Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 831: Donghuangtai 1, wants to explore the ancestral land of the Xiao family

Billowing thick smoke enveloped the entire Three Devil Palace.

Three demon masters and a group of strong gods stand in the void.

Everyone's breath surged crazily, and a terrifying coercion broke out.

boom! boom! boom!

Some broken palaces below collapsed instantly under this pressure.

But they turned a blind eye, only anger in their eyes.


The blood evil demon master waved his hand, and a head appeared in his hand, which was the head of Dugushang.

Looking at the head of Dugushang in his hands.

The blood of the blood evil demon master became dignified, and the whole person was like an erupting volcano.

Dugushang is his only disciple, a disciple who can step into the realm of the Mighty Venerable.

But now he was beheaded by the immortal people in Hades.

"Don't move the city of Hades, don't move the city of Hades!"

He whispered.

But the gloomy voice is imprinted in everyone's mind.

"Three demon masters, let's go to Huoyu, step down the city of Hades, and avenge the palace master!"

One of the seven-layered elders of the Divine Terrace realm spoke.

This person is the old man who fought against Six Way Payne.

The opponent beheaded their palace master of the Three Demon Palace, this is an unending hatred, they want to kill the immortal city of Hades.

"Stepping down and not moving the city of Hades, do you know where the city of Hades is not moving?"

"Now the Dagan and Dazhou of Huoyu are nothing more than subordinate forces of Untouched Hades! What's the point of destroying it!"

The Blood Devourer said gloomily.

Do not move the city of Hades, behead the lord of their Three Demon Palace, destroy their main hall of the Three Demon Palace.

Let the Three Demon Palace suffer heavy losses!

He also wanted to find revenge against Hades.

But no one knows where Fudo Hades is.

And destroying Da Zhou and Da Gan, in his eyes, had no effect on Immovable Hades.

"Palace Master, can I just forget it?"

The old man said unwillingly.

"Forget it? How can this hatred be counted! When the ancestors of the Xiao family come back, we will go there personally and will not move the city of Hades!"

The Blood Devouring Demon said coldly.

When talking!

His figure fell towards the main hall.

Looking at the main hall that collapsed in front of him, the blood-devouring demon's eyes were gloomy.

With a wave of his hand, the collapsed rubble was instantly moved away, revealing a pitch-black open space.

He knotted his hands, and the runes flickered in the pitch-black open space.

Then a huge black hole appeared in front of everyone.

"Nangong is defeated, and Dugushang has fallen. You are now temporarily the lord of the Three Demon Palace! Restore the Three Demon Palace to its original state as soon as possible!"

The Blood Devourer defeated the injured Nangong.


Nangong lost his life immediately.

At this time, the people watching the battle in the Three Demon City couldn't calm down for a long time.

They did not expect such a thing to happen.

Immovable Hades shot, beheaded the Lord of the Three Demon Palace Dugushang, and ruined the main hall of the Three Demon Palace.

"Will the Ten Thousand Demon Banquet be open?"

One of them asked weakly.

"What are you going to do? Didn't you hear that, in the Demon Race after the Banquet of the Demon, the selected demon are used as demon bodies for the three demon masters!"

"Now it looks like the three demon masters are going to go in real life!"

"The demon body is no longer needed!"

Some people said with joy in their hearts.

While speaking, they slowly withdrew.

The battle is over.

They stay here again, and when the Three Demon Palace is furious, it is very possible that they will be beheaded.

one place!

Above the roof.

Mu Qingwan said with a trembling expression: "Young Master, what shall we do next!"

"Let's go back too! The next thing, let's talk about it next!"

After Su Hao finished speaking, he took the two of them and disappeared in place.

When they appeared again, they had already returned to the inn.

"You go back and rest first!"

Su Hao waved his hand.


The two saluted Su Hao and left.

Su Hao returned to his room.

Some excitement in my heart.

He now has an 8-level crystal lottery card and two 7-level crystal lottery cards in his inventory.

"I know what the 3 crystal lottery cards can be drawn!"

Su Hao secretly said in his heart.

While speaking, Su Hao disappeared into the room.

Then the figure appeared in the immovable city of Hades.

Sit on the chair of the city lord, and then click on two 7-level crystal lottery cards.

[The host consumes 2 7-level crystal lottery cards, and the lottery is in...]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing the soil from Uchiha, and a Shentai nine-fold upgrade card, which has been stored in the inventory. please check! 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing the Moon God, a Shentai nine-fold upgrade card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it! 】

"Two Shentai nine-fold upgrade cards!"

Su Hao's eyes were happy, and Uchiha brought dirt by his side.

As for the Moon God, he was in the Great Zhou Dynasty.


Su Hao directly integrated into Uchiha's sacred ground scene Kunou.

Uchiha's original aura was somewhat unstable, but after getting the promotion card, his strength began to rise continuously for just a few breaths!

Uchiha takes the soil to reach the ninth stage of the gods.

Take a look, there is also a Luna promotion card in the inventory.

Su Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and then asked the Moon God and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to come forward and immobilize the city of Hades.

After a while!

The figures of Moon God and Eastern Emperor Taiyi appeared in front of Su Hao.

"Meet the Lord!"

The two saluted Su Hao slightly.


The Moon God Upgrade Card in Su Hao's hand flew directly into the Moon God's hand.

"This is an upgrade card of the Ninth Level of the God Stage Realm. You will immediately be promoted to the Ninth Level of the God Stage Realm after you return!"

Su Hao Thank you, Lord! "

After hearing this, Yueshen's face was happy, and he bent over and thanked him.

"Your Excellency Donghuang, this time I invite you to come here to invite you to the Xiao family ancestral land!"

Su Hao stepped down from the chair of the city lord!

When he entered the city of Immovable Hades, he had an idea in his heart!

The Xiao Henian of the Xiao family is not in the ancestral land of the Xiao family.

But Donghuang Taiyi was in the fire area.

Xiao Murong from the Xiao family is not Taiyi's opponent!

Now the Eastern Emperor is taking a shot against the Xiao family ancestors!

Either destroy the Xiao family ancestral land and unify the fire territory!

Either it is forcing the hidden master of the Xiao family.

Of course, according to Su Hao's calculation, there should be hidden masters, but not too many.

Otherwise, Xiao Henian would not come to invite the three demon masters of the Three Demon Palace.

So Donghuang Taiyi shot this time, it is possible to test out the masters in the Xiao family ancestors.

"Hornian Xiao left the Xiao family ancestral land?"

As soon as Eastern Emperor Tai heard Su Hao's words, he knew that Xiao Henian had left the Xiao family ancestral land.

"Yes, Xiao Henian has left the Xiao family ancestral land, went to various domains, looking for helpers!"

"Xiao He came to the Three Demon Palace a few years ago, and has already contacted the three demon masters of the Three Demon Palace, and will not move the Hades to me!"


Hearing this, Dong Huangtai gave a cold look.

"The subordinates go back and immediately go to the land of Xiao Jiazu to explore the bottom of Xiao Jiazu!"

Donghuang Taiyi said coldly.

"Okay, be careful, the Xiao family is not easy, we must not be careless!"

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