Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 553: Da Luo Yu, Da Luo Zong

  In the distance, Su Hao and Sorawo stood together.

   When Xiao Kuangsheng was beheaded, he heard the sound of the completion of the system mission.

   "I got another 4th level crystal lottery card! However, this shot did not leave a name, and it was a bit lackluster. It seems that I should come up with a name as soon as possible!"

   Su Hao said to himself.

   He now has three powers in his hands, the Money Gang, the Power Gang, and the Blood-Clothed House.

   In addition, Xiao Qiushui is in the Zhengyi Sect, Pangban is in the Immortal Demon Sect, Meng Chi is in the Zizai Palace of the Demon Realm, and Ximen Fuxue is in the Sword Realm’s Only Sword Sect.

   Can this be done without creating a hidden force organization?

   "You don't need to go back for the time being, let's go to the capital with me!"

   Su Hao said softly.

   Now the Dagan Dynasty should be thinking about dealing with the Xiao family, and won't deal with money when they have time, so I and Lian Bin can follow Su Hao to the capital.

  The Takebe of the Dagan Dynasty.

   Gu Qinghou and Di Shitian, one of the three great catchers, dragged their badly wounded bodies back to the military department.

   Xue Lieyang, the new head of the tribe, looked at the two of them, with a feeling of rejoicing in his heart. If he had followed the eldest prince this time, he might not be able to come back.

   "Brother Gu, your injury does not matter!"

   Xue Lieyang and Gu Qinghou are both in the hands of the worship hall.

  Of course, there were four chiefs in the worship hall. Now Murong Feng and the others are killed, leaving him and Gu Qinghou alone.

   "The injury is not serious, but Brother Murong and the others have not been able to return. I am going to retreat to recover from the injury, and by the way, I will hit the real self."

   Gu Qinghou said in a deep voice.

   "Your Majesty has announced his separation from the Xiao family. I am afraid that the Dagan Dynasty will not be stable during this period of time. Will Brother Gu wait for stability and retreat?"

   Xue Lieyang said.

   "It's okay, you can't make trouble, your majesty will come out in person this time, it seems that your majesty's main body has now become a direct disciple of Da Luozong! Xiao Bian also needs to give Da Luozong's face!"

   Gu Qinghou said in a deep voice.

   He and Murongfeng are the three big catchers of six doors, and they also retreat together all the year round, knowing some secrets from Murongfeng's mouth.

  The main body of the Emperor Qian, has not been in the Dagan Dynasty for these years, but went to practice in the Da Luozong outside the fire area.

   Some time ago, he knew from Murong Feng's mouth that the Emperor Qian was about to finish refining the Void Throne, and after refining the Void Throne, he could become one of Da Luozong's personal disciples.

   "Da Luozong! Your Majesty has become a direct disciple of Da Luozong!"

   Xue Lieyang looked shocked.

   Da Luo Zong is the absolute overlord of the Da Luo Region, and the overall strength of the Da Luo Region is stronger than that of the Fire Region. No wonder your Majesty dared to announce his departure from the Xiao family.

   After learning the news, he breathed a sigh of relief.


   At this moment, Xue Lieyang’s main token of the Ministry of Arms sent an order.

   Gu Qinghou's arrest order also came with an order.

   The order is for the Takebe and the other eight power organizations to investigate the Money Gang with all their strength to find out what forces are behind the Money Gang.

  Di Shitian has been beside them all the time.

   He was also extremely surprised, he didn't expect Qianhuang to become a direct disciple of Da Luozong.

   After being shocked, seeing the tokens of Gu Qinghou and Xue Lieyang both emit a ray of light, he couldn't help but said, "Two adults, do you have any orders to pass on?"

   can issue orders to Xue Lieyang and Gu Qinghou at the same time, only His Majesty Qianhuang of the Dagan Dynasty.

   "Your Majesty ordered our nine major organizations to do their best to check the money!"

   Xue Lieyang said with a condensed expression.

   "Check the money help!"

  Di Shi Tian looked startled, he didn't expect that at this time, the Emperor Qian would even thoroughly investigate the money help.

   He felt that money helped some things, I'm afraid he couldn't help it.

   "Does your majesty have to deal with money to help at this time!"

  Di Shitian asked softly.

   "It seems like this! If you set up the deputy head, you immediately send the order to the Armed Forces organization in various places to thoroughly investigate the money help, and report it as soon as there is news. Our Armed Force cannot be behind others!"

   Xue Lieyang said.

   This is the first task after Qianhuang appeared. It is absolutely impossible for other organizations to take the lead.

   "Understand, I will arrange it now!"

  Di Shitian nodded and immediately retreated.

   Another place

   Su Hao and Kong, I just arrived at the inn outside the capital, and they received a message from Di Shitian.

   "The Emperor Qian wants to thoroughly investigate the money gang, what seems to be found?"

   Su Hao said in a deep voice.

   Of course he didn't expect Qianhuang never to find out.

   "Young Master, we will return to Wenfu now!"

  Lian Chengzhi and Xiao Jingtian had already absorbed the main consciousness of the two deputy heads of Wenfu, but because Su Hao did not return, they did not return to Wenfu.

   "Well, you guys will get to Wenfu as soon as possible!"

   Su Hao nodded.

   The unnamed three people quickly returned to Wenfu.

   In the courtyard, only Su Hao and the three of them were left, and then Su Hao rang out Ye Qingyao who was brought back by namelessly.

   He wanted to learn about the White Lotus Sacred Sect from Ye Qingyao, and explore the details of the White Lotus Sect.

  In the room

   Ye Qingyao, who has been in a coma, slowly opened his eyes.

   She looked at the surroundings, looked at the clothes around.

   "This is an inn, haven't I been arrested by the people of the Dagan Dynasty Wenfu? Why am I in the inn?"

   Ye Qingyao tried to think back, but couldn't think of the result.


   The door was opened, and Su Hao walked out of the door.

"you're awake!"

   Su Hao looked at Ye Qingyao and Hao, why are you here? "

   Ye Qingyao looked shocked and wanted to get up from the bed, but found that he didn't have any strength.

   The whole person looks very weak.

   In fact, these days, she has been in a coma without eating, and of course she is weak.

   Su Hao flicked his hand, and a pill fell directly into Ye Qingyao's mouth.

   Ye Qingyao didn't hesitate to swallow the pill that Su Hao threw over, and then a gentle force formed in her body.

   Within a short while, she regained her strength.

   slowly got up from the bed, she looked at Su Hao: "Didn't I get caught by Lu Zhongzhou in Wenfu? Why am I here with you?"

   "I risked my death and snatched you back from Lu Zhongzhou! For this, I still offend Dagan Dynasty Wenfu?"

   Su Hao said softly.

   "What, you risked your death to **** me back from Lu Zhongzhou, Lu Zhongzhou has the fourfold strength of the realm!"

   Ye Qingyao looked at Su Hao with disbelief.

   But when her voice just fell, Su Hao appeared in two fields of halo.

   "Domain double, you have stepped into realm double!"

   Ye Qingyao's pupils were wide open, with a look of horror on his face.

   How long did it take for Su Hao to step into the second stage of the realm?

   "Don't be surprised, this is a normal thing, by the way, tell me about the White Lotus Sacred Church!"

   Regarding the White Lotus Sacred Church, there are very few records in the six doors, or at his level at the time, only so few materials can be seen.

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