Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 812: Ximen Chuuxue returns

   Sword Sea outside the territory.

   The endless sword aura gushes out of the sword sea.

   A few groups of figures wrapped in sword aura hover in the sky above the sword sea.

   Clouds of sword aura continuously poured into their bodies, nourishing their bodies.

   "The sword qi in the body has been saturated, and it can't be improved in a short time. It seems that I need to leave!"

   Lu Qingluan slowly opened his eyes and muttered in his mouth.

   After coming to the sword sea outside the territory, she has been cultivating, but now her sword aura is saturated and can no longer be absorbed.

   his eyes couldn't help but look towards one place.

   That place.

   A group of dazzling sword aura is constantly vomiting.

   Sword-breathing is a white figure.

   The white figure stood there, like a fierce sword standing in the void.

   The sword energy around is surrendering to him.

   "The horrible sense of kendo, I am inferior to him, my father's choice is right, he will lead me to rise again!"

   Lu Qingluan muttered.

   The figure in white clothes seemed to perceive Lu Qingluan, and the bright sword light around him instantly melted into his body.

   then turned around and appeared in front of Lu Qingluan with a slight movement.

   is Ximen Chuuxue.

  After the sect is destroyed, I am the new lord of the sword sect

   "You wake up, then we should leave here too!"

   Ximen Chuuxue said softly.

   "The sword qi in my body is saturated, and I can't improve it if I stay here, it's time to return to the sword domain!"

   "I don't know if there is anyone else in the Sword Sect except us, who escaped."

   Lu Qingluan said in a deep voice.

   "Go back to My Sword Sect first!"

   Ximen Blizzard Road.

   When they were talking, the other sword aura-wrapped figures also opened their eyes.

   Everyone's breath became sharper.

   They practice here, and their strength has been greatly improved.

   But they have reached a critical point, unable to absorb, they can only rely on sword energy to nourish the body.

"it is good!"

   Lu Qingluan nodded, she wanted to go back to Sole Sword Sect to see the situation inside the sect.

   Ximen Chuuxue took out Jianhai's pass token from his arms.

   A surge of sword energy poured into the pass token.


   A huge gap in space appeared in front of them.


   Ximen Chuuxue led a few people into the gap in the space.

   When they reappear, they reappeared in the so-called Sword Sect, in the broken palace.

   "There are still toxins in the air, so protect your body with sword aura."

   When they stepped out of the gap in the space, Ximen Chuuxue said.

   Hearing the sound of Ximen blowing snow, sword qi gushed out of these people's bodies quickly, resisting the residual toxins in the air from their bodies.

   "Leave the palace first!"

   Several people rushed out of the palace.

   Outside the palace, the poisonous gas has dissipated, but in the entire Sword Sect Mountain Range, the trees are withered, and there are countless bones.

   These bones are not only human bones, but also beast bones.

   Lu Qingluan looked at the scene in front of him, with sadness in his beautiful eyes.

   "Ten thousand beasts, Qing Manghou, I will definitely seek revenge from you!"

   Lu Qingluan let out a roar.

   just when she yelled.

   Suddenly, a figure rushed out of a broken palace.

  The figure of the coming person is like a withered body, and there is still a green toxin in the physical performance.

   Seeing unusual horror.


   When the figure saw Lu Qingluan, his mouth made a hoarse voice.

   "Bo Fu!"

   When I heard this hoarse voice.

   Lu Qingluan showed a trace of joy on her sad face, and walked toward this figure.

   "Miss, I'm very toxic, and I won't live long!"

   When Lu Qingluan approached, the figure pulled away.

   "Uncle Fu, I will help you get rid of these toxins!"

   Lu Qingluan said with concern.

   "No, miss, I leave this last breath, and I just want to tell the young lady the truth!"

   Said the old man covered in toxins.

   "In the past, Jian Wugui, the jealous master, combined with the Piaoxue Sword Palace and the Sword Palace, and sent his wife to the ancient beasts to cut off the path of the master's kendo!"

   When the old man spoke, toxins began to spread on his body.

   My Sword Sect's last battle that day.

   Qing Manghou, the ancient beast clan, told Lu Nantian of the secrets of the year.

   He heard clearly.

  After Qing Manghou killed Lu Nantian, he poisoned and buried the entire Sword Sect.

   This Fu Bo hiding immediately fled into the palace, but his body was also corroded by toxins.

   For this period of time, he has been resisting this poison, and he wants to tell the truth to Lu Qingluan.


   Hearing this, Lu Qingluan's face was pale, as if he was struck by thunder.

   "How is this possible, how is this possible!"

   she muttered.

   "Miss, it's true, the old slave heard it personally! There is nothing wrong with it!"

   Uncle Fu said excitedly.

   He said that the more excited he is, the faster the toxin will spread.

   In a blink of an eye, Uncle Fu let out a scream, the remaining flesh and blood disappeared, turning into a pile of bones and falling to the ground.

   "Bo Fu!"

   Upon seeing this, Lu Qingluan was about to rush down, but was held back by Ximen Chuuxue.

   "There is poison in the bone, so if you touch it, you will hit it!"

   Ximen Chuuxue said in a deep voice.

   "Let’s get out of here first!"

   At this moment, Lu Qingluan also recovered a little bit, and a hatred appeared on her cold cheeks.

   "Sword Tower, Jian Wugui, Piaoxue Sword Palace, let's go!"

After    Lu Qingluan made a resentment, he did not stop, turned and left.

   Ximen Chuuxue saw this and followed with others.

   My Sword Sect, Yamashita.

   In the dark, a group of spies from other forces saw a few people galloping through the air.

   "That is the young master of the Sword Sect, Ximen Chuuxue, and Lu Nantian's daughter, and some other disciples. These people are not dead!"

   "Only my sword sect has not yet been extinct!"

   "Where are they hiding? The mountains are full of toxins displayed by the green man, which hasn't dissipated for a long time! How did they survive!"

   Some murmured voices came from the bottom of the mountain.

   But among them, there are a few figures, and they are staring at Ximen Fuxue with gloomy eyes.

   "These people should be the only ones left on the mountain. Get rid of them, and the task assigned to us by Mr. No Regrets is completed!"

   One of There was a killing intent in his eyes.

   Jian Wugui, after knowing that it was the Qing Manghou of the ancient beast clan who had acted against the Only Me Sword Sect, he secretly sent someone to deal with it. Only Me Sword Sect survived.

   He is very afraid that what happened back then will be revealed.

   Demon Realm, Linyuan City. In the underground secret cave of the city lord's mansion.

   Mu Qingwan and Su Hao stood beside the altar, waiting for the arrival of He Qingshan and Gu Hongyi.

   Mu Qingwan saw that Su Hao saw the altar look calm, and her original anxiety was also let go.

   She is very afraid that Su Hao hates this kind of promotion.

   In fact, Su Hao understands very well.

  Because he also swallowed a lot of martial artist's blood, of course he was different from Mu Qingwan's target.

   He swallows all opponents, while Mu Qingwan grabs them at will.

   But this is the way the Demon Martial Artist practices, and it is not something Su Hao can change at will.

   While they were talking, He Qingshan and Gu Hongyi came to Su Hao one after another.

   When He Qingshan saw Su Hao, his eyes wrinkled slightly.

   wanted to say something, but was stopped by Gu Hongyi's eyes.


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