Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 815: Mengchixing, broken void body

   [Congratulations to the host for solving the Muqingwan crisis, rewarding 50,000 sign-in points, and a 6-level crystal lottery card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check! 】

   When Su Hao returned to the lobby, the mechanical sound of the system rang in his ears.

   Good luck today, so he directly clicked on the 6-level crystal lottery card.

   [The host consumes 1 level 6 crystal lottery card, the draw is in...]

   [Congratulations to the host for drawing the fusion card-Meng Chixing's broken void body, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it. 】

  【Meng Chixing’s broken void body, what is this? 】

   Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

   This thing is a bit strange, he is very curious.

   Immediately click on the inventory to check the information of this fusion card.

  【Meng Chi Xing Broken Void Body]: The body of Meng Chi Xing Broken Void in the past life can be merged with this world. Meng Chi Xing can reach the stage of the gods. It can reach the level of the gods.

   "Is this going to open up for Meng Chihang?"

   Su Hao thought in his heart.

   This reward is a bit comparable to the reward of the 7th level crystal lottery card.

   "First give this broken void body to Meng Chixing, so that he can break through to the **** stage!"

   Thinking of this, Su Hao's figure disappeared directly into the lobby.

   appeared in the city of Fudo Hades and directly contacted Meng Chixing.

at this time!

   Demon Realm, in the Palace of Freedom, was about to step into the Mengchi Xing of the nine layers of the cave sky, suddenly moved.

   stopped the flow of real air in the body, separated a divine mind, and merged into the city of Immovable Hades.

   "I have seen the Lord!"

  Meng Chixing's divine mind appeared in front of Su Hao, and bowed slightly.

   "This is your broken void body. After fusion, you can step into the **** stage realm in one step. As for the number of levels, it depends on your own good fortune!"

   Su Hao took out the fusion card of Meng Chixing's Broken Void Body from the inventory.

   As soon as he took it out, there was an ethereal breath on the Fusion Card.

   Meng Chixing was sensing this breath, and his original plain face revealed a hint of surprise.

   In his previous life, he was a broken and void character. His strength was only comparable to that of Donglai and Chuanying.

   He also wanted to see what realm his strength reached when he merged with this broken void body.

   "Thank you, Lord!"

   Meng Chihang took the fusion card to salute.

   "I am now in the Demon Realm, and we will meet in the Three Demon Palace by then!"

   "But what do you think about the Banquet of Ten Thousand Demons and the recruitment of demons by the demon master."

   Su Hao asked.

   "There should be no problem with Wan Mo Banquet, but for the three demon masters of Demon Realm, the choice of demon child is a bit strange, there should be other things!"

   Meng Equatorial Road.

   "Tell me about your analysis!"

   Su Hao asked.

   "The three demon masters of the Demon Realm are masters at the pinnacle of the Mighty Venerable Realm. They have not been born for many years. Now they have suddenly appeared, and they have to recruit three demon. It is somewhat unusual."

   "But I may become a demon this time, and then I will know what their purpose is?"

   Meng Chixing paused and said.

   "Maybe a demon?"

   Su Hao frowned upon hearing this:

   "In recent years, my strength has broken through extremely fast, and my qualifications have been paid attention to by the Three Demon Palace, so I was appointed to participate in this demon contest. According to my guess, I should probably become a demon!"

   Meng Chihang opened the mouth and said.

   His master, Xie Youran, Zizai Palace, the third palace lord.

   When he knew that Meng Chixing had been submitted by Li Wuxue to the list of the demon contest, he went to the First Palace Lord, hoping to remove Meng Chixing's list.

   But the reply from the first palace lord to her was that Meng Chixing was appointed by the Three Demon Palace and he had to participate and couldn't get rid of it.

   "These three demon masters are masters in the realm of Mighty Venerable. They have to guard against them. When the time comes, they will join me first!"

   Su Hao whispered.

   "Yes, the subordinate will return to the Palace of Liberty first and break through!"

   Meng Chixing bowed slightly towards Su Hao, and disappeared into the immovable city of Hades.

   When Meng Chihang was returning to the Palace of the Freedom Palace.

   His eyes became sharp, and he glanced at the Broken Void Body Fusion Card in his hand.

   then stood up, a void gap appeared in front of him, and he stepped into the void gap.

   "Hmm! How could he enter the void gap!"

   Just when Meng Chixing stepped into the void, the second palace lord of the Zizai Palace narrowed his eyes and whispered in his mouth.

   "No matter what, this time when you are selected by the demon lord as the devil, it is the time of your life and death!"

   The second palace lord said coldly in his heart.

   The lord of the Three Demon Palace, Dugushang, is his righteous brother to worship.

   He knew the real reason why the demon master recruited the demon this time, he chose the demon body, and the qualification of Meng Chixing was determined by the second demon master.

   In the void, Meng Chi traveled for a while.

   Then he took out the Fusion Card and directly crushed the void shattered body.


   when the card dissipated.

   A figure walked out of the fusion card and directly merged into the body of Meng Chixing.

  Meng Chixing's body begins to break through!

   round sea boundary one layer, round sea boundary two layer,... round sea boundary nine layer.

  The first stage of the **** stage, the third stage of the **** stage, and the stage five before it stops.

   "It's still a bit short!"

   After the breath stopped, Meng Chixing murmured.

   "However, this strength can already unify the palace!"

   Meng Chixing whispered in his mouth.

   He came to the Demon Realm Freedom Palace, and Su Hao, who wanted to help, occupy a place in this Demon Realm.

   Now that his strength has reached, then start from the Palace of Freedom.

   Speaking of this, Meng Chixing's eyes flashed with sharp light.

   With a wave of his hand, a gap appeared in the void.

When    appeared again, his figure had returned to the palace of freedom.

   When returning to the free palace.

   Meng Chixing glanced toward the second house, with a cold look in his eyes, and went to the second house.

   This Li Wuxue has been making trouble for himself, so solve him first, and then press the first palace lord to lead the free palace.

   As for his master Xie Youran, Meng Chixing knew that he could not suppress it.


   When Meng Chihang returned and came towards his palace.

   Li Wuxue in the second palace frowned slightly.

   "What is he doing in my palace?"

   Li Wuxue whispered.

   At this moment, not only Li Wuxue is paying attention to Meng Chi Xing, but Xie Youran, the master of Meng Chi Xing in the third house, also noticed the abnormality of Meng Chi Xing.

   suddenly his figure flashed and disappeared into the third palace.

   She wants to know what Meng Chixing is doing in the second house.

   Meng Chi Xing went to the second palace and also attracted many people in the palace at ease.

   Everyone knows that Li Wuxue, the lord of the second palace, has always liked the lord of the third palace, but the lord of the third palace is concerned about the red line.

  The love between master and disciple is very common in magic gates.

  People in the free palace know that Meng Chixing never goes to the second house.

   went to the second house uncharacteristically today.

   What does Meng Chixing want to do, beg for mercy, or?

   Under a lot of gaze, before Meng Chixing came to the second house.

   "Li Wuxue, come out for a fight!"

   Meng Chi Xing in front of the second palace, standing with his hands behind, in front of the second palace, said loudly.

   "Is this madness? He even dared to challenge the Lord of the Second Palace. Does he think that the Lord of the Second Palace will suppress the cultivation base and fight him?"

   "He is looking for death, is he seeking his own way? I don't want to live anymore!"

  Zizi whispered in the palace for a while, they looked at Meng Chixing with a deadly look.


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