Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 573: Mu Jia Mu Henxi


   Na Mu Zhongshan's eyes condensed, he didn't feel the breath of someone in the void.

   "It seems that I came with you, and I don't know who it is, but I was able to evade my blow!"

   He looked at Ximen Ziyue.

   Ximen Ziyue's brows were also frowned, she thought back, but she didn't find any trace of being tracked.

   "I can't remember for a while."

   Ximen Ziyue shook his head and said.

   "He will always show up, do your business, let Na Mu Henxi surrender to you as soon as possible, if the other party comes for the Mu's family, I think you will meet him, and get rid of him at that time!"

   Mu Chongshan said.


   Ximen Ziyue bowed and exited the pavilion.

   Just now, Su Hao's strength, she has already clearly sensed the triple strength of the realm.

   Although the escape method is a bit weird, if she encounters it again, she can get rid of Su Hao by herself.

   After Ximen Ziyue exited the pavilion, Mu Chongshan said in a deep voice, "Come here!"

   At the moment his voice fell, the old slave retired and walked into the pavilion.

"Contact Hua Rongyue, within three days, you must win the Immortal Demon Sect and integrate other demon sects. It will be detrimental to me if the time is too long. Also contact the Second Venerable Shui Rousong to investigate the immortal city of Hades. Exploring, there are clues."

   He ordered in a deep voice.

   "Yes, your subordinates go to inform immediately!"

   The old slave saluted and exited the pavilion.

   Mu Chongshan is showing solemn contemplation.

   Dagan Dynasty, the capital battle.

   The immovable Hades that appeared, made Bailian Shengjiao feel a slight threat.

   The other party is also planning a great dynasty, which is consistent with their goals.

   They Bailian Sheng taught the Dagan Dynasty mainly for the invisible dynasty luck of the Dagan Dynasty.

   The White Lotus Sacred Sect has a sacred cauldron, which is very peculiar. As long as they destroy a dynasty of the White Lotus Sect, a drop of special energy can be condensed within that saint.

   Of course, the dynasty is weak, and the power that is gathered is relatively small.

   This condensed energy can enhance the strength of the martial artist.

   So Bailian Shengjiao has always been doing things to subvert the dynasty, whether it is a big dynasty or a small dynasty.

   Of course, the efficacy of this sacred cauldron can only be known within the Bailian Sacred Cult, at the rank of the deputy leader.

   The Dagan Dynasty is one of the three major dynasties in the Fire Region, with strong luck, once it is destroyed.

   Then the energy within the saint cauldron will inevitably condense extraordinary.

   Then he will be given a lot of energy, so he will not tolerate any failures and opponents.

   Mucheng, in a remote corner.

   Su Hao figured out from the void.

   He is now going to find clues about Mu Hengxi from the Mu family.

   Looking at a restaurant not far away, Su Hao stepped into it. There are a lot of people here, and I should be able to hear some news about Mu's house and Mu's house.

   Su Hao found a place to sit in the lobby of the inn at random.

   After a while, Xiao Er appeared in front of Su Hao, bowed and said, "What does the guest officer need?"

   "Bring you the best side dishes and wine in your store, and ask you something by the way."

   Su Hao then threw a silver coin to Xiaoer.

   Xiaoer took Yinzi with a look of excitement on his face, and said, "What does the guest officer need to ask?"

   "Mu's family hates Master Xi, where does he live?"

   "Mu Family Mu hates Young Master Xi, he, in a Mu family manor ten miles outside the city, he rarely enters the city!"

   "The young master of the Mu family is very useless in the Mu family, so he has always lived outside the city. If you want to see him, follow this road, leave the city gate, and walk three miles away!"

   Xiaoer finished speaking, and gave Su Hao directions.

   "Outside the city, a young master of waste wood, okay, I know, let's prepare food!"

   Su Hao waved his hand, let Xiao Er go down to prepare wine and food.

   After drinking and eating, Su Hao walked out of the inn.

