Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 837: Convergence, 3 magic palaces

Suddenly, the surrounding space changes.

Xie Youran's expression changed, thinking that it was someone from the Three Demon Palace who had arrived.

But Meng Chixing's expression remained unchanged. He raised his head and looked towards the void fluctuations, his eyes calm.

Wearing a mask, Uchiha brought soil out of the void.

"The Three Devil Palace wants to take action against your Free Palace, Lord, let me come and help you!"

Uchiha Daito said simply.

"The Three Demon Palace wants to take action against Zizai Palace. It seems that this does not want to leave any roots in the Demon Realm!"

Meng Chixing said flatly.

"Then let's return to the Palace of Freedom first!"

After speaking, Meng Chixing raised his right hand, cutting through the void, and the three of them disappeared in the manor.

at this time!

In a void.

Two figures walked through, and one of them was carrying a sarcophagus. It was Xiao Henian and Qionglongyuan Lord who came out of the abyss.


Xiao Henian's complexion changed as he walked forward, and his calm face became hideous.

Next to him, he followed the Lord Qionglongyuan, looking at Xiao Henian with a grim face, very curious.

He has known Xiao Henian for a long time!

This guy has always had an extremely confident look, but he has never shown such a hideous look.

"Brother Xiao, what happened!"

Qionglongyuan master asked.

"Emperor Taiyi of the Immovable Hades City went to my Xiao Family Ancestral Land, and his Moon God was slaughtered, the main city of Xiao Family outside of my Xiao Family Ancestral Land!"

Xiao Henian said harshly.

"I didn't expect the other party to start first. How many mighty Venerable Realm pinnacle masters were dispatched by the other party?"

The Qionglongyuan master said.

He knew that there were two ancestors of the Xiao family in the ancestral land of the Xiao family.

The strength of those two people is at the peak of the realm of Mighty Venerable.

"There is only one person from the Eastern Emperor Tai, and no one else has appeared. It seems that he wants to test the foundation of my Xiao family's ancestral land!"

Xiao Henian said in a deep voice.

"There is only one person, that can be killed!"

Qionglongyuan main road.

"The two grandmasters didn't try their best. They protected the ancestral land and escaped from the flames!"

Xiao Henian shook his head and said.

The ancestral land of the Xiao family is the foundation of his fire territory, and nothing can happen.

As long as the Xiao Family Ancestral Land is there, then the Fire Territory Xiao Family will be there.

So they will not let the Xiao family ancestors happen!

"You Huoyu Xiao family really regressed a bit. They have all hit the door, and if they stay behind, they should be killed!"

Qionglongyuan said in a cold voice.

"Qinglong, this is my Xiao family's business!"

Xiao Henian looked at Qionglong coldly.

"The Xiao Family Ancestor Land has actually left the Fire Territory, so let's go to the Three Demon Palace first and meet the Blood Devouring Demon Lord and the others!"

"When we get there, the Blood Buddha Demon Venerable should also be there!"

Xiao Henian's face returned to calm, and he said in a deep voice.

After finishing speaking, head towards the direction of the Three Demon Palace of the Demon Realm.

The next day!

Within the Inn in the Three Devil City.

After Su Hao got up, he signed in first.

"Congratulations to the host for signing in today and getting 100 sign-in points, random crit 10,000 critical strikes, and 1 million sign-in points!"

"I didn't expect the crit check-in value!"

Su Hao murmured.

Seeing the sign-in value, Su Hao remembered the Huangtian Emperor’s [He Huanzi Dafa] he had drawn a few days ago.

Previously it was only 300,000 short, and now the tasks have been completed one after another, plus today’s crit, there are more than 2 million more sign-in points!

"It's also time to practice this Dafa at ease!"

Su Hao directly used the sign-in value of 10 million to practice Dafa freely.


A huge thought poured into Su Hao's mind, and then a bunch of messages seemed to be automatically generated in his mind.

This set of Dafa he has transformed into his own freedom, he seems to have practiced for countless years.

It works unconsciously.

The breath of his body began to change!

His own strength began to break through the four levels of the round sea realm, the five levels of the round sea realm, and did not stop until the sixth level of the round sea realm.

"so smart!"

Feeling the aura on his body, Su Hao sighed secretly.

But then Su Hao's eyes became a little dull.

He learned Dafa by himself, and found that this exercise is very strong, but there is a flaw for him.

This Dafa of Transforming Freedom is the supreme secret technique, capable of transforming all things, transforming freeness, transforming eternity, transforming the past and the future, and transforming the powerful.

However, Su Hao found that his past and future were ambiguous, and he was unable to personalize the past and the future at all.

After all, his body came through.

As for the powerhouses of the world, Su Hao didn't understand the powerhouses of this world at all.

I can't copy it even if I want to copy it!

If it is a master, he can only say that he has seen three demon masters and can transform into three demon masters.

Or Hua Donghuang, Hua You Ha.

No matter how strong the other is, he doesn't know it, so it can't be copied.

"It seems that we have to find a way to collect some information!"

Su Hao thought in his heart.

Su Hao opened the door!

Get out of the courtyard!

Suddenly, the sky was densely covered with blood, heading in the direction of the Three Demon Palace.

Su Hao looked up, his eyes flashed.

I saw a monk wearing a blood robe sitting in the blood cloud, and there was a huge scarlet bat on the monk's shoulder.

It was the Venerable Blood Buddha that Xiao Henian invited.

When Su Hao looked into it!

The Scarlet Bat suddenly opened its eyes!

A scarlet energy rushed towards Su Hao from the scarlet bat's eyes.


Just when that energy was about to reach Su Hao!

Suddenly swallowed by the void!

The shot was followed by Su Hao.

In the void, after the black and white Nepenthes swallowed the light, its body burst into a cloud of blood.

After the black and white turned into blood fog!

The scarlet bat closed its eyes.

But the monk wearing the blood robe didn't seem to have seen anything, and continued to drive the blood cloud towards the Three Demon Palace.

"Lord, this scarlet bat has the strength of the ninth level of the Shentai!"

After that blood cloud left!

Black and White Jue's body emerged from the ground.

"Shentai Nine Layers, then the monk wearing the blood robe should be in the realm of the Mighty Venerable, could it be the helper invited by the Three Demon Palace people!"

Su Hao's eyes condensed when he heard the words.

"Subordinate, go check it out!"

Black and White Jue's body began to split, and a figure merged into the ground, heading in the direction of the Three Demon Palace.

at this time.

The blood cloud has reached the sky above the Three Demon Palace.

The face of the Venerable Blood Buddha was originally calm ~ ~ He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

At this time, the Three Demon Palace had just gone through a great battle, and the reconstruction had not yet been completed.

"Brother Blood Buddha, you are here!"

Just when he was horrified, the blood evil demon lord flew out of the Three Demon Palace.

"Brother Blood Fiend, what's the situation?"

The Venerable Blood Buddha looked at the Three Demon Palace below.

"People who don't move the city of Hades have been here, let's go down and talk about it!"

When the blood evil demon master said that he would not move the city of Hades, his face showed resentment.

"Don't move Hades!"

Hearing this, the blood Buddha Demon Lord's complexion condensed, and he left with the blood evil demon master.

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