Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 556: Convergence on the execution ground

   Dagan Palace, inside the palace of Tang Kongliu.

   He frowned while listening to Shi Cong's report.

   Money Gang, Power Gang and Xiao Qiushui, there is a connection among the three.

   "Then Xiao Qiushui should have been sent to Zhengyi Sect by the forces behind the Money Gang. I don't know if there are such people in other schools!"

   Tang Kongliu's voice was a bit low.

   After learning about these relationships, he couldn't help but feel a bulge. He felt that there was a big net, and he was laying out the great dynasty.

   "Go down!"

   Tang Kongliu waved his hand to let Shi Cong retreat, and he turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the palace.

   In the void, beside the dark altar, Tang Kongliu's figure appeared.

  He walked up to the altar, sealed with his hands, a burst of energy emerged from him, and then sank into the altar.

   The Ming Zun who was cultivating in the altar saw the appearance of Tang Kongliu, opened his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Your mind is very heavy, what happened?"

   "Master, the Dagan Dynasty may encounter a strong enemy!" Tang Kongliu said.

   "Didn't your father become a direct disciple of the Da Luozong? As a direct disciple of the Da Luozong, the Xiao family should be a little jealous, so you don't have to worry too much."

   Mingzun thought that his disciple was worried about the Xiao family's move.

   "Master, I am not talking about the Xiao family, but another force that has not shown up!"

   After talking about the things he will do in the dynasty, he stated it again.


   The Ming Zun raised his brows and said in a deep voice: "It seems that this force is very sad to your Dagan Dynasty, and the force that has been in the dark is more difficult to deal with than the Xiao Family!"

"Do you have any idea?"

"Tomorrow the emperor and the others will force Xiao Qiushui to show up, and I am afraid that the people from the money help will also come back. Maybe the people behind them will also appear. At that time, if something happens, I don't know if Master can make a move!" Tang Kongliu Opened the mouth.

   "Take a shot, once I take a shot, we can't stay in the Dagan Dynasty anymore."

   That Mingzun glanced at Tang Kong Liudao.

   "As long as the master takes action, then the disciple will follow the master and go to the underworld!" Tang Kong Liu said.

"it is good!"

   Hearing this, Ming Zun showed a smile on his face.

   His disciple has always wanted to become the Emperor of the Dagan Dynasty, but he refused to go to the Underworld with him.

   But now he puts aside the obsession of becoming the Emperor Qian, and agrees to follow him to the underworld, of course he is very happy.

   The next day!

   Dongchengkou of the Dagan Dynasty, a group of Zhengyijiao remnants were all crushed on the field.

  Many warriors of the Dagan Dynasty gathered in the periphery of the field.

   Within one day yesterday, the news of the Money Gang had spread throughout the Dagan dynasty.

  While this surprised them, they dared to come to the dynasty quickly, wanting to see this duel.

   On the sitting stage of the dharma grounds, people at the level of the heads of the nine power institutions sit in it.

   At this time, the heads of the nine power institutions of the Dagan Dynasty were all replaced. They were not the princes of the Dagan Dynasty, but were unified by the nine powers of the realm.

   Nine domain realm nine-tier powerhouses showed up together to show the strength of the Dagan Dynasty.

   Sitting among them is Tang Chong, the nineteenth prince of the Dagan Dynasty.

   He is the executor this time, beside him are the head of the Takebu and the palace head of Wenfu.

  The palace lord of Wenfu, an old man with white hair and white beard. Although the old man has an old face, his eyes are fierce.

   Tang Chong looked at the Zhengyi Sect disciple who had been stripped of his cultivation on the field, and said softly to the old man beside him: "Old Fu, do you think Xiao Qiushui and the people behind him will appear today?"

   Tang Chong was a little worried that Xiao Qiushui and the others would not show up, so he couldn't get revenge.

   "His Royal Highness, if they don't show up, then this force is not a concern. We can completely destroy the Money Gang and the Power Gang!"

   The old man said coldly.

   This time the disciples who openly understood Zhengyijiao are hoping to draw out that Xiao Qiushui and the forces behind him.

   This is to show off the horses and horses to show their strength.

   If the other party is not timid, then this force will not be able to come to the table at all, so it is not a concern at all, they will directly attack the money and power help.

   Not far from the field.

   In a towering pavilion.

   Tang Yin, the third prince wearing a yellow robe, stared at the field closely, and beside him was the Sect Master Ouyang Zheng of the Demon Sect of No Desire.

   Zongzheng and Tang Kongliu, the second prince, stood behind them.

   They are all waiting for Xiao Qiushui's arrival.

   step! tread!

   Two footsteps came in from outside, the third prince Tang Yin, who was in the pavilion, looked happy and immediately turned and opened the door of the pavilion.

   walked into two men who were also wearing yellow robes from outside.

The man headed by    has short hair, which is as hard as a needle.

  His face is resolute, and his eyes show a domineering domineering look like a king.

   The face of the man behind him was a little thin, but the breath on his body was also sharp and domineering.

   These two people are the first prince and the second prince of Dagan.

   "Three brothers, how long will the execution be!"

   After the first prince came in, he walked to the pavilion and looked at the execution ground in front of him.

   "Half an hour left!"

   spoke with Tang Yin who was beside him.

   "There is still half an hour, but the third brother, an unknown opponent, you will summon us from the secret room. It's a little fuss!"

   He looked at Tang Yin and said.

   "Big Brother, Wushuang, Zhi'er, Qing Yuanhou, and Murong Feng's are all related to them, so I just invite you guys just in case!"

   Tang Yin said The deaths of Tang Zhi and Wushuang are all related to this force! "

   The first prince's eyes condensed, and the cold light flashed in his eyes, and a strong suffocating aura, like the essence, floated out of his body.

   When he and the second prince received Tang Yin's notice, they only knew that they were going to deal with an unknown force. They were not clear about the specific situation.

   Now that he heard Tang Yin say this, he rushed to the point where things were not easy.

   "Tell us about the specific situation!"

   The first prince said in a deep voice.

   Tang Yin immediately informed the First Prince of the recent events in the Dagan Dynasty.

   The first prince's complexion suddenly condensed, judging from all the signs, this power is really not simple.

   "It seems that this force is planning to plot my dynasty, I really want to see it!"

The second prince beside    spoke.

   But there was a strong killing intent in the words.

   the other side!

   Su Hao brought Wu Mengsheng and others into the capital, and found a restaurant not far from the execution ground, and was standing in the pavilion looking at the execution ground.

   "This time the royal lineup is not bad, I don't know who are the strong ones hiding in the surrounding area!"

   "Qiu Shui, after a while, you, empty me, and Lian Bin, the three of them will go to the execution ground, and they will meet the people of the dynasty for a while!"

   Su Hao looked at Xiao Qiu Channel.

   "Subordinates know!"

   Xiao Qiushui nodded immediately. As for Kong, Lian Bin and I seemed a little excited.

   This time they took the second shot, but they wanted to play the two men out.

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