   The moment Su Hao walked out of the inn, the shopkeeper of the inn glanced at Su Hao, and then gave an order to a shopkeeper.

   The small shop entered the back hall.

   The Mu Family has been able to stand in the Mu Mansion for so many years because the Mu Family has established countless spies in the entire Mu City.

   As long as there is news of Mu's family, the Mu's family will know immediately.

   So he left after Su Hao probed Mu Henxi, he was actually remembered by the Mu family.

   Su Hao stepped out of the inn and headed out of the city.

   He is going to meet that Mu Henxi, only when he sees Mu Henxi can he destroy the Bailian Sacred Plan.

  Outside the city!

   Within the Mu Family Manor.

   Mu Henxi, dressed in white, was holding a long sword, sitting in the pavilion, a sword aura poured into the long sword in his hand.

   The long sword made a crisp sound under the nourishment of his sword aura.

  Mu Hengxi, he is different from what outsiders know, he is the genius of the Mu family's swordsmanship.

   What he practiced is that kendo is a kind of ruthless kendo, abandoning all his feelings.

   In order to let him practice kendo with peace of mind, the Mu family has not disturbed Mu Henxi.

   That's why there are such rumors from the outside world.

   When Su Hao came here, the woman in purple skirt Ximen Ziyue also came to this Mu's manor.

   She changed into a white dress, and the veil on her face was also removed, and she felt like a lotus in the water.

   Although Ximen Ziyue is the fourth sage of the White Lotus Sacred Sect, his strength is only in the Ninth Level of the Realm Realm, and he has not stepped into the real self.

   Of course, it's not that she is not talented, but that she is the youngest of the four sages.

   As long as she is given a certain amount of time, she can step into the real world.


   is holding the long sword Mu Henxi, as if he has noticed someone coming, his figure is not moving, but there is an invisible sword aura coming towards the place where Ximen Ziyue settled.

   "I came here admiringly, is this how Mr. Mu's hospitality is!"

   Ximen Ziyue lightly waved, the sword energy that enveloped her quietly dispersed, and her figure fell in front of Mu Henxi.

"you are?"

   Looking at the falling Simon Ziyue, Mu Henxi's eyes moved slightly.

   When his eyes moved slightly, a smile appeared on Simon Ziyue's face. When this smile came out, it was a fascinating smile.

   An invisible spiritual force headed towards the sea of ​​Mu Henxi's Spiritual Consciousness.

   At the moment when this invisible spirit entered Mu Henxi's spirit to know the sea, Mu Henxi The long sword in his hand suddenly burst out with a sharp sword aura.

   "The demon girl, dare to ruin my kendo heart!"

   Mu Henxi coldly snorted, and the long sword in his hand snapped out in an instant.

   Shocking Sword Qi instantly filled the sky, Su Hao, who was daring to come, felt this sword aura before he arrived at the Mu Family Manor.

   His eyes condensed, and his figure galloped out. From the conversation of the white lotus teacher, he knew that Mu Henxi of the Mu family was a master of kendo.

   "It's so anxious, are you coming to Mu Henxi now?"

   Su Hao shook his head, his figure quickened.

   "Hmm! I was not affected by my charm!"

   When Ximen Ziyue saw Mu Henxi drawing his sword, his eyes condensed.

   But the smile on his face opened again, and his figure suddenly turned into countless petals, which were scattered throughout the courtyard.

   Suddenly in Mu Henxi's eyes, the house he was in changed.

   A series of gorgeous figures floated in front of him.

   These figures all exude a charming smile, and they smile, giving people a sense of penetration.

   He immediately closed his eyes and calmed his mind. An extremely cold feeling burst out from behind him.

   His eyes opened again, and his eyes were like a pool of stagnant water. The long sword in his hand seemed to be unaffected, and it was cut towards the surroundings.

   After the sword light passed, Mu Henxi's vision seemed to disappear.

   But at this time, Simon Ziyue appeared in front of her silently, and a finger lightly touched his skull.

   Suddenly a peculiar energy poured into Mu Henxi's mind from his fingers.

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