Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 571: Mu Cheng, Venerable White Lotus

   The capital of the Dagan Dynasty, in the palace.

   Sitting on the imperial chair, Tang Zhentian suddenly opened his eyes, and his figure suddenly appeared above the imperial palace. Beside him, two great Luo sects also appeared beside him.

   "It was a disciple of the Xiao family just now, the phantom of the ancestor of the Xiao family who evolved bloodline!"

   "Could it be possible that the disciples of the Xiao family's main line came to my dynasty, so who else did they fight against?"

   Qianhuang condensed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

   The Da Qian Dynasty was previously attached to the Xiao family, and the Emperor Qian was very familiar with the power fluctuations caused by the evolution of the Xiao family’s bloodline.

   Just now there was energy in the sky, which was produced by the evolution of the blood of the disciples of the Xiao family

   "Who makes them use the power of bloodline evolution?"

   Qianhuang groaned in his mouth.

   "Junior Brother, don't worry, even if someone from the Xiao family ancestors shows up, they won't easily offend Da Luozong!"

   was wearing a middle-aged man beside him and said.

When the middle-aged man was speaking, his eyes also looked at the place where the phantom energy had just appeared, and his face also had a dignified look: "However, this kind of blood evolution of the Xiao family is very powerful. The stronger the blood, the more power it exerts. The stronger."

   "Xiao Lieyan, the third line of the Xiao family, has arrived from the Xiao family. We need to meet in three days. We need to deal with it best. Also, for the immovable Hades and the Bailian Sect, Junior Brother needs to pay attention to it!"

   Another thin man with a long sword on his back said.

   does not move the city of Hades, he has no impression, but the other party can control the money gang and the power gang, which means that it may control the third force, so he has to pay attention.

   As for the White Lotus, it is even more difficult.

   exists in every domain, but some have developed, and some have been suppressed and have no room for survival.

   The white lotus religion in the Da Luo domain is the suppressed existence.

   Of course, that is because Da Luo Zong is very strong in Da Luo domain. As soon as the White Lotus Sect appears, it will send out a thunderous blow.

   But it can also be seen that the white lotus religion is unusual.

   "Thank you two brothers!"

   The Emperor Qian thanked him, and then the three returned.

   At this time, after Su Hao successfully used the Golem Puppet Technique to control the four, Su Hao also deliberately inspected the souls and bodies of the four.

   didn't notice any strangeness, but Su Hao mainly had a strange idea, and they would fully implement their own wishes.

   "This golem puppet technique is a bit afraid!"

   Su Hao exclaimed in his heart.

   Inside the carriage.

   Su Hao said: "Xiao Hu, why did you come to the Dagan Dynasty, and why are you going to the capital now?"

"Lord, I came to the Dagan Dynasty mainly to find the murderer who killed my furnace Ding Xiao Yao. As for going to the capital, it is because the third flame ancestor will come to the Dagan Dynasty, so I will go ahead. Go and make peace with him!" Xiao Hu replied immediately.

   "The flame ancestor of the Xiao family, what realm is his strength!"

   Su Hao has seen the avatar of the Xiao family's flame ancestor last time, in the sixth realm of the real self, but he doesn't know about it.

   "The ancestor of the flames is now the ninth level of the true self. If you use the blood power, you can reach the first level of the cave sky, or even higher!"

   Xiao Hu pondered for a moment and said.

   "With the help of blood, I can step into the first stage of the cave world!"

   Su Hao's eyes condensed, his current hand, the strongest is Yan Guiren, which can defeat the existence of the first layer of the cave.

   Of course, the Yan Guiren who was not forbidden to kill Dongtian Yizhong had no difficulty at all.

   "Is that so?"

   Su Hao's eyes narrowed.

   The capital of the Dagan Dynasty now has two powerhouses above the real self level. With the addition of the flame ancestors, he seems a little dangerous.

   Su Hao decided not to follow Xiao Hu to the capital.

   "When you arrive in the capital, someone will contact you. Then, if there is any situation, let me know in time!"

   Su Hao pondered for a while and said.

   Although Su Hao enslaved Xiao Hu, the Xiao family, after all, the master of the fire domain, has a profound background.

   Once you find that something is wrong with Xiao Hu, if you have the way to contact him, then you may be able to trace Su Hao through an item at that time.

   Su Hao didn't feel that he could challenge the Xiao family now.

   So he decided to let Xueyilou contact Xiao Hu alone, and finally let Gong Ziyu pass the information to himself.

   In his eyes, he believes most, and he is the character who came out of the system.


   Xiao Hu bowed his head.

   Su Hao jumped out of the carriage. He is now going to the Immortal Demon Sect to see Hua Rongyue, the sacred church of White Lotus.

   After Su Hao and Xiao Hu left, he immediately notified Gong Zi Yu and asked him to get in touch with Xiao Hu after he entered the capital.

   He is returning to Mingcheng. He is going to make a teleportation array and go to the Lingnan region where the gate of the unmistakable is located.

   an hour.

   Su Hao appeared in Mingcheng, simply ate something, and went to the teleportation formation of the Dagan Dynasty, but the teleportation formation here did not reach Lingnan Mansion.

   Su Hao can only go to Mu's house for transit first.

   It took hundreds of spiritual stones before Su Hao sat on the teleportation formation. The teleportation formation was very fast and soon arrived at Mu's Mansion.

   Mu in Mu's Mansion is a surname, but the name of an aristocratic family in the Dagan Dynasty.

   This aristocratic family is the strongest in the Dagan dynasty, a bit better than the aristocratic family of the royal capital.

   Otherwise, the name of this family will not be directly used as the name of a house.

The central city of    Mu Mansion is Mu City, and the Teleportation Array is set up in Mu City.

   When Su Hao came out of the teleportation formation In a teleportation formation not far away from him, walked out a woman wearing a purple dress.

   The woman wears a veil on her face, but it is difficult to stop her from attracting everyone's attention.

   "A person of the White Lotus Cult?"

   Su Hao looked at the woman in the purple dress, his eyes condensed, and he said in his heart.

   He felt the breath of Ye Qingyao's practice from the opponent.

   "Why do people from the White Lotus Sect appear in Mucheng?"

   Su Hao was puzzled, but did not investigate too much.

   Su Hao couldn't perceive the opponent's cultivation base. It was obvious that the opponent's strength was above him. He was afraid that probing would attract the opponent's attention.

   Su Hao left the teleportation tower with everyone.

   After the woman in the purple skirt stepped out of the teleportation formation, she got into a carriage that had already been outside.

   Su Hao followed in the backyard.

   The carriage stopped outside a house. The woman in purple skirt got out of the carriage and knocked on the door of the house gently.

   An old slave opened the door of the house, saw the woman in the purple skirt, bowed and bowed slightly, and said softly: "Your Honor, Master Hierarch is waiting for you in the courtyard!"

   Not far away, Su Hao, who was really listening eavesdropping, couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

   The woman in the purple skirt turned out to be a venerable, and the house was actually a leader, but Su Hao guessed that it might be a vice leader.

   "It would be good if the young man was there, maybe you can control the plants and explore the situation inside!"

   Su Hao couldn't help but think of Shao Si Ming.

   "When the affairs of the Dagan Dynasty are resolved, I will go to the Dazhou Dynasty!"

   Su Hao said in his heart.

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