Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 802: Blood Element Devil Palace, Blood Cold Mountain

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"Blood curse!"

Su Hao looked at Mu Qingwan's **** rune, his eyes wrinkled slightly.

He almost knew now that Mu Qingwan was using Blood Moon Wine to suppress the blood curse on her.

"This Mu Qingwan seems to be from the Blood Origin Demon Palace, how could he be cursed with this kind of blood?"

Su Hao thought of it later, but he didn't plan to die.

Lifting one hand, a huge qi directly pressed on the **** rune.

The scarlet rune seemed to feel horror, and quickly returned to Mu Qingwan's body.

Just now because of the blood talisman riot, Mu Qingwan couldn't distract and pay attention to Su Hao.

But when Su Hao pressed the blood curse in his body just before he shot, Mu Qingwan's face was shocked.

She waved her neon dress robe on her body.

Looking at Su Hao not far away, Mu Qingwan didn't feel any embarrassment. Remember the URL m.xbequage. com

In her eyes, Su Hao is an absolute powerhouse.

She has no hands-on ability at all in front of Su Hao.

"I have seen the son!"

Mu Qing walked slowly to Su Hao, bowed and saluted.


Seeing Su Hao's eyes moved slightly, he didn't expect this Mu Qingwan to be so natural.

"I was a little curious just now that every cat can still play the piano, so just come and have a look!"

Su Hao said softly.

"Thank you for your shot this time, the little girl, Mu Qingwan, the lord of Linyuan City, if you have time, the little girl asks you to drink a glass of blood moon wine!"

Mu Qingwan said.

"it is good!"

Su Hao nodded.

However, he was a little lamented at the self-proclaimed little woman Mu Qingwan.

Obviously she is still the image of the empress, how can she be a little girl.


Mu Qingwan waved, and the two slowly walked out of the passage.

When Su Hao and the others came out of the passage, the white cats were jumping alive on the guqin.

He stopped immediately and looked at Su Hao, who was walking out with Mu Qingwan.

He grinned suddenly, as if he was about to devour Su Hao.

It has been guarding here, why didn't it find anyone and entered the passage.

"Xiao Bai must not be rude!"

Mu Qingwan said softly, and held Xiaobai in her hand.

"Don't blame the son!"

Mu Qingwan pleaded guilty lightly.

"It's okay!"

Su Hao looked at the snow-white kitten, still a little cute.

This kitten is very spiritual.

Then Mu Qingwan invited Su Hao to sit down and clap his hands to make preparations.

When the incoming attendant saw Su Hao sitting opposite Mu Qingwan, his face was slightly surprised, but he didn't dare to say anything.

After serving the wine and food, he bowed and exited the room.

But she knew that Lord Santos liked to be served by others.

The maid exiting the room.

Not long after the maid left, she headed towards Gu Hongyi's house.

He also told Gu Hongyi about the situation in Mu Qingwan's room.

Hearing this, Gu Hongyi looked into the lobby.

In the hall, Su Hao is no longer there.

"How could he be in Mu Qingwan's room! Did Mu Qingwan let him be the guest of the curtain! But it shouldn't be!"

There was a light of contemplation in Gu Hongyi's eyes.

"You go there, He Qingshan, and tell He Qingshan the news!"

Gu Hongyi said to the leather-clothed woman beside her.


The woman in leather bowed out of the room.

Gu Hongyi only left his eyes unpredictable.

at this time!

In Linyuan City, in a huge mansion.

A young man in a blood-red robe stood with his hands up and down.

Behind him, Linyuan City Deputy City Lord He Qingshan stood respectfully.

"Young Palace Master, I didn't expect you to be here today!"

He Qingshan bowed and said.

"What I want you to do, how is it going, let me wait for so long, it makes me doubt your efficiency!"

The blood-clothed youth turned and looked at He Qingshan Road.

Although the blood-clothed youth looked calm, there was a looming pressure on him, which made He Qingshan's forehead drip with a drop of sweat.

"Young Palace Master calms down, I can gather three hundred martial artists of life and death today!"

"Once the personnel are raised, there will be sufficient blood. I think that Mu Qingwan will definitely practice a thousand yuan blood skill in just two days."

He Qingshan said hurriedly.

"Well, as long as he completes the Qi Qianyuan blood skill, it is time for me to obtain his true Yin!"

The blood-clothed youth smiled.

"Mu Qingwan, I don't know how you suppressed my blood curse, but no matter what, you can't escape the palm of my hand!"

"Swallow your true essence, I can step into the fifth level of the cave sky, and I should be able to join the Three Devil Palace by then!"

The blood-clothed youth said grimly.

"Young Palace Master, Gu Hongyi has always felt that this Ten Thousand Demon Banquet is a bit weird, presumably the Young Palace Master should be aware of it!"

He Qingshan said softly on the side.

"It doesn't matter, I don't fight for the position of the demon, I just want to join the Three Demon Palace through the Banquet of Ten Thousand Demon!"

"That Mu Qingwan is the same as my mind!"

The Young Palace Master of the Blood Origin Demon Palace said softly.

From the conversation between the two of them, it can be known that the blood-clothed youth is the Young Palace Master of the Blood Origin Demon Palace, Xue Han Shan.

Not far from the Blood Moon Tower.

Han Tang was stopped by someone!

What stopped him was a giant with triple domain realm.

A scarlet devil radiated from behind this giant man, and a blood-colored giant axe was on his shoulders.

He is one of the five chiefs under He Qingshan.

"Boy, you have the courage to kill my people. Today I will break your bones and take you away!"

While they are talking!

The woman who had been with Gu Hongyi before was coming out of the Bloody Moon Tower. Seeing this scene, she suddenly stopped.

Han Tang did not speak, but went straight to the Blood Moon Tower.

He has already got some news and wants to go back and report it to Su Hao.

Nothing in his eyes was as important as what Su Hao asked to do.

"Boy, crazy!"

Seeing Han Tang continue to move forward, the giant axe in the hand of the giant man fought directly towards Han Tang.

The moment the giant axe was cut out, a burst of blood-red energy appeared around it, isolating the surroundings.


Su Hao, who was drinking with Mu Qingwan in the Bloody Moon Tower, frowned slightly.

He perceives the situation outside.

"The triple warrior of the domain?"

Su Hao murmured.

After hearing Su Hao speak, Mu Qingwan's consciousness moved outside the building, and she also sensed the situation outside.

"My son, there is Yaxing who is bothering you, do you want me to stop it?"

Mu Qingwan said.

"No, the territorial realm is threefold, and I can't take down my servant!"

Su Hao said softly.

"That person, your servant!"

Hearing this, Mu Qingwan looked surprised Hao's strength, she has not been able to perceive clearly.

Because she found that Su Hao's body was like a vast ocean, she couldn't perceive it.

She had only felt this kind of feeling in the elders in power in the Blood Origin Demon Palace.

The elders in power in the Blood Essence Demon Palace are all masters in the round sea realm.

"It's my servant! Let's take a look!"

Su Hao slowly stood up, walked to the window, opened the window, and slowly looked downstairs.

Mu Qingwan also hurriedly got up, holding the white cat, standing beside Su Hao, watching the battle downstairs.

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