Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 857: 1 Thread of Life Main Qi

"It seems that I was lucky today, or maybe I can draw a lottery!"

Su Hao murmured as he felt the power in his body.

He used to know that a strong person can fall to the stars with a drop of blood, and a weed can kill the world.

"I don't know, can I get this kind of thing!"

Su Hao began to pray with both hands.

Then he clicked on 3 level 7 crystal lottery cards and 1 level 8 crystal lottery card in his inventory.

He directly clicked on 3 7-level crystal lottery cards first.

[The host consumes 3 Level 7 crystal lottery cards, and the lottery is in...]

[Congratulations to the host for winning, a nine-fold upgrade card from Ximen Chuuxue Shentai, please check it! 】

[Congratulations to the host for winning, a nine-fold upgrade card of Yan Shisan Shentai Stage, please check it! 】

[Congratulations to the host for winning the draw, Li Chenzhou has a nine-fold upgrade card of the Shentai Realm, please check it! 】

"They are all promotion cards! Is this helping me increase the strength of a domain spokesperson?"

Now the only Moon God in the Fire Territory is the Ninth Level of the Divine Platform Realm!

Li Chenzhou reached the ninth level of the gods, and in conjunction with Yueying, they were two figures of the ninth level of the gods, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was in charge, so the strength was not worse than that of the Xiao family at that time.

Mainly Donghuang Taiyi strong!

As for the sword domain, Ximen Chuuxue and Yan Shisan reached the ninth level of the Shentai realm, and they did not belong to the previous sword tower as they cooperated with Youhabakh.

As for the Demon Territory, some fall away!

Meng Chixing's strength has not yet reached the ninth level of the gods!

And he was preparing Seven Nights Demon Lord to sit in the Demon Realm.

In this case, the Demon Realm can be said to be relatively weak among the three parties!

As for the people in Akatsuki's organization, Su Hao is going to leave Uchiha with the soil, Black and White Zee, and Osha Maru, and the others are all integrated into the Demon Realm!

Enhance the strength of Demon!

Now these people are cultivating in his immovable Hades, and their strength is growing rapidly.

It's just that the consumed spirit stone is too terrifying.

Demon Realm, Fire Realm's collected spirit stones, now consumes more than half.

However, the strength of everyone in the city of Hades has been crazy.

The people of Akatsuki's organization, Xiaosanxiao and others, have been cultivating and have to step into the nine layers of the gods.

As long as they reach the Ninth Level of the Divine Stage Realm, Su Hao will release them.

After all, great energy can only be achieved through comprehension, and success without penance.

This is Su Hao's layout!

Of course, his current Lingshi wants to improve everyone's strength, but it is not enough!

"The abyss is relatively barren, don't think about it!"

"Daluo Territory, Wilderness, Sea Territory, Hades Territory, Ten Thousand Beast Territory, who will attack first?"

Su Hao thought of it.

[Trigger system task: Fire domain is adjacent to Daluo domain, wild, the host conquers two domains, and each domain is conquered, 1 8-level crystal lottery card will be rewarded! 】

"It turned out not to be against the Ten Thousand Beast Domain, but against the Wild and Daluo Domain!"

"There are still two 8th level crystal lottery cards, a bit stingy!"

Su Hao murmured.

"There is also an 8i crystal lottery card!"

Su Hao pondered for a moment, and then clicked directly.

[The host consumes 1 level 8 crystal lottery card, and the lottery is in...]

[Congratulations to the host for the draw, a ray of life master realm Qi machine has been stored in the inventory, please check it! 】

"A ray of vitality in the main realm!"

"What is this?"

Su Hao had some doubts in his mouth, but he knew that as long as he had something to do with the life master, it would be extraordinary.

[A strand of vitality in the master realm]: A strand of vitality left by the strong of the realm of life after the fall can help the peak power of the majestic state, the breath of the realm master, and it has a chance to break into the realm of life!

Note: This item is useless for the host and clone, please use it for the summoned character.


Su Hao's eyes lit up when the system prompt appeared.

"Who is this qi machine for?"

Su Hao began to think about it, his clone could no longer be used, and could only be given to Donghuang Taiyi and his friend Harbach.

"First give it to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, he will sit in the Fire Territory in the future, and may face the Xiao family, the crisis is a bit deep!"

When Su Hao is talking!

The figure disappeared in the courtyard.

When he appeared again, he was already in the city of Untouched Hades.

Then he summoned people to come!

Li Chenzhou, Yan Shisan, Ximen Chuuxue!

They are the masterminds of their respective forces, and they can't come to the city of Hades to practice.

It is the best choice to use a booster card to increase your strength.

Of course it was a bit bitter for the Stone House of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but if I didn't get it, there was no way.

"This can help you reach the Ninth Layer of the Shentai Realm!"

The three rays of light in Su Hao's hands are directly integrated into the three of them!

After the three of them got the promotion card, they knelt down and left.

At this moment!

Su Hao summoned Donghuang Taiyi alone.

"Master, there is something to order!"

Donghuang Taiyi's loud voice appeared in the palace.

"This is a ray of vitality in the life master realm, now it is for you to use, I hope you can step into the life master realm because of this!"

A ray of energy appeared in Su Hao's hand!

When this air machine appeared!

Inside the hall, a terrifying breath rose directly.

But Su Hao didn't feel that way while sitting on the palace seat.

His Highness Taiyi, the Eastern Emperor, looked towards the thing in Su Hao's hand.

At a glance, a terrifying pressure surged toward him like a tide.

This is a terrifying coercion!

The light in his eyes flashed, and he felt that as long as he swallowed this ray of vitality, he might take that step.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Donghuang Taiyi's aura surged, and while resisting the aura, her figure stepped toward it.

Stopped at the steps of the main hall.

With a wave of Su Hao's hand, the qi machine directly merged into the one of the two emperors.

The moment this qi machine blended into Dong Huang Taiyi's body, Dong Huang Taiyi exuded a terrifying aura, and his strength was rising.

"Master, I may want to submerge, take me out, and I will step into the realm of life!"

Donghuang Taiyi bowed and thanked him.

Then turn around and enter a palace!

He didn't enter the time room to practice.

One is that he cultivates, which will consume countless spirit stones.

The second is that if he enters the time house, other people who practice in the time house can only go out!

After all, his body is too strong, if others stay there, he might unconsciously reveal this life master realm aura, shatter his body and die.

"Not long after, there should be a trump card of Fate Master Realm on my side!"

Seeing Donghuang Taiyi's voice, Su Hao murmured.

"Hey, what step can I take when I kill?"

Then Su Hao sighed.

If anyone hears Su Hao's sigh, he will probably be killed.

He didn't say anything, didn't practice hard, and stepped into the Divine Stage Realm. This is absolutely He even complained.

After complaining, Su Hao's figure appeared in the small courtyard.

"Next Li will attack Da Luo Zong first, but Da Luo Zong in Da Luo Region knows very little about it, so it seems that we need to send someone to investigate!"

Su Hao thought in his heart.

"Ten Thousand Beast Domain can't be careless!"

Su Hao thought for a moment, and summoned black and white.

There are countless avatars of Black and White Jue, let his avatars go to Da Luozong in the Da Luo Region, the Beast Emperor City of the Wild and Ancient Orcs! "

"Check the details first. If the background is low, then send friends Habach and Seven Nights Demon to conquer!"

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