Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 561: Zhuge Mu

   The ground rumbling, dust and smoke flying.

  While watching the warrior, no one thought that such a situation would happen. Originally thought that the three princes of the Dagan Dynasty would come forward.

   This battle should be over, but no one thought it would be the result.

   They looked at the white clothes behind Wuming, the white clothes fluttering, they looked like a gentle scholar.

When people like    appeared, they directly suppressed the three princes of the Dagan Dynasty.

  In the pavilion!

   Ouyang Zheng, the master of the Demon Sect of No Desire, looked at the Wumengsheng who appeared, his pupils tightened: "A strong man of the Eightfold True Self."

   At his peak, he has already entered the nine-fold existence of the real self.

   So he can feel Wumengsheng's strength.

   "The real world eightfold!"

   Tang Kong Liu, who was beside Ouyang Zheng, had a look of shock in his eyes.

   He didn't expect the other party to dispatch an eightfold real-self existence.

   "You should leave, the real world eightfold, unless your father rushes back, otherwise, no one in the Dagan Dynasty is his opponent!"

   Ouyang Zheng looked suddenly.

  The three princes are the strongest of the Dagan Dynasty.

   But in front of others, there is no power to fight back.

   So Tang Kongliu's best choice now is to leave.

   Tang Kongliu shook his head, staring closely at the execution ground.

   Now it looks very quiet on the execution ground.

   The three princes looked a little embarrassed, their expressions were extremely ugly, they just fell from the air, letting their majesty be destroyed.

   But the three of them were not injured. They stood up and looked at Wu Mengsheng.

   "The real me is eightfold, I didn't expect you to really value my Dagan dynasty. I want to know where you are from."

   the first prince asked in a deep voice.

   "I am from Fudo Hades. As for why I came, didn't you want us to show up?"

   A voice came from a distance.

   Then a figure appeared in front of several people, it was Su Hao, who had changed his face in Mo Wu.

   "See the young master!"

   Several people saluted Su Hao slightly at the same time.

   "Don't move the city of Hades!"

   The three princes looked startled, they didn't have to hear about the city of Hades.

   "Our dynasty did not offend the immortal city of Hades!"

   The first prince looked at Su Hao.

   "Money gang, power gang, don't you offend, you dynasty is always thinking of destroying them!"

   Su Hao looked at the three with sharp eyes.

   "If this is the case, it is normal for us to destroy the Dagan dynasty, and take action to eliminate them."

   Su Hao said coldly.

   The Emperor Qian of the Dagan Dynasty never showed up. One of his clones could kill the Sixth Layer of True Self.

   The real strength of the Emperor of the Qianhuang Dynasty of such a great dynasty will certainly not lose to the eightfold dreamless student of the real self.

   Hearing this, the three of them looked startled, Su Hao said that he didn't intend to let them go.


   When Wu Mengsheng received Su Hao's order, he stepped forward to get to know these three people.

  In the pavilion.

   Tang Kong Liu's eyes changed, and he immediately notified the Ming Zun in the void altar.

   Inside the altar, Mingzun opened his eyes: "The Eightfold True Self, in my heyday, I could be killed with one palm, but now I am afraid I can only defeat it!" He slowly stood up and muttered to himself.

   He agreed to Tang Kongliu, so he needed to shoot.

   just when he was about to step out of the altar.

   In the sky above the execution ground, a huge noise suddenly erupted, and then a terrifying breath suddenly descended.

   This breath is stronger than when Wumengsheng appeared.

   "If you want to destroy the Dagan dynasty, I am afraid that it is impossible to do it in the real world eighth, take me first and take a look!"

   A low voice sounded in the air. .

The sound of    fell, a fist pierced the void, and rolled up a force that ruined the world, and pressed toward the dreamless life with constant pressure.


   A punch that appeared suddenly, the fist's overbearing force can suppress everything.

   Wu Mengsheng's eyes condensed, he instantly moved Su Hao and others to the distance behind him, and then blasted out a punch.

   His fist was like a marvel, with a heavy feeling, and he put it together with that domineering fist.


   The two forces collided with an extremely strong force, sweeping towards the surroundings.

   Did not leave the Dagan Dynasty Prince and Lord Hou around them, instantly blown upside down by this force.

   Su Hao and the others were sent out by Wu Mengsheng, only to feel a violent anger passing through their faces.

   After a punch!

   The depths of the space burst open suddenly, and a figure leapt out from the bursting place, and gently fell on the ground.

   Su Hao stared at the figure, his eyes condensed.

   He thought it was the Emperor Qianhuang of the Dagan Dynasty, but he was not.

  Come here, about fifty and thin, his eyes are like falcons, and his body exudes a fierce breath.

   There was an invisible force flowing around him, as if anything approached this person, it would be dragged into the void by this force.

"who are you?"

   Su Hao stared at the visitor and asked, this person's strength had just been informed by Wu Mengsheng, the strength of the Eightfold Realm Realm.

   The strength is not much worse than him, and I am afraid that the fight will also hurt both sides.

   "Da Luozong, Zhuge Mu!"

  The visitor looked at Su Hao, and said with confidence and domineering in his tone. .

   "Da Luo Zong!"

   heard what Zhuge Mu said.

  The three princes of the Dagan Dynasty showed surprises on their After refining the Void Throne, the Emperor Qian became a direct disciple of Daluozong.

   This Zhuge Mu was not sent by Qianhuang, but a master invited.

   "Da Luozong, that's how it is!"

   Su Hao suddenly understood.

   Qianhuang became a direct disciple of Da Luozong, and it is normal for Da Luozong disciples to come to rescue.

   "I know who I am, you guys don't get out yet!"

   Zhuge Mu looked at Su Hao, his eyes moved with killing intent, Su Hao's realm is the second level, in his eyes it is an ant.

   Now in the entire execution ground, except Wumengsheng, who are all ants, he can kill anyone he wants to kill.

   Of course the reason why he is so rampant.

   Mainly because Su Hao's strength was too low, even if Wu Mengsheng blocked him, he could kill the young master in their eyes.

   "Do you want to manage this matter?"

   Su Hao's face became cold, and he said in a deep voice.

   Although Da Luozong is very strong, but Zhuge Mu is so rampant in front of him, he can't bear it.

   "Well, there is a system task!"

   There was a slight smile on Su Hao's face.

   When Zhuge Mu saw Su Hao and the others, he did not retreat, with a smile on his face.

  'S face suddenly became cold, and he suddenly shot and blasted out a punch.

  If you don't go, then force you to go.

   This fist was infuriating, penetrating through layers of space, and shrouded in Su Hao like a thunder.

   Wu Mengsheng in front of Su Hao, his eyes condensed, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Su Hao, slapped out his palm, and collided with the bombarding fist.

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