Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 558: The 3rd Venerable White Lotus

   Another place, under Putuo Mountain.

   A woman wearing a white dress with jade skin and long blue silk hair draped around her waist, walking slowly on the mountain road leading to Putuo Palace.

  The woman has a stunning face, which is mixed with holiness and coquettishness, giving people a sense of awe and worship, and wanting to be close.

   Behind her are two women who are also wearing white skirts.

   These two women exuded a chill, which made people feel shivering when they approached.

   The three of them seemed extremely slow, but they soon came to Putuo Palace.


  Putuo Palace guard disciple saw the three of them, and was about to step forward to inquire about interception.

   But when I saw the face of the leading woman.

   suddenly his complexion became obsessed, his eyes became trance, and he slowly returned to where he stood before.

   The three of them didn't care about the guard at the door, and walked towards the Putuo Palace step by step.

   Along the way, as long as the disciples of the Putuo Palace appear in front of them, their expressions become demented, as if they are in a dream.

   The three of them walked to the front of the Putuo Palace, before stopping, looking at the palace with the statue of Putuo in front of them.

  In the palace

  The three palm teachers of Putuo Palace are sitting cross-legged.

   The aura of Jiang Wuhen's body is thick, as if he has stepped into the realm of real self.

   He was afraid of the majesty of the Emperor before, and he dared not step into the real self.

   Now that the Dagan dynasty has destroyed Zhengyi Sect, he has a sense of crisis. Just in case, he piles up Putuo Palace's resources to step into the real self.

   "Big brother, I didn't expect that Lu Fuchen's disciple of Zhengyi Sect would turn out to be a member of the Money Gang. It is really unexpected. It is a bit wrongful that Zhengyi Sect was destroyed!"

   The second instructor Feng Haoyue said in a deep voice.

   "Today, the Dagan dynasty used Zhengyi to teach hundreds of remaining disciples and forced Xiao Qiushui to show up. I don't know if he will show up, and whether the money gang will take action!"

   is the third hand teacher Duan Hanlin Dao on the side.

   He really wants to go to the capital to see the battle between the Dagan Dynasty and the Money Gang today.

   But he was stopped by the first instructor Jiang Wuhen and didn't let him go to the capital.

   "After today, no matter what, the Dagan Dynasty will be surging, all we have to do is to protect the Putuo Palace!"

   Jiang Wuhen spoke without speaking.

   Now their Putuo Palace is the second largest school of Righteous Path. Once something happens, they are the first to be among them.

   Outside the palace.

   After watching for a while, the woman in white walked slowly towards the main gate of the palace

   When I walked to the entrance of the main hall, a white light suddenly appeared in the main hall of Putuo Palace, blocking the woman in white from the palace.

   In the hall, the first master teacher of Putuo Palace, his complexion changed abruptly.

   This main hall is the place of the Putuo Palace, with a defensive array. Now the defensive array is touched and someone has come uninvited.

   The other two also glanced at each other, and they felt it too.

   "Let’s meet this uninvited guest!"

   Jiang Wuhen stood up slowly, and walked towards the outside of the palace, followed by Duan Hanlin and Feng Haoyue.

   Outside the hall!

   The white-clothed woman looked at blocking her white light, frowned slightly, and gently stretched out her white palm.

   The palm of his hand gently pressed against the white light, trying to shatter the white light screen.

   "Your Excellency came here uninvited, why is it?"

   Just as his palm was about to press on the light shield, a voice came from the hall.

   Then the white light rising in the palace disappeared.

   Jiang Wuhen walked out of the hall with the other two people.

   Looking at the three people who appeared, the white-clothed woman spoke indifferently: "This seat, the third master of the White Lotus Sacred Sect of the Fire Territory, Lian Qingxue, come to visit Zhangjiao Jiang!"

   "White Lotus!"

   Hearing this, Jiang Wuhen's complexion changed when he stepped out of the palace.

   They didn't expect that people from the White Lotus Sect would come to their Putuo Palace, and it was still a Venerable.

   "Lord Pity, I don’t know why I came to my Putuo Palace?"

   Jiang Wuhen suppressed the shock in his heart and said.

   "Putuo Palace surrendered to the White Lotus Sacred Church!"

   The white-clothed woman had a cold expression, with a domineering tone in her tone that could not be denied.

   "Wonder! Haughty, I want to see if you have that strength!"

   Duan Hanlin, who was behind Jiang Wuhen, heard the words, his whole body quickly rose, and he took the lead in taking the shot.

   "Putuo is here."

   Duan Hanlin clasped his hands together, and a terrifying qi emerged from his body, forming a huge Putuo figure behind him.

   Putuo's figure is dignified and grand.

   But at this time Putuo has angry eyes, like a angry King Kong.

   The moment Duan Hanlin appeared in Putuo, he jumped and slapped the woman with a palm.

   At the moment he slapped his palm, the figure of Putuo behind him raised his hand, and the huge palm moved toward the woman in white to suppress it.

  The horror palm power spreads around, giving people a sense of extreme strength.

   Duan Hanlin's shot did not retain his hands at all, and the strength of the Domain Realm Nine Layers was fully demonstrated.

  The intention of the White Lotus Sect is very obvious, it is to subdue them Putuo Palace, let them surrender Putuo Palace, but how is this possible.

   "Huh! Overpowering!"

   The woman in white snorted coldly, raised her right hand, a white jade hand appeared, and then gently pushed out a palm.

   A huge handprint appeared horizontally and patted Na Putuo's palm.

   The moment when the huge handprint was shot, the white jade turned to **** color, and it was full of blood.


   Between the collision of the palms, the blood-colored palm directly smashed Putuo's palm to Duan Hanlin's body flew upside down in an instant, hitting the wall of the main hall.

   The huge Putuo figure suspended behind him, quickly disintegrated like a piece of porcelain, and dissipated in the air.

   "If it's not useful to keep you, I will finish you with one palm!"

   The woman in white looked at Duan Hanlin who was flying out with a cold snort.

  The power of the White Lotus Sect in the Dagan Dynasty was destroyed. She was ordered to re-establish the White Lotus Sacred Sect before the Dagan Dynasty.

   And now the Dagan Dynasty is dealing with money and giving her almost, so she has to take this opportunity to subdue some sects and use them for the White Lotus Sect.


   did not shoot Jiang Wuhen and Feng Haoyue, both of them showed horror.

   Duan Hanlin's strength has stepped into the ninth realm, but he is not the enemy of this demon girl's one move.

   "My patience is limited, kill those who refuse to accept it!"

   The white-clothed woman looked at Jiang Wuhen and Feng Haoyue, with an indifferent killing intent in her eyes.

   is even more real-self realm dual aura erupted from his body.

   "The Real Self!"

   Jiang Wuhen was shocked when he saw this, and grabbed the seriously injured Duan Hanlin with a palm, and Feng Haoyue, who was beside him, retreated into the hall behind him.

   During the time of their main hall, an energy shield burst out instantly, protecting the main hall.

   "Since you are looking for death, then it will fulfill you!"

   The white-clothed woman looked indifferent, and her stern killing intent came from her voice.

   When the voice fell, the woman in white was so angry that she lifted her palm instantly.

   A huge handprint appeared above the palace.

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