Tang Shouhe said.

These two are the two elders of the Zhengyi Church, and they have been responsible for taking care of the Zhentian Chakra.

This time the royal family made a surprise attack on Zhengyi Church.

The two of them suppressed the sky-shaking wheel with all their strength, making Lu Fuchen unable to use the sky-shaking wheel.

Only so that they can easily slaughter Zhengyi Sect!

Of course, in the end, Lu Fuchen blew himself up and Qing Yuanhou was seriously injured.

"This is our duty. Now that the Zhengyi Sect has been destroyed, we should also return to the Clan Mansion!"

"But we are not suitable to show up for the time being, so we will go to the imperial mausoleum to retreat for a period of time. You will pay attention to the news of the sun shaking wheel. After all, that thing exists and is still a threat to the imperial family!

One of the two spoke.

They are members of the royal family, and they sneaked into the Zhengyi Church a long time ago, in order to wait for the royal family to deal with the Zhengyi Church.

Now that the Zhengyi Sect is destroyed, they should also return to the royal family.

As for the sky-shaking wheel, although they suppressed it, after Lu Fuchen exploded, the sky-shaking wheel broke through the void and left.

The Shaking Wheel is the treasure of Zhengyi Sect!

If it is refined, it can allow the user to burst out of the strength of the real self, so we must pay attention to it!

"Okay, two emperor brothers, this is the token of the imperial tomb!"

Tang Shouhe nodded, took out two tokens from his arms and handed them to them.

The two took the token and turned and left.

There are only three people left in the hall.

"Sect Master Ouyang, the collected souls are all suppressed in the secret room of your cultivation. Now they can be absorbed normally, and I hope you will enter the realm of real self as soon as possible!"

"These souls of Zhengyi Sect are enough for me to step into the real world!"

Ouyang Zheng said softly, and when he was speaking, he turned and headed towards a secret room in the clan mansion.

He must improve the strength of his clone as soon as possible.

When all three have left.

Tang Shouhe waited for Qingyuan beside him: "Brother Lu, Kong Liu's plan failed this time, what do you think!"

Qing Yuanhou's real name was Lu Mingchuan, and like Tang Shouhe, he supported Tang Kongliu as the successor of the Dagan Dynasty.

"What is the thought of the adult behind the Second Royal Highness."

Qing Yuanhou said in a deep voice.

The reason why they support Tang Kongliu is mainly because there is a big figure hidden behind Tang Kongliu, who is extremely powerful, and even the Qianhuang clone is afraid of that adult.

"That adult seems to be in retreat, but Kong Liu wants to deal with money to help!"

Tang Shouhe said in a deep voice

"The Money Gang should be supported by foreign forces, so it's best not to do it for the time being!"

Qing Yuanhou shook his head.

"Could it be that the money gang is so rampant? If this is the case, the new forces will probably follow the money gang!"

Tang Shouhe narrowed his eyes and said.

Money help thwarted the imperial family's Takebe action!

This action made the newly emerging forces a little excited and began to expand with them.

"It’s all small forces. It’s okay. It’s impossible to hide the fact that Zhengyi Sect was destroyed. I’m afraid it will be revealed after a period of time that it was our royal family’s hands. By then, those old-brand forces will probably not dare to act rashly. If the veteran power does not move, the Dagan Dynasty will be stable!"

"But you can't let money help them so rampantly. Didn't Yuwen Chengdu return to Yuwen's house, let him push all Yuwen's affairs to the money help, and Yuwen's family will try the money help!"

A deep smile appeared on Qing Yuanhou's face.

Hearing this, Tang Shouhe's eyes also lit up.

"I have suffered a little injury and may need to stay in seclusion for a period of time. During this period, if something happens, you should contact Wu'anhou!"

Qing Yuanhou stood up from his chair and said.

Stepping out of the clan mansion towards the depths of the palace.

The main responsibility of these masters is to guard the safety of Emperor Qian, and they are usually in the palace of Emperor Qian.

After Tang Shouhe meditated for a while in the hall, he spread a message to Tang Kong.

Let him have time to visit the clan mansion.

Tang Kongliu palace.

He was sitting on the bench, closed his eyes and rested.

A lot of things have indeed happened recently, and he needs to make a good plan.

Suddenly, a message appeared in his jade pendant.

"The message from the emperor tells me to go to the ancestral mansion."

Tang Kongliu looked at the content on the jade pendant, without thinking, got up and left the palace.

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