Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 584: Qianhuang's plot

  Dagan Dynasty, inside the imperial palace

   After Tang Kongliu left, Emperor Qian stood up from the bed, a little sad between his eyebrows.

   At this time, Ouyang, the overlord of the Demon Sect of No Desire dressed in black, stepped into the hall and stood opposite to Emperor Qian.

   "Brother Zhentian, how are you thinking about it!" Ouyang Zheng said first.

   "What you are doing is too risky, I can't decide!" Qianhuang Tang Zhentian frowned.

"Brother Zhentian, doing anything is risky, not to mention that even if you don't deal with Xiao Lieyan, don't you think that using the Xiao family's third-line style of doing things will leave you in the Dagan dynasty? This is simply impossible. "

   Ouyang Zheng said in a deep voice:

   "Xiao Kuang lived and died in your dynasty, no matter what, the third family of the Xiao family thinks you did it!"

   "Now you have only one choice, and that is to hand over the Dagan Dynasty and take the Dagan Royal Family out of the fire area and go to Daluozong."

   After listening to Ouyang Zheng's words, Qianhuang Tangzhen's brows clenched.

   Indeed, as Ouyang Zheng said, the death of Xiao Kuangsheng, the third line of the Xiao family would definitely think that he had done it.

  The Dagan Dynasty has always been controlled by the Xiao family's third family. Tang Zhentian is very clear about the Xiao family's third family's style of doing things.

   The third line of the Xiao family, domineering and decisive, is the most ruthless line of the Xiao family.

   In the style of the third line of the Xiao family, the great dynasty can exist, but the position of the prince will inevitably be replaced by another family.

   That means that Tang Zhentian wants to leave the Dagan Dynasty with the Dagan Royal Family.

   "The royal family of Dagan is absolutely not to be lost!"

   Tang Zhentian shook his head and said.

   As one of the direct disciples of Da Luozong, he naturally understood Da Luozong's plan.

   wanted to use the Dagan Dynasty as a springboard to enter this realm of fire.

   Once he abandons the Dagan Dynasty, his position in Daluozong will be affected.

   Although he refines the Void Throne and has the opportunity to step into the cave world, there is really no shortage of masters in the cave world.

   Seeing Tang Zhentian shaking his head, Ouyang Zhen spoke again:

  "They sent Xiao Lieyan over, but they didn't give you a chance. Xiao Lieyan won't be the one who will inevitably come."

   "Although you are a direct disciple of Da Luozong, and there are masters of the cave world around you, you also know that the real strength of the Xiao family is not weaker than that of Da Luozong!"

   "The Xiao family really wants to deal with your royal family, you have no choice!"

   "What's more, the White Lotus Sect is also about to move in your Dagan dynasty. Now the Dagan dynasty will break down whenever there is a major disturbance. You don't think the White Lotus Sect is easy to deal with!"

   Ouyang continued to speak.

   "But once we let the Xiao family know that we were responsible for the heavy damage to Xiao Lieyan, the royal family of our Dagan dynasty might be annihilated."

   Tang Zhentian shook his head and said.

   "I know, but what if the person who intercepts Xiao Lieyan is from the White Lotus Cult?"

   Ouyang Zheng's voice appeared very low.

   Hearing this, Tang Zhentian's eyes narrowed: "Brother Ouyang, you want to use the White Lotus Sect."

   "Yes, this White Lotus Sect had a battle with the Xiao family back then, and its strength is not weak at all. If the people of the White Lotus Sect besiege Xiao Lieyan, Xiao Lieyan's death has nothing to do with your dynasty!"

   "But how come the people of the White Lotus Cult will take action?"

   "Don't worry about this, my clone is now the new master of the Demon Sky Sect!"

   "Although the people of Bai Lian Sect are dealing with the Immortal Sect, they also came into contact with the Demon Heaven Sect in private. After I showed my true self-level strength, Bai Sorrow, the deputy head of the White Lotus Sect, actually wanted to see me in person!

   "You said, is this an opportunity? Bai Sorrow is not known to others, but you and I know it. The strength of Bai Sorrow is the ninefold in the real world!"

   "If you cooperate with the amazing blow that you and I received back then, even if you can't kill Xiao Lieyan, it will definitely cause Xiao Lieyan to be seriously injured!"

   "But even if Xiao Lieyan is seriously injured, it will not have any effect on the result. I will not do it without full confidence!"

   Qianhuang stared at Ouyang Zhengdao tightly.

   To make a move, Xiao Lieyan couldn't leave alive.

   "So I want your brother to help us out together. In that case, Xiao Lieyan will never escape."

   Ouyang is looking at Tiandao in Qianhuang Tangzhen.

  Following Tang Zhentian, both of them are in the cave sky realm. As long as they can cooperate, Xiao Lieyan will die.

   "Don't hit the attention of my two brothers, they won't shoot."

   Tang Zhentian shook his head and said.

   "Is there no chance at all?"

   Ouyang Zheng was a little unwilling to ask.

   "My two seniors have a very high status in the Da Luo Zong. If they take action, they will probably provoke a battle between the Xiao family and Da Luo Zong. Do you think they will take action now?"

   Hearing this, Ouyang frowned and began to think.

   After a while, his eyes lit up and he said, "Maybe you can invite people who can't move the city of Hades!"

   The master who shot at Hades City that day, along with Bai Sorrow, he also shot with the Emperor Qian, Xiao Lieyan didn't have the same chance or escaped.

   Hearing this, Tang Zhentian's eyes were cold.

   Do not move the city of Hades, a force that secretly controls the money gang and the power gang.

   But he did a great deal of hidden dangers in the dynasty. He originally planned to deal with the affairs of the Xiao family and set out to deal with this immovable Hades.

   "Brother Ouyang, don't you know that my Dagan dynasty is grudges against Immovable Hades?"

   Tang Zhentian’s voice was very cold.

   "Of course I know, but Brother Zhentian, don't you! Don't you think this is an opportunity!"

   "My relationship with and Immovable Hades are not clear at all!"

"In this period, I have all the power to come forward. You don't have to be exposed at all. Once you join forces to kill Xiao Lieyan, then the Xiao family's anger can only be vented towards the Immortal King City and the White Lotus Sect. But it's a three-dimensional plan with one stone."

   Ouyang Zheng said in a deep voice.

   Hearing this, Qianhuang's eyes lit up, as if he understood Ouyang Zheng's meaning.

   "Okay, I agree!"

   Qianhuang said with a sharp look in his eyes.

   "In that case, I'll leave for the power gang immediately and contact the immovable Hades behind them!"

   Ouyang Zheng seemed very anxious, but the Demon Sect of No Desire was destroyed in the hands of the Third Family of the Xiao Family.

   just when Ouyang was leaving!

   Two figures appeared beside Qianhuang.

   "I have seen two seniors!"

   Qianhuang arched his hands slightly.

   "Zhentian, I haven't thought about how to face the Xiao family. Your friend gave such a gift. We can't miss this opportunity!"

   Beside him, the man carrying the long sword said in a deep voice.

   "Such an opportunity must not be missed. At that time, the two seniors will have to be troubled. After they have killed Xiao Lieyan, they will kill them!"

   "I think we give such a big gift to the Xiao family, and the Xiao family should give me a dynasty of great leaders!"

   Qianhuang carried his hands on his back, looked out the door and said in a deep voice.

   Qianhuangtang Zhentian thinks more than Ouyang Zheng.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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