Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 575: The puppet Simon Ziyue, Hua Rongyue asks for help

   Just as Su Hao and the others left, a man about fifty years old in a robe with golden stripes was walking into the courtyard hurriedly.

   This man has a rough face, but his face shows a sense of majesty. It seems that he is a strong man who has been at the top for a long time.

   After he entered the courtyard, he saw Mu Henxi who was standing still.

   At this time, Mu Henxi was fighting against the power of Simon Ziyue remaining in his spiritual sea.

After waiting for a while, he found that there were more and more beads of sweat on Mu Henxi's face. Seeing this situation, the man's complexion was condensed, and a huge fist burst into his body, which instantly poured into Mu Henxi's body. .


   At the moment when this fist intent poured into Mu Henxi, a sharp sword intent appeared on Mu Henxi who was originally standing.

   The moment when the sword intent burst out, a sword intent that radiated this bright light suddenly condensed in Mu Henxi's mind.

   Although this sword intent is bright, it reveals a cold chill.

   A chilly breath left Simon Ziyue in his mind and tore apart the mental attack package.

Mu Henxi slowly opened his eyes, and the whole appearance was a bit weak. He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and bowed forward and said: "Thank you for your help this time, otherwise, I may not be able to break through the other's mental attack. "

   "Do you know who the other person is?"

   The middle-aged man was the second uncle of Mu Henxi. Now Mu Yan, the head of the Mu family, and Mu Henxi’s father is the eldest of the Mu family. Mu Henxi died of a fate not long after he was born.

   "It should be a person of the White Lotus Cult!"

   Mu Henxi said.

   "They have come to deal with you. It seems that what the old man said is right. You clean up and come back to Mu's house with me. The old man wants to see you!"

   Mu Yan said.

   Mu Henxi nodded after pondering for a moment.

   Although he doesn't know what happened, he knows that he is not the opponent of the demon girl of Bailian Sect.

   But he was also a little curious in his heart, why the other party only shot once, but not doing it.

   Inside a bamboo forest, Su Hao put Ximen Ziyue down.

   "See the master!" Ximen Ziyue said with a bow.

   At this time, Ximen Ziyue has been controlled by Su Hao, completely loyal to Su Hao.

   "Tell me about the White Lotus Sect!"

   Su Hao still has some interest in the white lotus religion.

   Ximen Ziyue informed Su Hao of all he knew about the White Lotus Sect.

   Ximen Ziyue, as one of the four great masters of the White Lotus Sect, knew more than Ye Qingyao.

"Unexpectedly, this white lotus religion has divisions in all major domains. The ultimate goal of the fire domain white lotus religion is to overthrow the three dynasties of the fire domain. As long as the three dynasties are overthrown, the white lotus sacred altar will issue a series of upgrades. Reward for strength!"

   Su Hao felt that this white lotus religion was a bit peculiar.

   But no problem was found.

   "This Mu Chongshan came to the Dagan Dynasty, is there anything else besides overthrowing the Dagan Dynasty?"

   "I also came to immobilize the city of Hades. He has sent the second master Shui Rousong to the money gang to see if he can find some clues to immobilize the city of Hades."

   Ximen Ziyue replied softly.

   Su Hao's eyes narrowed: "That Shui Rou sings what strength."

   "The double peak of the true self, step into the triple true self at any time!"

   "With such strength, neither the Money Gang nor the Power Gang can resist!"

   Thinking of this, Su Hao immediately thought of entering the Fudo Hades City, and notified Kongme and Lian Bin who were practicing in Fudo Hades, and asked them to return to the Money Gang to deal with the Shui Rousong.

   "You go back first and figure out how to deal with Namu Zhongshan. If you can't handle it, you contact me and I will find someone to directly end him!"

   Su Hao looked at Ximen Ziyue.

   Ximen Ziyue's face showed melancholy when he heard the previous words.

   But Su Hao's words left her eyes wide open. Mu Chongshan is a powerhouse of the sixth level of true self.

   It seems that in the eyes of Su Hao, the power of the sixth level of the real world can handle it at any time.

   "Subordinates understand!"

   Ximen Ziyue showed a smile on his face, put on a veil, jumped and left quickly.

   [The host completes the plan to hinder the Venerable White Lotus, rewards 200,000 sign-in points, and a 4th-level crystal lottery card! 】

   "I now have 2 level 4 crystal lottery cards on my body. I have time to draw a wave. I hope that there will be a character card!"

   Su Hao thought to himself.

   Then Su Hao's face changed and turned into another face.

   Looking at his changing face, Su Hao couldn't help but think: "I'm almost becoming the King of Variety Stars!"

   changed his face, Su Hao also changed into a brocade suit, and walked towards Mu Cheng again.

   He was going to take the teleportation array first, and head to the Immortal Demon Sect to solve the Huarongyue.

   At this time, under the mountain of the immortal demons.

   In a ruined temple, a purple figure sits on a futon, and a bunch of purple light clouded her body.

   After a while, the purple light cloud disappeared, revealing the appearance of Huarongyue.

   "Unexpectedly, Nie Xianghai's last blow would have caused me serious injuries. I am afraid that I will not be able to achieve the four-fold strength of the true self within half a month!"

   Hua Rongyue whispered in her mouth.

   "However, Nie Xianghai has poisoned me. I am afraid that it is difficult to protect myself now. My dark hand in the immortal gate should have worked now!"

   A smile appeared on Hua Rongyue's face.

   In the Indestructible Demon Sect, she had already done a dark hand. According to the situation she arranged, the Indestructible Demon Sect should have been taken down by now.

   At this moment, a message was sent from her jade She opened it and frowned.

   "Nie Xianghai is dead, the Demon Lord of the Immortal Demon Sect has become Nie Xianghai's apprentice Pang Ban, these two wastes!"

   Seeing this news, Hua Rongyue yelled.

   The task that I was thinking about has been completed, but something has happened to me unexpectedly.

   "Xiao Lieyan of the Xiao family will reach the imperial city in three days. I must win the immortal gate within three days!"

   Hua Rongyue retracted the communication jade pendant, her eyes condensed.

   "The two guys are dead, and there are three powerful experts in the realm of the immortal demon gate. If they use the immortal demon orbs, they should have the strength of the first level of the true self. I am afraid they can stop the injured me!"

   "Just in case, I still ask the deputy leader for support!"

   Hua Rongyue immediately picked up the communication jade pendant, she wanted to contact Mu Zhongshan.

   Mu Cheng, Mu Zhongshan was looking at Ximen Ziyue coldly at this time.

   "You said that Mu Henxi was brought back to Mu's Mansion by Mu Yan!"

   asked Mu Zhongshan in a deep voice.

   "Yes, the deputy leader, I was about to do something against Mu Henxi, and that Mu Yan arrived, and then returned to Mu Mansion with Mu Henxi and never came out again. It seems to be guarding us!"

   Ximen Ziyue said.

   "This old guy, are you so cautious? I was careless!"

   Mu Chongshan's eyes were cold.

   At this moment, his teleportation jade pendant sounded, and after investigating, he said: "Hua Rongyue needs support, you go and help her complete the mission of the immortal gate!"

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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