
There was a harsh friction sound between the Xuanyuan Sword and the skeleton of the ossified dragon.

Xiao Yi secretly thought: "It's done!"

Xiao Yi was aiming for the crack in the middle of the boned dragon's head. As long as he could get it in, he would definitely be able to pierce the fire of his soul!

Feeling the Xuanyuan Sword piercing his head and threatening the fire of his soul, the Bones Divine Dragon immediately started struggling crazily.

As a high-level undead, Bones Dragon doesn't want to die in this world like this!


The boned dragon's claws directly tore the skin of the entangled green dragon to pieces!

Qinglong felt the pain, roared angrily, and then grabbed the boned dragon tightly again.

Now that the Xuanyuan Sword has been inserted into the boned dragon's head, Xiao Yi holds the hilt of the sword tightly with one hand, clenches the other hand into a fist, and smashes it in with all his strength!

Bang bang bang!

Xuanyuan Sword is getting closer to the soul fire of the boned dragon!

The Bones Divine Dragon was a little panicked now. It no longer struggled with Xiao Yi and Qinglong, and directly dragged the man and the dragon towards the crack in space!

"Island owner, be careful, it's going back!" Jia Zhente shouted hurriedly.

The green dragon wrapped around the body of the boned dragon. Jia Zhente and Hu Zhe were afraid of taking action. They could only stand aside and anxiously look for opportunities.

The giant's voice is already loud, and now that the situation is urgent, his voice is even louder!

Xiao Yi, who was concentrating on beating the Xuanyuan Sword, heard Jia Zhente's prompt and immediately realized that they were quickly approaching the space crack!

"Jia Zhente, Hu Zhe, you two will all hit the Xuanyuan Sword I inserted on its body in a moment, do you understand?" Xiao Yi shouted in a deep voice, "Don't worry about Qinglong!"

"Yes!" Jia Zhente and the others immediately responded, then stopped in front of the bone-shaped dragon and tightened their grip on the metal rod in their hands!

Xiao Yi told Qinglong in his heart: "Let go of the Bones Divine Dragon for a while, even if you can't let go, stay away from the Bones Dragon's head!"

"Yes!" Qinglong responded immediately.

The bone-shaped dragon was getting closer and closer. Xiao Yi saw the right moment and stepped on the hilt of the Xuanyuan Sword. He jumped to the side like a big bird and roared at the same time: "Hit!"

The metal rod in Hu Zhe's hand immediately swung it towards the head of the boned dragon.

The Bones Divine Dragon naturally knew that he could never be hit by him, so he leaned to the left.

Vujicic's metal rod hit the right side of the boned dragon's head.


Makes a very loud noise!

Xuanyuan Sword was not hit!

Before the Bones Divine Dragon had time to be happy, a strong wind struck again.

There is absolutely no way to avoid it this time!

The ossified dragon immediately prepared to curl up, trying to use its body to protect its head, but the next moment it desperately discovered that the green dragon was still clinging to it.

Although the strength of the Bones Divine Dragon is stronger than that of the Azure Dragon, after all, it is too slow to curl up against the power of the Azure Dragon!


Jia Zhente's metal rod accurately landed on the hilt of Xuanyuan Sword.

The Xuanyuan Sword, which was originally difficult to penetrate, was completely engulfed in an instant!

And the whole struggling skeletal dragon stopped in place as if it had been cast a restraining spell in an instant!

The next moment, the ossified dragon fell to the ground.

"Great! The island owner and the giant have solved the skeletal dragon!" Everyone cheered.

Just now, they really thought that Xiao Yi and Qinglong would be brought into the space crack, but unexpectedly, unexpectedly, they unexpectedly turned out to be unexpectedly unexpected, and they cooperated to kill the Bones Divine Dragon!

Hu Zhe's stick missed, and everyone was almost desperate at that time, but Jia Zhente followed up with a hit and finally defeated the boned dragon.

Jia Zhente looked at Hu Zhe and said, "Great job!"

"Of course I know I did a good job, I just want to give him more high-end food when I go back!" Hu Zhe replied with a smile.

The main purpose of the stick just now was to force the boned dragon's head to tilt to the left, providing Jia Zhente with an opportunity!

Xiao Yi fell to the ground and rolled several times before he could get rid of the impact of the landing. He stood up and heard Hu Zhe's words, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, no matter what grade of food you have, you will be satisfied!"

"Island owner, this is what you said, you can't go back on it!" Hu Zhe immediately climbed up the pole.

"When have I ever regretted what I said?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

"That's not true. I can finally eat with ease!" Hu Zhe said, smacking his lips.

Xiao Yi walked to the boned dragon, held the Xuanyuan Sword, and prepared to pull it out.


Xiao Yi even brought up the entire dragon head, but failed to pull out the Xuanyuan Sword!

"Chief Jia, I have to leave this to you!" Xiao Yi helplessly asked for help.

"Leave it to me!" Jia Zhente stepped forward, stepped on the boned dragon's head with one foot, and grabbed the Xuanyuan Sword with the other hand!

"Get up!" Jia Zhente shouted in a deep voice while pulling out.


The friction between Xuanyuan Sword and the boned dragon skull made a harsh sound.

"Let me help you!" Hu Zhe walked over, took Jia Zhente's arm, and exerted force at the same time.


Xuanyuan Sword was finally pulled out from the skull of the boned dragon. Jia Zhente and Hu Zhe staggered two steps back before they stabilized their bodies.

"This is so tight!" Jia Zhente sighed, and then handed the Xuanyuan Sword back to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded and took it.

In order to prevent the resurgence of the ossified dragon, Xiao Yi walked to the head and used the Xuanyuan Sword to dig out the soul fire of the ossified dragon from the head!

Looking at the soul fire that had a big hole cut open, Xiao Yi muttered: "This seems to be the same type of thing as the soul crystal found before, but this one is bigger!"

With this thought in mind, he put the soul crystal away.

The Qinglong beside him had also completely fallen to the ground. If he hadn't seen its abdomen still heaving together, he would have thought it was dead.

"Let Nana come over and treat Qinglong immediately!" Xiao Yi took a step forward, looked at Qinglong with several bloody parts, and said immediately.

"Yes!" The soldiers on the side immediately returned to the island monument and traded the nano medical equipment over.

Nana came here and immediately started to help Qinglong treat the wound. After handling it, Nana said: "This injury is a bit serious, so it needs to rest for a while!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work. Let's go see the other injured people!" Xiao Yi nodded and said.

At this time, the undead outside have begun to rush towards the location of the space crack!

The nine elders were killed, but there were still some low-level black-robed commanders. They knew that it only made sense to defend the space rift, otherwise no matter how great their advantage on the front line was, it would be meaningless.

Zhan Xue has already deployed a defense line around the space crack, and many heavy weapons have been placed in front.

Coupled with the fact that there are many foreign races assisting in defense and the role of air purification and balancing devices, this place is already impregnable!

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