Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 835: 1 Domination Fire

Another place!

The two elders of the Xiao family who were confronting Donghuangmao seemed to perceive something.

The eyes of the two were slightly cold.

"Unexpectedly, you would even attack the main city of the Xiao family!"

Among them, the old man in green shirt looked at Donghuangtai together.

"Since I have dealt with you Xiao Family Ancestor Land, there is no need to keep the main city of Xiao Family!"

"What's more, if I don't move Hades, I want to unify the fire territory, and I can't leave your Xiao family!"

Donghuang Taiyi said plainly.

"Hmph, you still want to swallow my Xiao Family Fire Territory if you don't move the Hades, even if you force my Xiao Family away today!"

"Tomorrow, my Xiao family will still come back! You have to know that the core disciples of the Xiao family in the fire area are all in the ancestral land. As long as the ancestral land is there, the Xiao family in the fire area will be there!"

When the old man is talking.

A white light appeared above his head, and this white light was a pure white flame.

And above the head of the old man in the green shirt, a blue light appeared, and it was also a blue flame.

When these two groups of flames appeared.

Slowly began to extend, turning into two huge sword auras.

Sword Qi shook the sky!


The two yelled at the same time.

Although the main city of the Xiao family is not as important as the ancestor of the Xiao family, it is also the foundation of the Xiao family.

Do not move the city of Hades, and attack the main city of the Xiao family, just to destroy the Xiao family.

Their mouths were plain, but their hearts were filled with anger.

A shot is a combined blow!

choke! choke!

The sound of two sword chants appeared in the air.

Afterwards, two huge sword auras, one blue and one white, cut towards Donghuang Taiyi at an incredible speed at the same time!

Because the speed is the same, it's just like a sword aura.

The power of this sword was earth-shattering, as if it was about to split Donghuang Taiyi's huge body!

"This power is not enough!"

Donghuang Taiyi looked at the huge sword energy that was smashed.

The expression was calm, and he slowly reached out his right hand, grasping his right hand into a fist, and blasted sword energy towards the bombardment.

This fist blasted, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the whole world seemed to collapse.


The leader of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi Yin and Yang Family!

He is also a strong at the peak of the Mighty Venerable Realm!


The fist collided with the sword qi to make a roaring sound, and then I saw the huge fist scatter the sword qi.

The moment of sword spirit!

The two elders of the Xiao family looked at each other!

The breath of the whole body began to climb wildly, and behind them, two huge figures appeared, one white and one blue!

These two figures are a hundred feet tall and exude two different breaths.

A whiff of whiteness, as if to purify everything.

A splendor, to render the world in general!

"Take us one more blow!"

The two of them roared and punched out at the same time!

With the blast of their fists, the hundred-foot-high figure behind them made a roar at the same time.

Punch at the same time!

Endless white and blue flames erupted from the fists!

The attack power of this white and blue flame is even more terrifying than the sword energy that gathered just now!


Fists gathered, with terrifying power, enveloped Xiangdong Huang Taiyi!


In the void, the huge figure of Eastern Emperor Taiyi's eyes narrowed slightly.

The right hand that was originally protruding out, once again fisted!

Suddenly, between the sky and the earth, the wind was surging, and it seemed to be a level lower!

And this time!

The most expensive, ancient, majestic, and domineering aura radiated from Donghuang Taiyi!

The moment a fist is clenched!

A huge dragon shadow appeared from the void.

The dragon that appeared roared and roared, and the roaring sound resounded through the whole world!

"Canglong Tiantian Fist!"

The fists of both sides collided together!

Suddenly, a violent force burst out at the place where their fists collided, and swept towards the four directions.

"So strong, it's a bit difficult to kill him, let's leave first!"

Look at the wanton energy around!

After the two ancestors of the Xiao family looked at each other, the old man in Qingshan spoke.

They made two shots, and although they tried their best, they didn't use their hole cards.

And they believe that the East Emperor Taiyi shouldn't use his hole cards either.

At the peak of the Mighty Venerable Realm, they are all not simple people.

What's more, the rumor does not affect the city of Hades, and there is a master at the pinnacle of the Mighty Venerable Realm.

They were afraid that the mighty Venerable Realm master would attack Xiao Jiazu's land.

That way, the Xiao family is really over!

"Emperor Taiyi, today's revenge, we will avenge it in the future!"

The voice fell.

The figures of the two disappeared in front of Donghuang Taiyi.

Donghuang Taiyi watched the two leave silently!

With his strength, it is okay to suppress one of them, and at the same time, it is difficult to suppress the people who come up.

Maybe one step further is possible!

"Perhaps, we can make a breakthrough with the pressure of next time!"

Dong Huangtai murmured.

Then his huge figure also slowly dissipated to the horizon.


Three Magic City, within an inn.

Su Hao was sitting in the room, and Mu Qingwan and Gu Hongyi were standing in front of him, looking a little confused.

"The Banquet of the Three Demon Palace cannot be opened, so I don't plan to stay in the Three Demon City any more!"

Su Hao said.

Now he is going to return to the realm of fire, waiting for Xiao Henian and them.

"The Lord is going to return to the realm of fire!"

Upon hearing this, Mu Qingwan and Gu Hongyi asked softly at the same time.

Both of them are smart people, knowing Su Hao's consciousness of saying this.

Su Hao nodded, and then said:

"Mu Qingwan, Gu Hongyi, you can go back to control the Blood Origin Demon Palace!"

"I believe that under the management of the two of you, the Blood Origin Demon Palace will be even higher!"

While Su Hao was talking!

The Palace Master Xue Wuyin of the Blood Origin Demon Palace and the Great Elder appeared in front of them.

"From now on, you will take orders from these two people!"

Su Hao looked at Gui Wuyin and Ouyang Dudao, the Great Elder.

Su Hao has a lot of people, and these two are just controlled people, he doesn't need such a person around him.

So just leave it to Mu Qingwan and Gu Hongyi.

"Swear allegiance to the young master!"

Hearing that, Mu Qingwan and Gu Hongyi bow down at the same time!

Both of them were ambitious women, and Su Hao gave them a chance, and they would surely grasp it.

"Get up, of course, the Blood Origin Demon Palace will be handed over to you. You need to turn in certain resources. Then, hand the resources to Meng Chixing in the Free Palace, and he will turn in the Hades City together!"

Su Hao looked at the two and said.

Today, in the city of Hades, the consumption of spirit stones in the time house is too terrifying!

He needs more spirit stones to maintain the time house and summon the characters' cultivation time.

As long as the spirit stones continue, the strength of these summoned figures under his men will inevitably increase faster.


Mu Qingwan and Gu Hongyi said at the same course, in their hearts, they also prefer to send resources to Immovable Hades!

But they know that they are not qualified now!

They still need to work hard.

"Also, the Demon Realm will be turbulent after a while, it's your chance!"

Su Hao said afterwards.

He has a life experience card, and he has destroyed the Three Devil Palace!

This enmity is over, then the three demon masters of the Three Demon Palace will be the ones he will kill.

[Congratulations to the host, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi forced to retreat to the ancestral land of the Xiao family, the Moon God slaughtered the main city of the Xiao family, unified the fire domain, rewarded 1 million sign-in value, 1 8th level crystal lottery card, the items have been deposited, please check! 】

At this time, the mechanical sound of the system rang in his ears.

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