Laurel nodded, indicating that he understood, and then continued: "Now that the matter here is over, I am going to return to the Tianlei Dynasty tomorrow. Can you let me go?"

"Of course, the misunderstanding between us has been resolved, and you can leave at any time." Teng Luo replied, "But your brother's condition does not seem to be suitable for a long journey."

Laurel nodded and replied: "So I have another unkind request. I hope that my brother can rest here for a while."

"No problem!" Teng Luo responded immediately, "Please don't worry!"

Laurel smiled and replied: "My brother's life was saved by you. I can still rest assured if I leave it to you."

"However," Laurel paused and then said, "If I can't come back, I hope you can let Roger live in the Blue Wind Empire."

Hearing these words, Teng Luo was stunned for a moment.

Can't come back? This is not in the interest of the Lanfeng Empire and Yi Ranpin Alliance. She must come back and secure her position as the princess of the Tianlei Empire.

"Excuse me, have you encountered any trouble here?" Ten Luo asked, "We have a cooperative relationship. If you need our help, you can directly ask it."

When Laurel heard Teng Luo's words, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, but it went out again in an instant.

There are too many things involved in her affairs, and a Blue Wind Empire can't help much.

What if that powerful outsider takes action?

There may be a glimmer of hope, but not much!

Besides, there is no need for outsiders to get involved in such troublesome matters.

"Okay, if necessary, I will mention it to you!" Laurel replied with a forced smile.

Teng Luo didn't want to be too enthusiastic, so he could only say: "If you need anything, you must tell us."


Xiao Yi, who returned to his bedroom at this time, received a message from his subordinates who were still in the Red Wolf pirate's lair.

"Island Master, Laurel came to see you just now."

Seeing this news, Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then replied: "Okay, I understand."

I must be thanking myself and go there tomorrow!

Even though the other party has the cornerstone, he can't completely revolve around him.

With this in mind, Xiao Yi lay on the bed and began to read the news in Yi Tianqun.

"Fortunately, the boss got the metal, otherwise we probably wouldn't be able to manufacture the weapons developed by our alliance."

"Yes, our alliance has also released a pistol template. If we are not a big boss, we can only look at that template and worry!"

"Has everyone released weapon templates? Why hasn't our alliance released any thermal weapon templates?"

"That only shows that your alliance is very unlucky!"

"It seems that everyone has achieved something!"

"Actually, I'm more curious about where the big guy got so much metal."

"Didn't I say it before? The big boss was obtained by trading with the indigenous forces."

"Brother, I'm not stupid, because I have also reconciled with the indigenous people. The metals from the indigenous people are also limited, and it is impossible to supply so much metal."

"Then it can only mean that the indigenous forces you encountered are too small. Can what the big guys encounter be the same as what you encountered?"

"Humph, our alliance is also encountering an empire. I have already communicated with the other party. The one with the richest metal reserves nearby is the Blue Wind Empire, but the metals brought out by the boss definitely exceed the metal inventory of the Blue Wind Empire."

"Wucao, there's a big boss upstairs. He can actually negotiate peace with an empire. That's awesome."

"Yes, any alliance that can negotiate peace with the Empire will definitely have the strength to compete with the Empire."

"Why can't our alliance negotiate peace with the indigenous forces?"

"Whether we are envious or not, in addition to the attitude of the indigenous forces towards us outsiders, the most important thing is the strength of our alliance. If the strength of the alliance completely crushes the other party, it can also force the other party to surrender."

"That's right, so we can only pray that we meet an indigenous force that is not so hostile to outsiders, or try our best to improve the strength of our alliance!"

“These two points are more reliable for our alliance.”

"Yes, improving the strength of the alliance is not easy!"

"I have a solution here, five hundred foundation stones, I can tell you!"

"This method of fraud was outdated hundreds of years ago. Is it still used today?"

"Your plan is not to go to the big boss directly, right?"

"Brother, don't tell me. I still want to make some money from this."

"Oh, you are committing fraud! Who doesn't know this method?"

"Haha, there are always people who get fooled!"

"Let's think about how to spend tonight. The undead attacks during the day are only sporadic, and the attacks are expected to become more violent at night."

"Yes, I just hope that the intensity of the undead attacks will not increase tonight."

"Yes, although the intensity of the attack last night was stronger than before, it can still be defended. If it continues to be so fierce, it will be really unbearable."

Seeing everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi immediately called Anyue and asked, "Has the newly expanded area of ​​the sub-islands that were previously experimented been dealt with?"

"Everything has been taken care of!" An Yue responded.

In the newly expanded open space, refreshing the supplies in the early morning may not necessarily refresh the supplies. Everything is random, and the supplies may not even be refreshed.

If there is really no refreshed supplies, Anyue needs to arrange for someone to deal with it.

If it is not dealt with, if the previously expanded open space is not occupied, it is very likely that teleportation wormholes will be randomly refreshed.

Xiao Yi's goal here is to refresh all the teleportation wormholes to one location, so naturally no other free locations can be left.

Hearing Anyue say that everything had been taken care of, Xiao Yi felt relieved, then threw the phone aside and prepared to rest.

Early the next morning, after Xiao Yi completed his morning practice, he first asked about the undead attack last night.

"Sister Xue, did the undead attack intensity increase again yesterday?" Xiao Yi asked Zhan Xue while having breakfast downstairs.

Zhan Xue thought for a while and replied: "This can't be felt at all, because they have been blocked in the teleportation wormhole by us."

"Okay, is there a new teleportation wormhole?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"Yes, it happens to be refreshed at the location you arranged!" Zhan Xue replied, "Because it is a separate small island, it is very convenient for us to defend!"

The undead armies come out of the teleportation wormholes on land, so they can only invade the main island through the only path a few meters wide that connects to the main island.

The small road has been blocked by a city wall, and the city wall is still heavily guarded.

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