Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 862: Conquer 2 domains in 1 day

"It seems that you are not going to surrender!"

Yohabach looked at Luo Ming, behind him as he spoke.

Countless psychic arrows appeared.

Suddenly, the terrifying coercion swept across the entire Da Luozong in an instant.

The disciples in the Daluo Sect, when they felt this power appearing, they raised their heads and looked up, the moment they were looking.

"This, what is this?"

The disciple of Da Luozong, after the coercion of Uhabach disappeared, he looked up to the sky!

Suddenly they saw countless arrows in the void aiming at Da Luozong.

Those arrows exuded terrifying power, if they were hit, they would die on the spot.

They want to escape in their hearts.

But found that his breath had been locked by those countless arrows!

They are not eligible to escape!

"Who is the other party?"

Some of them stammered.

"Habah, one of the eight great demon lords of Fudo Hades, and the blood cloud demon!"

Among them, one of the gods of the stage realm said in a deep voice.

"Don't move Hades!"

"Then I am Da Luozong today!"

Hearing that, the surrounding Da Luozong disciples looked pale, and sweat dripped down on their foreheads.

Luo Ming looked at the sky full of arrows, his eyes changed drastically.

He knew that once these arrows fell, Da Luo Jianzong might be destroyed.

"I, Da Luozong, swears that I will withdraw from the Da Luo realm, leave the Yellow Realm, and will not step into the Yellow Realm after this!"

At this moment, Na Luo Ming said.

The inheritance of Da Luozong cannot be broken.

Now the only way is to evacuate.

And in the first time, he contacted him with his senior brother, Sect Master Daluo, and Qu Chengyang.

"Withdraw from the Yellow World! You can represent Da Luozong!"

You Habach looked at Luo Mingdao.

"I'm Luo Ming, the first deputy master of the Great Luo Sect! My senior brother is the chief of the Great Luo Sect!"

"I contact my brother now, and his projection will talk to you immediately!"

Luo Ming didn't hesitate.

He believed that his brother would also make such a decision.

Although it is very shameful, but it can guarantee the inheritance of Da Luozong.

To surrender to the city of Hades, it is better to leave the Yellow World.

The avatars of Youhabach and Su Hao looked at each other.

The clone leaves to pass on the information to Su Hao.

Inside the courtyard!

Jin Fentian did not go back the first time, and chatted with Su Hao in the small courtyard.

Of course, Su Hao, in the name of just being born, didn't understand the situation here.

So most of them are talking about Jin Fentian.

But not much is known.

He belongs to a prince of the Golden Crow Dynasty of the Star Realm. He is powerful but not heavy!

This time he came to the Yellow World, and it was a task he received!

In fact, it is not to unify the Yellow Realm, but to collect resources, and then supply the resources to the Golden Crow Dynasty in exchange for rewards.

Any force occupying Party B is for resources.

The same goes for Immovable Hades.

He has paid attention to Su Hao, constantly collecting resources in the Fire and Demon Realms.


At this moment, a message came from the clone.

Su Hao's eyes moved slightly.

Unexpectedly, Da Luozong would move out of the Yellow Realm, and would not step into the Yellow Realm.

Su Hao's eyes narrowed when he heard the words.

He didn't expect Da Luozong to choose this way.

Of course, if you don't do it, you can win a domain, and Su Hao is also very happy.

There are uncertainties in getting started.

It's not bad to win the opponent without a sword!

"When their suzerain appears, tell them that the Ten Thousand Beast Domain has already belonged to the city of Immovable Hades!"

Su Hao said in a voice transmission.

at this time!

The center of a sea area.

A palace sits on the bottom of the sea.

The palace is magnificent and magnificent, with invisible water patterns spreading around the palace.

The sea is blue, but there are no fish and shrimps swimming from here.

In the palace.

A woman with a beautiful face sits on the throne, her eyes are unusually bright, and there is an invisible power in the brightness.

She sat there, and she was a queen.

She is the strongest person in the sea, the leader of the sea today, the queen of the sea, Bonanna.

Bonanna is hosting Qu Chengyang, the lord of the Great Luo Zong, who have been friends for many years.

She already understood Qu Chengyang's intentions and planned to help Da Luozong.

Of course, she also made her move for sea area considerations.

If Immovable Hades occupies other areas, it will not let them go.

To help Da Luozong is to help them in the sea.

Although the sea is boundless and vast and unusual, the bottom line is not very deep.

Qu Chengyang's face is full of joy!

The Empress of the Seas assisted in the fight against Immovable Hades, and he was also certain in his heart.

There are savage areas, sea areas, and help Da Luo area together.

He believes that Immovable Hades should be jealous.


Suddenly, his expression changed.

"Brother Qu, what happened!"

Seeing Qu Chengyang's changes, Bonanna couldn't help asking.

"Our alliance is about to break up!"

When he spoke, his mind was calm.

At this moment!

Above Da Luozong, a phantom appeared from the middle.

It is the phantom of Qu Chengyang.

"I didn't expect you to come so quickly. I just reached an agreement with the Queen of the Seas to resist you together without moving the city of Hades. I didn't expect you to have appeared over my Da Luozong!"

Qu Chengyang looked at the countless arrows behind Youhabach.

There was a bitterness in his mouth.

The eyes looked at Su Hao's clone.

"You all took that small step. It seems that you can break through to the fateful realm just by waiting for an opportunity!"

"You are the Sect Master of the Great Luo Sect, what do you think was just proposed by your junior brother!"

"I might as well tell you that today, the Beast Emperor Jin Fantian of the Ten Thousand Beast Realm, will go and take our Young City Lord, and promised to lead the people of the Ancient Beast Race out of the Yellow Realm!"

You Habach said in a deep voice.


Hearing that, whether it was the phantom Qu Chengyang or Luo Ming, they were shocked.

They were shocked by this sentence!

Earlier, he still thought about this ancient orc clan going head-to-head with Immovable Hades.

See if we can take advantage of the fishermen's profit?

But I didn't expect that the Beast Emperor Jin Brahma would even run away.

"Young City Lord agrees to leave, it is already your blessing, so I hope you cherish it!"

You Habach looked at Qu Chengyang.

"I will lead Da Luozong out of the Yellow Realm within five days!"

Qu Chengyang said.

As a Sect Master, he knows that now he can only make such a decision.

And secretly sighed that he left behind.

"My Da Luozong moved to the Xingyue Dynasty, the Wushen Mountain in the south. If the youngest city lord goes to the star realm, he can go to my sect!"

"I will sweep the couch to welcome you!"

Qu Chengyang said.


When Qu Chengyang's voice fell!

The countless arrows floating in the void suddenly disappeared!

The sky is instantly calm again!

The depressive aura that had originally enveloped Da Luozong also disappeared!

"I hope you can abide by today's words, otherwise, the inheritance of Daluo Zong of the Chen Realm will be broken!"

At this time, Su Hao had been silent from the side and spoke.

He knows some details of Da Luozong from the Beast Emperor Jin Fantian ~ and now speaks out, ready to remind the other party.

Upon hearing this, the three of Qu Chengyang's expressions were horrified.

The other party knew their details and was shocked!

"I will leave on the 5th day!"

Sword Tower!

The voice of the system rang in Su Hao's ears.

[The host has subdued the Da Luo domain and rewarded a level 8 crystal lottery card, which has been stored in the inventory! 】

Within a day!

Conquer the two domains!

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