
"Secondary Escape!"

Gong Hui's complexion changed when she saw that, her pupils condensed fiercely, and she shot a sharp glow.

Shao Siming blew himself up, but in her perception, Shao Siming was not dead.

"A little girl who can't reach the Heavenly Cave Realm still wants to escape in front of me. Do you have that ability?"

Gong Hui's eyes flickered with cold light, one hand opened the surrounding space, and the other stepped into the void.

In the void.

Gong Hui exudes an extremely cold breath.

The surrounding void, under this breath, instantly solidified.

A blue light burst into her eyes.

This blue light penetrated the void and directly bombarded somewhere.

"If you don't die under my blow, you will have a chance to survive!"

Gong Hui said coldly.

at this time!

Fengjing City, not far from Shizhixuan Mansion.

Inside a house.

The figure of Shao Siming appeared from this house.

There was a trace of horror on her face, the opponent's strength was too strong.

If it hadn't been for the death charm left by the young master, she had been horrified by the other party now.

"Who is that person?"

The Young Secretary murmured in his mouth.


At this moment, her heart suddenly rushed into palpitations, as if a danger was coming.

"She perceives here, I can't escape anymore!"

Shao Si secretly said in his heart.

At this time, her body has been locked, and her whole person is in a state of trembling.

In the void, a shocking energy bombarded.

When this energy is about to penetrate the void.

A huge pitcher plant suddenly appeared, swallowing the light directly.

After devouring that light, the Nepenthes once again concealed in the void.

Void headed.

Na Gonghui's eyes suddenly condensed, and a huge consciousness enveloped the void.

This divine sense set off a storm in the void, but there was no discovery.

"The person who shot is stronger than me!"

Gong Hui's mind condensed, her face changed, and her figure quickly disappeared into the void.

The opponent's strength is stronger than her, if you make another move, I'm afraid the opponent will make a move against her.

Return to the Dazhou Palace.

Within the palace palace.

Empress Da Zhou, there was a lingering fear at this moment, and the series of changes just made her calm down for a while.

"Auntie, don't worry, if an aunt takes action, that person will definitely not be able to run away!"

Gong Lingling said softly.

Young Siming's strength hadn't reached the Heavenly Cave Realm yet, and her aunt was a master of the Divine Stage Realm.

"I didn't expect Ru Meng to be someone else pretending to be someone else. I want to tell your Majesty immediately about this matter!"

There was a cold light in the beautiful eyes of the Queen of Great Zhou.

The Shao Si Ming entered the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he was definitely planning something, so he had to guard against it.

The voice fell, Gong Hui returned from the void.

Seeing Gong Hui appearing, Empress Da Zhou hurriedly asked: "Sister Gong Hui, is that person?"

"There is a master who is no weaker than me to protect that person, that person is not dead, and I haven't found her!"

Gong Hui said in a deep voice.

"Not weaker than your master, that means the opponent's strength."

There was a trace of horror in the beautiful eyes of the Queen of Great Zhou.

She knew Gong Hui's strength, she was a powerhouse in the Divine Stage Realm.

There was no such master in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

"The other party may have a plan for the Great Zhou Dynasty. With the strength of your Great Zhou Dynasty, there is no way to resist it!"

Gong Hui said.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, there were no experts in the round sea realm, so there were no masters against the gods.

"How can this be good?"

Empress Da Zhou showed a trace of panic and anxiety on her face.

The strong of the gods are powerful, but she knows very well that destroying the Great Zhou Dynasty is easy.

"The other party didn't directly use the master of the gods, it should be another plot, you don't have to worry too much!"

"If you are worried, maybe you can ask your family for help!"

Gong Hui looked at Empress Da Zhou and said.

"I have been expelled from the Jiang family, and the Patriarch will not help!"

Empress Da Zhou shook her head.

The family back then did not agree with her to marry the Majesty of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But under her insistence, the family side severed ties with her.

"Your brother, now he is the head of the Jiang family!"

Gong Hui said softly.

"I will report this matter to your majesty first, and let your majesty decide!"

Empress Da Zhou thought for a while.

Then she arranged for someone to entertain Gong Hui and Gong Lingling, but she herself went out of the palace and went to hold Zhou Huang.

Another place.

Inside the house.

Shao Si Ming felt that the breath disappeared, and a doubt appeared in his brow.

The murderous intent just now was terrifying, but now it suddenly disappeared.

"Contact the son first!"

Shao Siming's eyes were a little lost.

Now that her identity has been leaked, her previous layout in the Great Zhou Dynasty has been ruined.

Just when she was about to contact Su Hao.

Go to find that Su Hao has sent a message to her, saying that someone will come and take her away.

"It turns out that the young master helped me!"

The Young Master ordered him to understand why the murderous intent just disappeared.

When thinking in her mind.

The black and white figure slowly emerged from the ground.

Shao Si Ming was shocked.

"Girl Siming, the young master asked me to come and pick you up!"

Black and white must speak.

"Thank you, sir!"

Shao Si nodded.

at this time!

In Shi Zhixuan's house, in a pavilion, Su Hao's expression was a little gloomy.

I was also a little lucky.

When he entered the Great Zhou Dynasty, the black and white Jue beside him planted seeds under the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The Royal Palace is no exception.

Just now he sensed the danger of the young man's life, and shot to help the young man's life block Gong Hui's blow.

Only so that the young man did not fall.

"Gong Hui, I didn't expect you to intervene in the affairs of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

A cold light flashed in Su Hao's eyes.

Gong Hui almost killed the young man.

Even if they knew each other, Su Hao didn't plan to let Gong Hui go just like that.

at this time.

A gap appeared in the void, and Shao Si Ming walked out of the void.

"Meet Master"

Shao Siming saluted Su Hao slightly.

"It's fine if you don't get hurt!"

Seeing the Young Master who appeared in front of him intact, Su Hao felt a little relieved. He was worried that Young Master was injured just now.

"Thank you Young Master for your concern, I am fine, but my mission failed!"

Shao Si Ming said with a sigh.

"The one who dealt with you was a powerhouse of the gods, and it is normal for UU to see through www.uukanshu.com!"

Su Hao waved his hand.

Although his people have killed a lot of the powerhouses of the gods, they cannot deny the power of the powerhouses of the gods.

"Waiting for a chance, I will help you take revenge. Recently, you have been by my side!"

Su Hao said.

"Thank you young master!"

Shao Si Ming said respectfully.

"Shi Zhixuan, the matter of establishing the Yin Yang Family, now it's up to you to do it!"

Su Hao turned to Shi Zhixuan Dao on the side.

Shi Zhixuangui is the official book of the Criminal Ministry, and it should be very simple to get a place for the Yin and Yang family.

First establish the Yin-Yang Family, expanding the power of the Yin-Yang Family.

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