Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1242 The four empires are coming, and the enemy’s weapons are strengthened

In the northeastern waters of Yiranpin Alliance, more than a thousand ships are sailing towards Yiranpin Alliance.

"This is probably our last chance. If we can't win the Yiranpin Alliance, we may have no chance at all!" A beautiful woman said on a huge and luxuriously decorated ship in the fleet. .

There were three men sitting around this lady.

It was the four great empires Qingzhu, Aogu, Holy Light, and Rising Sun on the first new continent discovered by Xiao Yi.

Before, the four empires had jointly attacked the Yi Ranpin Alliance, but they ended in failure.

This time they came together again, hoping to swallow this piece of fat in one bite.

"Yes, according to the conversations of those outsiders, they should leave this world soon. If we don't seize this opportunity, we will have no chance to defeat the Yiranpin Alliance in the future!" Augu nodded, Said in a deep voice.

The other two emperors also nodded.

After the outsiders leave, the island monument will be initialized, the island monument in the hands of the natives of this world will also disappear, and the items they obtain will not be strengthened.

So even if the outsiders have left the Yi Ranpin Alliance, they still can't defeat them.

If they rely on their own scientific research and development, it will be the Year of the Monkey and the Horse. Besides, the Yiranpin Alliance is also developing, and there is no chance to catch up!

"However, we still have to play it steady this time. This Yi Ranpin is not easy!" Shengguang said with a frown.

The SSS-level wizard of the Holy Light Empire was killed first by Xiao Yi.

Xuri nodded: "Yes!"

At this time, in the naval port of the Yiranpin Alliance, the five aircraft carriers were completely equipped, and a small boat with an island monument was carried on each aircraft carrier.

Now less than a year has passed, and the island monument cannot be moved, so the boat can only be lifted directly up.

However, the aircraft carrier is very large, and it is completely inconspicuous to put a small boat on it!

With the island monument on the aircraft carrier, both endurance and repair capabilities have become impeccable!

"Report to the island owner and instructor, the nuclear aircraft carrier has been equipped and can be dispatched at any time!" A soldier ran over to report!

"Okay, all naval forces board the ship!" Jiang Yuntian ordered.


Naval forces within the Yiranpin Alliance boarded the aircraft carrier.

"Island owner, let's go and take a look together!" Jiang Yuntian invited.

"Of course!" Xiao Yi replied, and the two boarded one of the aircraft carriers together!

In the northeastern waters, Qingzhu looked at the sub-island of the Yiranpin Alliance not far away and ordered: "Pay attention to detecting submarines under the water. Be sure to discover them and deal with them as soon as possible!"


The Qingzhu Empire obtained a type of sonar specifically designed to detect submarines. This was completely designed to target the Yiranpin Alliance's submarines.

Xuri ordered: "All anti-aircraft guns are always alert to the air power of the Yiranpin Alliance!"


It can be said that the four empires made very detailed preparations for this attack on the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

Almost every aspect has been considered, even the ships they used were just purchased from the Yiranpin Alliance!

In order to allow the country's survivors to better respond to foreign invasions, Xiao Yi opened the sale of the highest-level armored battleships and steam turbine ships.

The four empires, which themselves have captured some Xia Kingdom survivors, still have a chance to obtain these advanced ships.

After these advanced ships are obtained by the indigenous people, they will be strengthened. This rule has not changed.

This is another reason why the four empires dare to challenge the Yi Ranpin Alliance!

On the Northeast Island of the Yiranpin Alliance, the person in charge, Qiu Sheng, had already received an order from Jiang Yuntian, asking him to command nearby ships to resist first!

Looking at the opponent's more than a thousand ships, Qiu Sheng couldn't help but swallow, and then immediately called Jiang Yuntian.

"Instructor Jiang, the other party must have had too many boats this time!" Qiu Sheng said.

"Well, there are indeed quite a few. The armored warships in the alliance have already arrived to support us! You need to hold on!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Okay!" Qiu Sheng responded.

He was also on a warship at this time. He looked at the thick warship opposite and said in a deep voice: "As long as they enter our shooting range, they will attack immediately. No need to apply!"

"Yes!" everyone responded.

But soon, Qiu Sheng was dumbfounded. The opponent actually stopped about 20 meters away from their attack range, and then fired at them!

Qiu Sheng reacted immediately and shouted: "Retreat immediately, their artillery has been strengthened, and the attack range is farther than ours!"

The Yi Ranpin Alliance has not encountered aboriginal attacks for a long time, and everyone has almost forgotten this rule.

Upon hearing Qiu Sheng's order, the armored warships of the Yi Ranpin Alliance immediately withdrew, but it was already a little too late.

Many hulls were destroyed by artillery.

Fortunately, the island monument was repaired in time!

At this time, the Yiranpin Alliance's submarine also headed towards the northeastern waters.

"Instructor, we are about to approach the northeastern waters. If we find local ships, will we launch a direct attack?" the submariner asked.

Jiang Yuntian replied: "Attack directly!"


Before the submarine even got close to the ships of the four empires, the other party's sonar had already discovered them, and they immediately launched several wire-guided torpedoes.

"Warning: If a high-speed moving object is found attacking the submarine, please avoid it in time!" The submarine radar immediately issued an alarm.

The soldier in charge of controlling the submarine immediately controlled the submarine and drove it aside, but it was too late!



A violent explosion sounded, the submarine's bulkhead was blown open, and seawater immediately poured into the submarine.

"Report, we were hit by a torpedo, the submarine has been damaged, request to retreat and surface!"

When Jiang Yuntian heard this report, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately replied: "Agree to retreat and surface! Immediately use the island monument to repair and drain water. All submarines should not approach enemy ships. They should have special devices to detect submarines!" "


Hearing Jiang Yuntian's words, Xiao Yi was also a little surprised: "I didn't expect that the natives who came to attack our alliance this time were really well prepared!"

Jiang Yuntian narrowed his eyes and replied: "Now everyone knows the strength of our alliance, so since they dare to launch an attack, it means that they must have something to deal with our advanced weapons."

"So, they must have anti-aircraft guns! Our fighter jets must be careful!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yeah!" Jiang Yuntian responded, and then reminded the Air Force on the phone.

"Actually, it's not just the Air Force, the fighter jets on our nuclear aircraft carrier are also much less powerful!" Xiao Yi frowned and said, "I didn't expect that we would be given a comparable opponent at this time!"

"Evenly matched?" Jiang Yuntian sneered and replied, "Then I want to see if they can use these advanced weapons and equipment!"

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