Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 532: Yuwen Home Action

Dagan Palace, inside the Palace of the Second Prince.

Tang Kongliu sat in the pitch-black hall, with endless black energy entwined around him.

These black qi enveloped the entire hall, giving people a feeling of devil qi permeating.

He looked at the secret letter in his hand with a trace of solemnity on his face.

This secret letter was sent back by a secret agent hidden in the remnants of Zhengyijiao by the royal family.

The content is very simple, that is, Xiao Wangyu of the Xiao family is in contact with Xiao Qiushui, and wants to jointly deal with the imperial children with Xiao Qiushui.

He didn't need to deal with this matter originally, but the Clan Mansion knew about it.

He had contact with Xiao Wangyu before, so let him handle the matter.

tread! tread!

A sound of footsteps came from outside the hall, and Tang Kong waved his hand.

The black mist that had filled the temple quickly poured into his body and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A guard walked in from outside the hall.

"See His Royal Highness, there is news from the Clan's Mansion that His Royal Highness directly manages the Armed Forces, and Xue Lieyang, one of the chiefs enshrined in the Armed Forces, becomes the head of the Armed Forces, and the third His Royal Highness has withdrawn from the Armed Forces!"

The guard bowed and said.

"I started so soon, my big brother is really fast!"

Tang Kongliu's expression was calm, as if he had known such things a long time ago.

To deal with the failure of the Money Gang and the Power Gang this time, the Armed Forces is the executive body, and someone should take on this responsibility. The Three Princes Tang Chengzhi is very suitable.

"Resolve the power gang first, let Tang Wushuang and the others handle it after Zhengyijiao!"

Tang Kong said in a deep voice.

"I already know the matter. You inform Tang Chengzhi to come to me."

He waved his hand and asked the guard to invite Tang Chengzhi to come to him.

Tang Chengzhi took refuge in him, although he has now lost his position as the head of the military department, he cannot cross the river and demolish the bridge.

He wanted to give Tang Chengzhi a chance to supervise Yuwen's family to deal with the money.

Su Hao of the Money Gang killed the son of the deputy head of Wanbao Pavilion and hid beside Tang Chong.

When planning to use Yuwenjia to deal with money help, he planted this matter in the mind of Yuwen Chengdu.

Another place, Yuwen's house.

Yuwen Chengdu dragged his injured body back to Yuwen's house.

He stepped into the Patriarch's conference hall, where Yu Wenhan, the current Patriarch of the Yuwen Family, sat on the Patriarch's bench.

In his starting position, there are still several Yuwen's current principals.

"You are hurt!"

Yu Wenhan's expression condensed as he stepped into Yuwen Chengdu, Yuwen Chengdu's body was confused, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

"Money Gang! They hide in the capital, and they attacked my Yuwen's family, trying to provoke my Yuwen's family to a battle with the Dagan royal family. All of my injuries are caused by the money helpers.

Yuwen Chengdu said in a deep voice.

"Money help?"

Hearing this, Yu Wenhan frowned, and he really didn't understand this gang.

"Patriarch, this money help is not easy. It has just defeated the master of the military department of the Dagan Dynasty, and it is a real-self master who did it!"

At this time, sitting in the lower head position, a middle-aged man spoke.

"Well, a strong person in the real world!"

Yu Wenhan frowned when he heard it.

His Yuwen family is a strong person with real self, but they are all in a state of retreat, and they generally don't ask about family matters.

"Patriarch does not have to worry too much, the shot is just a warrior with the first level of true self!"

The middle-aged man who spoke.

"I am in a very real situation, and I need the clan elder to take action. In Chengdu, you should go back to recover from the injury. I will let someone inform you when the results are obtained."

Yu Wenhan looked at Yuwen Chengdu Road in his hand.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Yuwen Chengdu dragged his injured body out of the hall.

"Patriarch, you must ask the clan elder to take action on this matter, otherwise, I am afraid that a random force will dare to take action against my Yuwen family!"

For Yuwen Chengdu, no one in Yuwen's family doubts.

"This money helps people who dare to kill my Yuwen family. This matter must not be let go. I will ask the old clan to send a strong person in the real world!"

That Yuwen said in a cold voice.

"Second brother, you have recently collected information about the money help, and when I come back from the clan elder, I will take action on the money help!"

Yu Wenhan said to the middle-aged man who had spoken earlier.


The middle-aged man nodded and left the hall.

Yu Wenhan also stood up and walked towards the residence of the clan elder in the clan.

A few days later, outside the capital.

A carriage slowly stopped beside an inn on the official road, and Su Hao got off the carriage.

This inn is where Su Hao and Wuming meet.

Stepping into the inn, Su Hao asked Xiao Er to take him into the small courtyard where no name lived.

"Guest, this is the small courtyard of the adult!"

When they came to a courtyard, Xiao Er knocked on the bamboo door of the inn.

When he knocked on the door, the bamboo door opened automatically, and Xiao Er was a little dazed.

"I'll go in by myself, you can do other things!"

Said the little Er who led the way by Su Hao.

Xiao Er nodded and left first.

In the courtyard.

Wuming was sitting beside the stone platform in the small courtyard with his eyes closed and rested. He saw Su Hao walking into the courtyard from outside, stood up, and bowed slightly to Su Hao.

"Young Master, you are here, Ye Qingyao was placed in that house by me, still in a coma!"

After the nameless salute, he pointed to a room and Su Hao nodded and said:

"Liao Jingtian will come tomorrow, when that time, he and Lian Chengzhi will enter the Wen Mansion with you!"

When Su Hao was talking.

A crimson figure appeared in the house.

This figure is Lian Chengzhi, he is practising Scarlet Fire Divine Art, his skin is red like a flame, and invisible heat circulates around him.

After seeing Wuming, Lian Chengzhi's eyes condensed.

His body has undergone a rebirth of Rank Nine. At this time in his previous life, his strength was no less than nameless.

Moreover, he was still following Su Hao on his way to the capital, successfully stepping into the Ninth Level of the Realm Realm, but his strength went even further.

But the namelessness now gives him a sense of oppression.

"Anonymous has broken through to the real self!"

Su Hao spoke from the side.

"Is it true?"

Lian Chengzhi's eyes condensed slightly, and then he put on Su Hao to prepare a mask for him, and his whole body aura instantly converged.

With a wave of the nameless hand, a consciousness appeared in front of him.

A soul power in Lian Chengzhi's mind instantly swallowed his consciousness.

Then his complexion began to change.

In a short while, he became a deputy chief of the Wen Mansion. The Shangguan was righteous, and his strength was hidden to the fifth level of the real self.

"What's happening in the capital recently?"

Su Hao asked in a deep voice.

Di Shitian sent him news a few days ago.

The head of the Armed Forces Department has been replaced by Xue Lieyang of the Ninth Level of the Realm Realm. This person is very powerful, not the ordinary Ninth Level of the Realm Realm.

And he was chosen by Xue Lieyang as the first deputy palace chief.

I have been with Xue Lieyang for some time recently. He has not contacted Su Hao for fear of being noticed by Xue Lieyang.

"Not yet."

Wuming shook his head.

After he arrived in the capital, he had been waiting for Su Hao in the inn.

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