Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1086 The rescue was successful and the coalition forces were repelled

Upon hearing the reminder from the general, the soldiers of the Cinan Empire immediately fell down and looked for cover!

But in the next moment, the head of General Pian who was hiding behind the tree also exploded, turning into a headless corpse and falling to the ground.

Now all the soldiers of the Cinan Empire were confused. Didn't they say that the enemy was in the southeast?

The general was already hiding behind a tree, why was he hit again?

A team leader immediately shouted: "There are also ones in the northwest!"


The captain's head also exploded!

At this time, all the soldiers of the Cinan Empire could no longer bear the pressure of the death approaching step by step, so they got up and fled behind.

No one dares to speak out to direct everyone's actions. The scene just now has completely explained everything. Whoever speaks out will die!

Seeing the soldiers of the Cinan Empire fleeing back, Mu Kai and others' eyes were filled with shock: "What exactly happened below?"

At this time, Jiang Yuntian quickly approached the high ground where Mu Kai was.

Seeing a man covered with grass and vines standing up from the grass in front of them, Mu Kai and the others almost shot him!

"I am Jiang Yuntian!" Jiang Yuntian shouted in a deep voice.

Mu Kai hurriedly stopped everyone's actions and said, "I am Mu Kai. Thank you, Instructor Jiang, for coming to the rescue!"

"Come with me!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Okay!" Mu Kai and his men followed immediately.

At this time, a soldier brought by Jiang Yuntian reported: "Instructor, another large army is approaching us."

"Delay them!" Jiang Yuntian replied immediately.


After Jiang Yuntian hung up the phone, he led them to the troop carrier.

Mu Kai asked curiously: "How many reinforcements have come this time?"

"Twenty!" Jiang Yuntian replied as he hurried on.

"Twenty?" Mu Kai and others were completely stunned.

Could it be that only twenty people scared away the Cinan Empire team?

At this time, Gro, who was watching this scene from a distance, was extremely shocked.

Mukai and the others didn't know what happened, but Groo almost saw the whole process.

The power of that kind of gun is too high, it will directly produce a crushing effect on the person's position!

Moreover, Jiang Yuntian and the others, except for the first shot that killed ordinary soldiers who were about to rush to the high ground, the next few shots were all aimed at senior officers in the area!

Killing a senior officer will have a greater impact on team morale than killing an ordinary soldier can!

The sacrifice of a senior officer also caused a team to lose its commanding personnel. Without a command, it becomes a basin of loose sand!

Xiao Yi stood aside and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "No wonder the world in the past banned using Barrett to target soldiers! The effect is too cruel!"

Before, I had only heard Jiang Yuntian say that he would be beaten to pieces, but seeing it with his own eyes was completely different from hearing about it.

"Let's go down!" Xiao Yi greeted.

Gro, who was deep in thought, immediately reacted, nodded, and then followed Xiao Yi down the mountain.

When Jiang Yuntian brought Mu Kai and the others to the troop carrier, Xiao Yi and Ge Luo also arrived.

"General Gro, why are you here!" Mu Kai asked in surprise.

Ge Luo smiled and replied: "The island owner needs a guide. It just so happened that I accompanied His Majesty to visit the Cinan Empire before, so I came here to be a guide."

Mu Kai nodded, then looked at Xiao Yi, saluted respectfully, and said, "Thank you, the island owner, for coming to the rescue!"

"Don't be so polite. Since you have joined our alliance, you are one family. If you are in trouble, we will never sit idly by and ignore it!" Xiao Yi replied.

Mu Kai nodded and asked, "Island Master, how will we evacuate next?"

"Let Brother Jiang hold down those tails, and we'll move to the beach!" Xiao Yi replied.

After Jiang Yuntian brought Mu Kai and the others here, he rushed deep into the jungle again.

According to the marks left by his team members, Jiang Yuntian quickly arrived at the front line.

There is a large team heading this way. This team is actually divided into four distinct parts, and they are also holding different flags!

Jiang Yuntian took out his mobile phone and pointed it at the teams, took a few photos, and then ordered: "Look for the other party's commanders and sniper them immediately!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in a low voice.

Bang bang bang bang!

The leaders of those four teams were immediately shot in the head!

The entire team stopped immediately and looked at the surrounding situation warily.

"Artillery, immediately carry out artillery fire at a distance of about one thousand meters in front!" Almost four teams issued the same order.


Boom boom boom!

Jiang Yuntian and the others were close to two kilometers away, watching the artillery fire in front of them comfortably.

"Brothers, wait until their shelling is over and continue the roll call!" Jiang Yuntian ordered.


The four teams bombarded for half an hour and finally stopped.

The smoke has just dissipated!

The person who took over the command in their team had his head blown off again!

This frightened all the soldiers, and they all immediately fell to the ground.

"What's going on? Haven't we already covered the entire land one kilometer ahead with artillery shells?"

"Yes, I just saw bullets flying from the front! What is going on? Did the other party attack us from a kilometer away?"

"Are you kidding? Today's guns only have an effective range of one kilometer at most. Beyond one kilometer, the power is greatly reduced, let alone such a powerful one!"

"It's hard to say. There are endless high-end weapons from outsiders. Maybe there are such high-end weapons!"

"Yes, the Tianlei Dynasty has surrendered to outsiders. Maybe they will get more advanced weapons!"

"Then this battle can't be fought at all! We'd better retreat first!"

"Forget it, let's withdraw. Before the Tianlei Dynasty knows about our alliance, let's break up quickly, otherwise the Tianlei Dynasty may settle accounts with us!"

Without much hesitation, the other three alliances immediately turned around and left.

Only the Cinan Empire team is still hesitant!

"Captain, what should we do?" A soldier couldn't help but asked after seeing that his allies had retreated.

The captain said hurriedly: "Don't talk to me, it's easy to get angry..."


The captain's head exploded!

Now the soldiers could no longer withstand the pressure and immediately ran away frantically.

Looking at the enemy team that was all retreating, Jiang Yuntian stood up from his hiding place and said, "Retreat!"

The sniper can only delay and disrupt the enemy's attack. If you want to annihilate it, it is not what the sniper can do!

"Instructor, my opponent this time is too good!" A soldier couldn't help complaining.

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