Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 542: Gathering in Rongqing Mansion

   Rongqing Mansion.

   In an official post, the eldest prince Tang Zhi gave a "bang" and slapped his palm on the desktop.

   The tea sets on the table were all shattered. He really didn't expect that two pieces of news would spread throughout the Zhengdaqian dynasty in one day.

   These two pieces of news are obviously to openly provoke the contradiction between the Dagan royal family and the Xiao family.

   This is not a good thing for the Dagan Dynasty, after all, the Xiao family is the lord of the Fire Territory, and there is no doubt about its strength.

   What's more, neither side will explain this matter, because the explanation is useless.

"His Royal Highness, this is being promoted by someone who is interested. The Clan Mansion is already investigating. It should be possible to find out the source of the walking news soon. However, according to Weichen, it is not that my dynasty has left the Xiao family. Opportunity."

   Gu Qinghou spoke beside Tang Zhi.

   He is loyal to the Dagan royal family, so there is no awe in the Xiao family.

   "This is indeed a good opportunity, but this matter is not something we can decide, Master Gu, Master Murong, when will they arrive!"

   Tang Zhi asked softly.

   Regarding whether to leave the Xiao family, he is just a prince, and he has no way to decide. Of course, in his heart, the Dagan Dynasty is ready to take the opportunity to leave the Xiao family.

   Otherwise, if something like this happens, the third prince should go to see Xiao Kuangsheng himself instead of letting others provoke him.

   "Master Murong, they will arrive at noon tomorrow."

   Gu Qinghou replied immediately.

   "Okay, when Mr. Murong arrives, we will go to the money board and get rid of this money gang as soon as possible."

   Tang Zhi's voice was cold, with a strong killing intent.

   The Money Gang did not listen to the order of the dynasty. Last time, it defeated Tang Wushuang and the military department of the Dagan Dynasty, which caused the instability of the forces in the Dagan Dynasty. That's why the Zhengyi Sect was destroyed. Now Xiao Qiushui has attacked and killed Tang Wushuang.

   The money gang is the source of evil, so it must be eliminated as soon as possible.

   Of course, the situation is complicated now. Once the Xiao family sends a master to deal with him, I am afraid that he will fall away, so complete the task as soon as possible and return to the capital to ensure his own safety.

   "His Royal Highness, dealing with the Money Gang is only one of them. The main thing is to draw out the forces behind them. According to the prince's guess, the forces behind the Money Gang are not simple, and we must not underestimate them."

   Qingyuan waited until he didn't speak.

   He only obeyed the order for Tang Zhi, after all, the person they supported was Tang Kongliu, not Tang Zhi.

   "Money helps the forces behind?"

   Tang Zhi frowned and said softly:

   "The secret agent who entered the money gang did not find any clues, but according to the news he feedback, the money gang is now very calm, and it should be the people behind him who have appeared."

   The next day.

   Su Hao and Wu Mengsheng went to Rongqing Mansion.

   Rongqing Mansion was a major city of the Dagan Dynasty and one of the three major transit cities of the Dagan Dynasty. As a transit city, it can be said to be very prosperous and popular.

   Su Hao and Wu Mengsheng walked into the Rongqing Mansion. They needed to find an inn first, and wait until Kongwo and Lian Bin arrived.

   After all, this shot was assisted by Wumengsheng, and I and Lianbin were the main players.

   Halfway through, Su Hao took Wu Mengsheng and ate breakfast at a street stall.

   They left here last night and they didn't stop along the way, so they prepared to have some breakfast first.

   When Su Hao and the others sat down.

   Suddenly, Mengsheng's eyes looked toward the group of people walking forward on the street not far away.

   "Anything to find?"

   Su Hao also followed Wu Mengsheng's gaze.

   At the end of their eyes, a man in a green robe, with three of his men, was walking into an inn not far away.

   Because of the swaying flow of people, Su Hao only saw the person's back, and saw nothing else, so he withdrew his gaze.

   At this time, the boss's soy milk fritters were also placed on the table, Su Hao's appetite was so great that he grabbed a fritters in one hand.

   "The strength of the green-robed man is at the second level of the real self, and the strength of his three subordinates is at the nine level of the realm!"

   Wu Mengsheng retracted his gaze and said softly.

   Su Hao couldn't help but stop holding the fried dough sticks, and raised his head: "You mean, the man in Qingpao just now has the strength of the real and self, are they the masters sent by the Dagan Dynasty!"

   At this point, Su Hao frowned.

   Just now, he was thinking of letting Sora and Lian Bin take action, but suddenly a warrior with the real-self realm appeared on the other side.

   Is this impossible to fight at all?

   "We need to investigate this!"

   Wu Mengsheng said softly.

   "Then we will stay at the Najiang Inn, and explore the identity of each other!"

   Su Hao and Wu Mengsheng simply ate a bit, and then walked towards the inn.

   Within the inn

   Wu Mengsheng has long remembered the breath of the Qingpao people, so it is easy to detect the room they live in.

  Under Su Hao's money offensive, Xiaoer of the shop arranged for Su Hao a room close to the man in Qingpao.

   As soon as Su Hao and Wu Mengsheng entered the room, there was a knock on the door opposite.

   An entourage immediately opened the door and put the knocker into the room.

   "Lord, let me hear what they are saying?"

   Wu Mengsheng closed his eyes and crossed his knees, his mind was released instantly, invisibly swept the room of the man in the green robe.

   At this time, in the room, the man in Qingpao was sitting at the tea table, and the previous three men were standing aside.

   As for the man who just came in, he bowed to the man in the green robe and saluted: "See your lord!"

   "Get up first, what happened to Tang Zhi, why did they stay in Rongqing Mansion, and when will they leave for Beili Mansion."

   The man in the green robe said.

   The man in the blue robe was named Xiao Luohai, and he was a real-self double powerhouse from Xiao Kuangsheng's line.

   He was sent by Xiao Kuangsheng to kill Tang Zhi. He originally wanted to wait for Tang Zhi directly at Beili Mansion.

   But when he arrived at Rongqing Mansion, he got news that Tang Zhi did not leave for Beili Mansion, but stayed in Rongqing Mansion.

   That's why he invited people to ask about this.

   "Return to Sir, this subordinate has not been found yet, but according to the subordinate's speculation, who should be waiting for coming."

   The man replied in a low voice.

   "Waiting for someone to come?"

   The man in the green robe frowned slightly, his face showed a haze.

   "Could it be that we knew that our Xiao family was going to attack Tang Zhi, so the Dagan royal family sent a master to protect this kid!"

   The man in the green robe murmured.

   "It seems that they can't wait for them to fight with the money helper. You can investigate the situation of the masters around Tang Zhi. We will solve Tang Zhi as soon as possible, and let the great dynasty know the consequences of killing my Xiao family!"

   The man in the green robe meditated for a while and ordered.

   For the Dagan Dynasty, he still needs to be careful, after all, there are masters in the Dagan Dynasty.

   "Yes, my subordinates go to investigate immediately!"

   The middle-aged man slowly exited the room.

   Su Hao their room.

   Wu Mengsheng told Su Hao what he heard.

   Su Hao showed a surprise look on his face when he heard the words. He didn't expect that before he took the shot, the Xiao family wanted to take action against Tang Zhi. God helped me.

   "Then we wait for a good show, maybe the people from the Xiao family can also help us test the situation around Tang Zhi!"

   Su Hao said softly.

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