Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 569: Fight Xiaohu, the mission appears

The arm of the coquettish woman that    saw exploded, and Xiao Hu's eyes flashed with cold light.

   He lifted one hand, a burst of vigor emanated from his hand, and sucked the shocked woman to his side

   "Lianxiangxiyu who doesn't understand at all!"

   Xiao Hu looked at the woman's broken arm and said in a low voice. .

   The glamorous woman's face was pale, a puff of true energy wrapped around her broken arm to prevent the blood from flowing out, her eyes looked at Su Hao sullenly.

   Can't wait to peel Su Hao cramps.

   Body and appearance are the things women care about most. Su Hao suddenly makes people disabled, and everyone will resent him.

   "You surprised me a lot. A territorial triple-level warrior, unexpectedly defeated my two domain-level fourth-tier and fifth-tier warriors. Your background is very extraordinary!"

   Xiao Hu stepped forward, staring at Su Hao closely, he became interested in Su Hao.

   "Xiao Hu, one of the main disciples of the Xiao family!"

   Su Hao looked at Xiao Hu, his eyes condensed slightly. Although Xiao Hu, like the brawny, only has the quadruple realm of the realm, it can give him a sense of oppression.

   This Xiao Hu's background is extraordinary, and the disciple of the Xiao family's main line is indeed much better than the others.


   Hearing this, Xiao Hu's expression changed. He didn't expect Su Hao to know his identity.

   Knowing his identity, dare to stop him here, the other person is not good.

  The green-robed old man beside him wrinkled his eyes, and his divine sense instantly spread to the surroundings, wanting to see if there were other people in ambush around him.

   "There is no need to investigate, there is no need to hide anyone around, your opponent is only me."

   Su Hao said softly.

   This time he didn't intend to use it, Wumengsheng, empty me and others.

   After stepping into the territorial triple level of strength, he also began to need to gradually fight to improve his strength.

   Xiao Hu is one of his chosen targets!

   He wanted to see how his strength reached.

   Of course, Xiao Hu has the hole cards, and Su Hao also has the hole cards.

   "Well, the system task has been triggered!"

   Su Hao listened to the task of the system, but his face was calm.


   There was a hesitation in Xiao Hu's eyes. He looked at the old man in green robe beside him and nodded slightly.

  The old man next to him, the power of the nine layers of realm realm was instantly displayed, and his whole body was soaring to the sky, rolling in true energy, overwhelming, and swept towards Su Hao.

   But at this moment, countless blood-colored rattans suddenly appeared under his feet, and the rattans instantly wrapped the old man in the green robe.

   all his aura burst out within a certain range.

   was originally so innocent and ended in shock.

   The brawny man and the coquettish woman with a broken arm also appeared blood-devouring vines around them, wrapping them up.

   Su Hao and Xiao Hu were left on the official road for a while.

   "I really want to see Young Master Xiao's strength, so other people still don't interfere with us for the time being!"

   Su Hao said softly.

  While speaking, he stepped towards Xiao Hu, the long sword in his hand disappeared.

   Golden and flame-like infuriating energy emerged in his body.

   Then a huge golden figure and the figure of Brahma Erawan were revealed at the same time.

   These two forces appeared, and a storm formed around instantly, flying sand and rocks, and trees soaring.

   That Xiao Hu looked at the blood-devouring devil's vine next to the old man in the green robe, where he felt the terrifying aura from the blood-devouring devil's vine.

   his eyes condensed, but then a fierce color burst out of his body.

"who are you?"

   he asked in a deep voice.

   While he was speaking, the blood of evil spirits from his body soared into the sky, and quickly condensed into a bell shape, protecting himself against the engulfing storm of energy.

   "Don't move Hades, Su Hao!"

   "Don't move the city of Hades!"

   Xiao Hu's eyes condensed, he didn't expect that he would meet someone who didn't move the city of Hades here.

   "We seem to have no grievances!"

   Xiao Hu looked at Su Hao intently.

   "There is no grievance, but it doesn't matter whether there is grudge or grievance in the affairs of the world!"

   Su Hao's voice was very calm, and his aura began to rise again, but he wanted to see Xiao Hu's final combat strength.

   Hearing this, Xiao Hu's face became cold: "Since you want to fight, then let me see the strength of Untouched Hades."

   The blood evil spirit behind him, condensed a giant tiger figure.

   What he cultivated was the Tiger Soul Heart Sutra of the Xiao family, and he took the path of strength.

   As soon as the devil tiger came out, a loud roar resounded throughout the world.

   "Strongly Demon Tiger Fist!"

   He clenched his fist, and the Demon Tiger immediately formed a thumping state behind him. With a punch, the Demon Tiger exploded with a huge blood evil spirit, which emerged and rushed towards Su Hao.

   With this flutter, the energy storm around Su Hao stopped instantly.

   The power that this demon tiger exploded was much stronger than the previous strong man tiger-shaped fist.

   "Don't move King Kong Fist!"

   Su Hao practiced in the early stage of body-refining exercises. His magical power is not bad, and his power is also extremely domineering.

   He clenched his fist, the golden phantom behind him instantly turned into a King Kong, and he slammed his fist towards the huge tiger.


   Two huge forces collided, and the two of them were shaken back several steps.

   Su Hao's eyes condensed, and the eight arms of the Brahma Buddha behind him suddenly began to seal.

The moments of peculiar runes appeared, forming a series of Sanskrit sounds and rushing towards Xiao As soon as the Sanskrit sounds came out, in Xiao Hu’s spiritual world, the figure of Brahma's Four-faced Buddha emerged on the sea of ​​his soul. Sora, as if to suppress his soul.

   His stature suddenly stagnates, the secret path is not good, and his stature retreats quickly.

   "The purple flame burns the sky!"

   When he backed away, he gave a low drink in his mouth, moved his hands, and a purple flame instantly covered his body.

   At the moment when the purple flame covered his body, a purple flame also appeared in his soul world. The purple flame turned into a vague figure, antagonizing the Brahma Four-faced Buddha.

   "Blood Devouring Battle Axe!"

   After suppressing Brahma's four-faced Buddha in the spiritual world, Xiao Hu showed a trace of cold sweat on his face, and a battle axe radiating **** light appeared in his hand.

   As soon as the battle axe appeared, with the support of his true energy, a terrifying light of blood evil broke out.

   Slashed directly at Su Hao's bombarding Fist Jin, and Fist Jin shattered.

   Su Hao's face condensed, and he raised his hand and pointed.

   "One finger moves the world!"

   A huge finger condensed from the air and pressed towards Xiao Hu.

   Xiao Hu let out a low roar and waved the battle axe in his hand. The giant axe and the giant finger instantly collided and noticed, and suddenly there was an earth-shattering noise.

After the sound of   , the huge fingers began to crack, and Xiao Hu's huge fingers burst out and shook back a few steps, his breath was a bit cold, and his breath was a bit chaotic.


   Xiao Hu's face condensed as he backed away, he didn't expect Su Hao to be so fascinating.

   The whole body's vitality burst again, rushing to the giant axe in his hand, and once again slashed towards Su Hao.

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