Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 550: The ancestor of flames, the Emperor Qian appeared

The figure that    stepped out, stood volley above the void, his eyes glaring at Tang Yin, the true energy all over his body swarmed out, forming a raging flame.

   The burning flame formed an endless wave of air and swept toward everyone.

  Under this wave of air, everyone's chests suddenly became tight, and their breathing became extremely unsmooth.

   "Xiao Kuangsheng, your Xiao family killed the children of my Dagan Dynasty. Let's compete today!"

   Tang Yin yelled violently, his whole body gushing out madly, forming a golden light, which continuously condensed in his hands, forming a golden halberd.

   The long halberd was lifted in an instant, and he threw it out.

   The halberd was thrown, the aura that Xiao Kuangsheng had suppressed in an instant dissipated, and the halberd turned into a vague golden light, and it shot towards Xiao Kuangsheng with bursts of power to tear the space.

   "Looking for death!"

Xiao Kuangsheng opened his eyes angrily, screamed wildly, clenched his fist, and on the flame-filled fist, a huge fist mark of several meters in a radius appeared instantly, throwing at him with an invincible fist. Here comes the golden halberd.


   The two forces collided in an instant, and a loud noise burst out in the air. This loud noise made the scalp numb.

   Then this sound was just the beginning. At the center of their explosion, waves of air swept all around, forming a powerful wind storm.

   At the place where this air current storm appeared, the house was instantly destroyed, and some powerful warriors were also swept by the storm, making screams.

   then disappeared in the storm.

   An energetic flow around Su Hao wiped out all the storm that had swept over him.

   He stared at the two people fighting in the air tightly.

   The two above have already hit real fire, with a huge storm of incomparable energy between each punch and palm.

   "Fight as soon as you come up, and it's so hot!"

   Su Hao has a little excitement in his eyes, and watching others fight is also a kind of excitement.

  His figure retreated slightly from the range of the battle, and at this time, Wu Mengsheng and Kong, Lian Bin and three people appeared beside Su Hao.

   "How strong are these two people?"

   Su Hao faced Wumeng Shengdao beside him.

   "True Self Realm Triple Level, beheaded by hand!"

   Wu Mengsheng said softly.

   "Turn the hand to kill, the big guy is the big guy, and he speaks so awesomely!"

   Su Hao exclaimed in his heart.

   "The two are similar in strength. To tell the winner, they should use their hole cards, but it seems that they are just testing each other!"

   Wumengsheng said.

   "Test each other!"

   Su Hao's eyes condensed and looked up at the two people fighting in the air.

   One person's body glitters with golden light, another person's body is blazing, and there is constant fierce collision.

   Such a fierce fight, without even using the last resort.


   Just then Wu Mengsheng spoke.

   When Wu Mengsheng was speaking, Su Hao suddenly had a warning sign in his heart, and he suddenly looked up.

   The moment he raised his head, he was above the void where the two clashed.

   Suddenly there was a loud bang, and a huge hole appeared in the void.

   Endless flames gushing out from the opening of this hole.

   These gushing flames turned into ripples and went in all directions.

   Su Hao suddenly felt like he was being grilled on the stove.

   His hastily running infuriating energy counteracted the blazing heat, his eyes fixed on the broken hole.

   This gushing flame formed a ball, like the sun, and blasted towards Tang Yin.

   At the moment when the huge fire fell, Tang Yin rushed to his true Qi as if he had been burned, boiling up, and he felt like he couldn't suppress it when he wanted to suppress it.

   "Xiao family, ancestor of flames!"

   Tang Yin trembled and exclaimed.

   There was a tremor in his voice, this old man in flames of the Xiao family, but possessed the nine-fold existence of true self.

   Even though Tang Yin possesses the strength of the real-world triple level, in front of the real-self level nine levels, he is like an ant.

   When Tang Yin exclaimed!


   Xiao Kuangsheng, who was on the other side, knelt down immediately, with an extremely respectful expression.

   "Ancestor! Ancestor of Flames!"

   Listening to the words of the two, one of the warriors seemed to recognize the identity of the other party and said: "Xiao Family, Xiao Lieyan, the powerhouse of the Ninth Level of True Self, how come he came to the dynasty!"

   Just as this person made a sound, the phantom eyes looked at him.

   Suddenly the person rushed to a terrifying pressure, bleeding from his nostrils and corners of his eyes at the same time, and then he fell directly on the ground.

   didn't know whether it was life or death, no one dared to investigate it anyway.

  Because they knew that the person who had just dealt with this was the old man of the Xiao Family Flames in the void.

   "An ancestor of the Xiao family, a warrior of the nine layers of true self!"

   Su Hao's eyes narrowed.

   "Master, this is just a phantom of the opponent, and the strength is about the sixth level of the real self!"

   Wumengsheng's true self-level eightfold strength, he can see the situation of this figure.

   "Only in the Sixth Layer of the True Self!"

   Su Hao's heart trembled, and the Sixth Layer of Reality was so terrifying.

   Then how strong would it be if it were true.

   He calmed his mind and looked at Tang Yin.

   The other party obviously came for him, and now he wants to see how Tang Yin responds.

   "Old ancestor of the flames, your Xiao family killed my imperial son, did you come here in person to give me an explanation for the imperial family!"

   The zhenqi in Tang Yin's body began to circulate violently, and the flame ancestor that appeared on him was forced to break free.

   "I will explain to you the royal family, are you worthy?"

Hearing this, the ancestor of the flames burned with anger in his eyes, a finger pointed to Tang Tang Yin saw this, his heart broke, and suddenly a golden bead appeared in his hand, this bead. As soon as he appeared, twelve golden screens of light formed in front of him.

   "Huh! Little bugs!"

   The ancestor of the flame made a cold snort.


When    touched the twelve layers of golden screen cover, the screen cover was like a broken egg, and it shattered in an instant.

   After the golden light shattered, he pointed his finger directly at Tang Yin.

   Tang Yin was offering the screen cover and turned around to flee, but before he turned around, the screen cover was broken, and his figure was immediately frozen in the void, unable to move, he could only wait for the finger to fall.

   "The ancestor of the flames, you!"

   Tang Yin looked at that finger that was about to drop, his complexion suddenly turned pale.


   Just as the finger was about to fall, the void suddenly suddenly changed, and a rumbling sound sounded.

   A slender, golden-lighted palm appeared beside Tang Yin, and with a light grasp, he grabbed Tang Yin out of the range of the finger's attack.

   "The ancestors of the flames, come to my great dynasty, and welcome you!"

   A loud voice, mighty and mighty, came from the void.

   Immediately, a figure stepped out of the void, the figure was like a morning sun, exuding endless majesty.


   Seeing this figure, Su Hao was stunned. He did not expect that the Emperor of the Dagan Dynasty would appear at this time.

   Qianhuang is the most powerful existence of the Dagan Dynasty. He has rarely appeared, but he did not expect to show up today.

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