Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 539: Tang Yin, the third prince of Dagan

   Just after Su Hao and the others left, a figure broke through the sky, and it was Xiao Kuangsheng who had rushed over.

   He fell, his eyes scanned the surroundings, his brows couldn't help but frowned, he didn't feel the breath of Xiao Wangyu.

   Suddenly, his eyes stayed in front of the bones on the ground, his eyes condensed, and he reached out and grabbed a bone in his hand.

   Suddenly, his complexion became cold for an instant, and a violent breath burst out from him, and he bombarded the surrounding void with a punch.

   is just a simple punch.

   But where the fist blasted, the void began to collapse continuously, forming a dark vacuum.

   After the void collapsed.

   There is no breath left in the dark vacuum.

   "Kill my Xiao family disciple and devour his flesh and blood, I will definitely find you!"

   Xiao Kuangsheng looked at the bone in his hand and muttered.

   While talking, he waved his hand to collect all the bones on the ground, and then broke through the void and left.

   After Xiao Kuangsheng left, two figures appeared.

   These two figures are the Sect Master of the Demon Sect of No Desire and Qing Yuanhou who had previously followed him to destroy the Zhengyi Sect.

   "I didn't expect Xiao Kuangsheng to come to the Dagan Dynasty, but it seems that he was very angry just now. It seems that something happened."

   Qing Yuanhou said solemnly.

   "However, Xiao Kuang was born in the Dagan Dynasty. It seems that they can't wait. They should be about to take action on your Dagan Dynasty."

   Ouyang was looking at the direction that Xiao Kuangsheng had left, with fierce light flashing in his eyes.

   Back then, their Demon Sect was destroyed in the hands of Xiao Kuangsheng.

   "The black whirlpool just now should have been spelled by the Xiao family. It seems that someone from the Xiao family has an accident. Otherwise, Xiao Kuangsheng would not be so angry!"

   Qingyuan Hou said in a deep voice.

   He had just come out of the palace by the black whirlpool in the sky, but he didn't expect to see Xiao Kuangsheng leaving.

   At this moment, the expression of Qing Yuanhou beside him changed, as if something more serious had happened.

   "What happened?"

   Ouyang asked, looking at Qing Yuanhou whose face changed drastically.

   "His Royal Highness Seventeen was killed by Xiao Qiushui of the Zhengyi Church. It was Xiao Wangyu of the Xiao family who helped him. The Xiao family wanted to make the contradiction clear!"

   Qing Yuanhou said with a gloomy expression.

   The messenger on his side just received a message from the clan mansion that Tang had been killed countlessly.

   "It's just a prince who was killed. It shouldn't make the contradiction come to light."

   Ouyang Zheng, who was beside him, said softly.

   There are many great princes, and the life and death of a seventeenth prince is not important in many cases.

   "The identity of the seventeenth prince is not simple, he is not only the seventeenth prince, but also the son of the Nanming sacrificial saint, this is a bit troublesome, let's go back first!!"

   Qingyuan Hou shook his head and said.

   The death of the seventeenth prince Tang Wushuang will definitely uncover a storm.

   "Namming sacrifices to the son of the saint of the temple!"

   Hearing this, Ouyang's face changed.

   Nanming Sacrifice Hall is a great power in the Desolate Region, the same as the position of the Demon Sect of No Desire in the Fire Region during its peak period. .

   "Unexpectedly, Brother Zhentian had already contacted the Nanming Sacrifice Hall, no wonder he had the courage to wrestle with the Xiao family."

   Ouyang moved in his heart and left with Qing Yuanhou.

   At this time, Su Hao brought Xiao Qiushui and Lian Chengzhi out of the void.

   But they are a little embarrassed.

   Not long after they stepped into the void.

   That Xiao Kuangsheng smashed the void with one punch. Fortunately, they were far away at that time. Otherwise, they might sink deep into the collapsed void.

   "Go, let's go to the inn first!"

   Su Hao had a lingering fear, and took the two of them back to the inn first.

   Xiao Qiushui killed Tang Wushuang, the imperial family will definitely not give up, and there will definitely be big moves next.

   So Xiao Qiushui is still safe by their side.

   It happened that Su Hao was also thinking about the lottery rushing back.

   After killing Xiao Wangyu, he was rewarded by the system. At this time, he had 2 Level 4 crystal lottery cards on his body. He had to go back and see if he could draw some hole cards.

   just shot and trampled on the void is definitely a real-life powerhouse, so he needs to get some hole cards in his hand.

   At this time, Dagan royal family, in the clan mansion.

   Ouyang Zheng and Qing Yuanhou broke through the air and headed towards the depths of the clan mansion.

   when they stepped into the main hall of the clan mansion.

   Dagan Dynasty's clan mansion, the two patriarchs are standing in the main hall, discussing something.

   The eldest prince Tang Zhi and the second prince Tang Kongliu were listed behind them, but they were silent.

   The two of them looked at each other, their faces solemn.

   They just learned the identity of Tang Wushuang from the mouths of the two Zongzheng, Nanming sacrificed the son of the saint of the temple, which they had never thought of.

   When Ouyang Zheng and Qing Yuanhou appeared.

   The left and right Zongzheng who were discussing the matter slightly nodded towards them.

   Tang Zhi and Tang Kongliu turned around and bowed slightly. They were still juniors in front of each other.

   "Brother Qingyuan, Brother Ouyang, what happened to the dark cloud just now?"

   Zuo Zongzheng asked.

   "What's the specific thing, but it should be something that happened to the people of the Xiao family, because where Xiao Kuangsheng appeared, he still looked very angry!"

   Qing Yuanhou said solemnly.

   "Xiao Kuangsheng, he has come to my dynasty, no wonder Xiao Wangyu dared to be so rampant, it turned out that he was behind him."

   You Zongzheng said angrily.

   They were still discussing how to deal with Xiao Wangyu and Xiao Qiushui.

   "Xiao Kuangsheng appeared, Wushuang's matter, we can't make a decision, so I am going to see what your Majesty Qingyuan Hou said in a deep voice.

   "You don't need to go to your Majesty, this matter, Xiao Wangyu and Xiao Qiushui are going to die!"

   Just when Qingyuanhou's voice just fell, a domineering voice appeared outside the hall.

   fell with the sound.

   A man wearing a golden yellow robe suddenly stepped into the hall.

  'S footsteps fell, and a rumbling sound came from under his feet, and the whole hall suddenly shook.

   The bodies of everyone in the hall suddenly felt a violent aura, rushing toward their faces.

   Tang Kongliu and Tang Zhi couldn't help but trembled in their hearts under this violent coercion.

   They seemed to be suppressed by huge mountains. The two of them bent slightly to relieve the pressure.

   噗噗, suddenly, Tang Kongliu seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure, and directly spouted a mouthful of blood.

   "Your own brother died in front of you, and you let others leave. How can you become the heir to my dynasty!"

   A middle-aged man with a graceful temperament and a swallowing force on his body, walked in front of them and faced the blood-spraying Tang Kong channel.

   The man's eyebrows are like swords and his eyes are sharp. He stands there like a spear that pierces the sky.

   One shot breaks the sky, one shot crushes the world.

   "See the third prince!"

   Left and right Zongzheng, Qing Yuanhou, Tang Zhi, and the injured Tang Kongliu immediately stepped forward and bowed to salute.

  He is Tang Yin, the third prince of the three princes of the Dagan Dynasty

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