Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1058: Conquering Rollington, Mu Zhu arrives at the port

Teng Long was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "Master, have you really decided this way?"

"This world is dominated by the jungle. It is a blessing to be able to submit to a strong person that you recognize!" Lan Yong replied with a smile.

Teng Long was startled for a moment, then nodded and stopped talking.

The light machine gun that Xiao Yi took out had a huge impact on Lan Yong and others. In fact, not only Lan Yong, but Rollington was also shocked.

After the team of the Blue Wind Empire chased out of the royal city, Rollington looked at Lan Yong and others walking away and fell into deep thought!

Laurel on the side said: "Father, now you should know why I suggested that at that time!"

Laurel had previously suggested that Rollington surrender directly to Xiao Yi, but Rollington refused without even thinking!

Rollington sighed, nodded, and said, "You are right!"

Hearing what Rollington said, Laurel said in surprise: "Father, are you ready to do this?"

"Well, this Alliance Leader Xiao can be considered a wise leader. I hope all this was not just a show for us!" Rollington replied in a deep voice.

Laurel smiled and replied: "Father, I can guarantee that it is definitely not the case. Although we have not had much contact with each other, the performances he just performed were definitely not staged."

Rollington looked at her and smiled meaningfully.

Laurel's face turned red and he said, "Father, why are you laughing?"

"I have never seen you defend an outsider so much!" Rollington replied with a smile.

Laurel explained: "What I said is the truth, not a defense!"

"No need to explain, haven't you heard that explanation is a cover-up, and what you cover up is the truth!" Rollington said with a laugh.

"Humph, I'll ignore you!" Laurel wrinkled his nose and turned his head.

In the constant pursuit of the Blue Wind Empire's team, the Zhan Mu family's team has almost arrived at the port.

"I wonder if the young master has moved everything?" said the counselor on the side.

"We have been delayed in the royal city for such a long time, even if we have twice the supplies, we should be almost ready!" Mu Zhu replied with a smile.

"Well, as long as the young master is ready, we can leave here as soon as we arrive." The counselor said, "This way we don't have to worry about the chasing soldiers behind us!"

The scouts of the Zhanmu family had long discovered that the Blue Wind Empire team behind them was completely mechanized. All members were sitting in vehicles, unlike them who relied on carriages or legs to travel!

But the strange thing is that the Blue Wind Empire team didn't seem to be in any hurry to catch up with them, and just kept a certain distance at a leisurely pace.

This matter made them very confused.

With the Blue Wind Empire's team and the weapons in hand, it was possible to fight them, but they didn't and just followed.

Mu Zhu thought for a moment and said: "We can start setting up a defense line later. Since we are almost at the port, we must block their progress and not let them easily approach our port!"


Following Mu Zhu's instructions, the Zhan Mu family immediately began to set up a defense line, and their actions were immediately discovered by the scouts of the Blue Wind Empire and reported to Lan Yong and Teng Long.

"It's easy, then continue to blast it with artillery, and then push forward!" Teng Long gave simple and rude instructions.


Before the Zhan Mu family's defense line was fully constructed, artillery shells from the Blue Wind Empire flew over.

Boom boom boom!

"Made, how much money has the Blue Wind Empire made from us, and it actually has so many artillery shells?" Mu Zhu said angrily as he listened to the rumbling sound of artillery behind him.

"The profits from the weapons business must be very large. In addition, they can trade directly with outsiders, so they will definitely be able to get a lot of weapons and ammunition. There is nothing we can do about this!" the counselor replied helplessly.

After covering it with artillery fire, Teng Long immediately ordered the team to charge. Now their team has a thousand carbines and two light machine guns, all of which were taken from the Yiranpin Alliance soldiers.

Before Xiao Yi left, he told his soldiers to hand over the carbines to the Blue Wind Empire team.

With carbines and light machine guns, unless the Zhan Mu family builds defenses in advance, they have no chance to build defenses!

"Chief, let's wait until the port to fight back. Here, we have no chance at all!" the counselor suggested.

"Well, move forward at full speed!" Mu Zhu said in a deep voice.


The team of the Zhan Mu family soon arrived at the port.

"Huh? Why are all the guards here missing?" Mu Zhu said in confusion as he saw that there were no soldiers guarding the entrance to the port.

"Maybe the young master has already moved and gathered everyone on the boat!" the counselor speculated.

"Just stop the pursuers from behind here!" Mu Zhu ordered.


This was originally the defense line set up by the Zhan Mu family, so the fortifications have been constructed, and the soldiers of the Zhan Mu family only need to hide inside and fight back!

At this time, Mu Zhu and others heard a roar, and then saw an object like a big bird flying into the sky!

"What is this?" Mu Zhu said with a frown, "How could it fly out of our port?"

The counselor shook his head in equal surprise.

When the Blue Wind Empire team following the Zhan Mu family saw the flying fighter jet, Teng Long immediately ordered: "Stop the attack. Let's all observe and learn. Maybe we will have the opportunity to fly this kind of fighter jet in the future!"

"Yes!" All the soldiers of the Blue Wind Empire became excited.

Flying into the sky is the dream of many people. In the past, only hot air balloons and airships could take them into the sky, but those things were a bit slow.

Where can I find the adrenaline-soaking speed of a fighter jet!

Xiao Yi and others discovered that the Zhan Mu family's team was coming, and immediately took off again. Following the previous method, they rushed towards the Zhan Mu family's large army and dropped explosives at the densely populated location!

Seeing something falling from the sky, Mu Zhu's expression changed drastically and he immediately said: "Get away, everyone, get away!"

But it was too late, those soldiers didn't react at all, and stared blankly as the explosive bag fell next to them!

boom! boom!

The huge explosion directly tore apart all the soldiers within a radius of twenty meters. Even if they were pressed twenty meters away, they would be splashed by the iron nails tied to the explosive packs.

For a time, the scene was full of broken limbs and broken arms, and screams could not be heard!

"Ah, my hands!"

"Ahhh, it hurts so much, my leg is gone!"

"Ah, my head, ah, the eyes!"

Looking at this scene that was like Shura Hell, the legs of all the soldiers of the Zhan Mu family began to tremble.

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