Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1245 The anchor masters the password to wealth, whetting his appetite

Seeing the surprised voices in the live broadcast room, the anchor continued to explain: "According to statistics from military experts, the probability of a shell repeatedly landing in the same crater on the battlefield is one in hundreds of thousands. If the battlefield area is larger, The probability will be one in five million, which is almost like winning the lottery!”

"Here I go, is this true or false? I don't study well, anchor, please don't lie to me?"

"That's true in theory."

"Learned another little skill for killing yourself on the battlefield!"

The anchor smiled and continued: "In addition to the very small probability, bomb craters have other advantages. The craters are relatively low-lying. You don't have to worry about shell fragments flying around when hiding in them. For example, this spot on my forehead. If I hide in There wouldn’t be such injuries in the crater.”

"Damn, anchor, what you said is true. Were you a soldier before?"

The anchor smiled and replied: "Guess!"

At this time, the anchor noticed something unusual about the ships on the sea, and immediately said: "Wait a minute, there is something going on on the sea!"

Now everyone's attention was finally diverted from the anchor's battlefield skills.

"What's going on? Cut the camera quickly!"

"Hurry up, the yacht has rewarded you, so hurry up and cut the screen!"

"The anchor who made people appetizing last time is still lying in the Yi Ranpin Boss Alliance Hospital!"

"That's right, if you don't cut it, I will crowdfund your legs and break them!"

The anchor immediately switched the camera to the sea and said at the same time: "Just now, these ships were still pressing forward towards the coast, but now, they have stopped. It seems that there is something wrong on the sea, and their artillery has no power. Keep firing towards the shore."

"Yes, the ships on the sea seem to be adjusting their attitude. It seems that they are encountering problems behind them!"

"Anchor, can you swim over and have a look? I'll reward you with a hundred rockets!"

"I'll give you a reward of two hundred yachts. Hurry over and see what's going on!"

The anchor said helplessly: "No matter how much you reward me, I won't be able to swim across it. Unless you give me a real yacht, I definitely won't be able to swim across it!"

Being able to come here is already risking your life. If you still jump into the sea, you are really looking for death!

"Isn't the anchor not afraid of death at all? Why are you so timid now?"

"Yes, if you can't see what's going on in front of you, then I'll watch it with another anchor!"

"Yes, you are not the only anchor."

The anchor didn't care about their threats and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, I can make as much money as I want. I will never step on rocks to reach the moon!"

As the anchor spoke, he carefully observed the sea.

Soon, he noticed something different. There seemed to be many fighter jets flying on the sea, flying towards the indigenous warships.

After throwing down some air-to-ground missiles, they immediately fell again!

At the same time, many artillery shells appeared on the indigenous warships and went straight towards the fighter jets.

"This is an anti-aircraft gun!" the anchor murmured.

Combining what he saw before him, the anchor's eyes suddenly widened, and he thought of a possibility.

"Impossible!" The anchor was completely stunned.

"Anchor, what are you mumbling about? What anti-aircraft guns, what is impossible?"

"That's it, can the host not be the Riddler? This is very annoying, you know?"

"The anchor has noticed something, please tell me quickly!"

The anchor slowed down and said, "Did everyone see the fighter jet just now?"

"Of course, even though it's just some black spots, you can still tell them apart!"

"Yes, and those indigenous ships seemed to have anti-aircraft weapons. I saw several fighter jets being hit and falling with black smoke!"

"Everyone knows that the Yi Ranpin Alliance has fighter jets. Is there anything strange about this?"

The anchor continued: "It's not surprising that there are fighter jets, but have you ever wondered why fighter jets don't take off from our island?"

"Huh? It seems so. This fighter jet seems to fly out of the sea?"

"It seems that the destroyed fighter jets did not fly to the island?"

"Did you go around to other islands?"

"That should be the case. In order to take them by surprise, the fighter jets must have flown over from the sub-islands on both sides!"

The anchor shook his head and said: "I have been paying attention to the sea just now, and I did not notice any fighter jets flying out from both sides. Of course, maybe the Yi Ranpin Alliance fighter jets took a long detour, but I am more inclined to another possibility! "

"What's possible?" everyone asked.

"That means the fighter jets did not fly out from the alliance island!" the anchor said with certainty.

"If you don't fly over from the alliance island, then where do you fly there? Are there other islands in the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

"It seems like there are no indigenous islands within fifty kilometers of the Survivor Island, right?"

"Yeah, it doesn't seem to make much sense if the arrangement is too far away."

"Anchor, you are really good at whetting people's appetites. Hurry up, send me ten rockets and tell me your speculation!"

"The anchor has mastered the wealth code. In this case, everyone will be eager to know the next speculation. Anchor, you have posted it!"

There are indeed many people buying gifts in the live broadcast room. I hope the host will come to the conclusion quickly.

The anchor looked at the gifts that filled the screen and slowly said: "If these fighter jets don't take off from land, where else can they take off from?"

"Wucao, anchor, you don't want to say that it took off from an aircraft carrier, right?"

"Hiss, it's so scary!"

"Made, it's really possible. If it were another alliance, I definitely wouldn't believe it, but with the Yi Ranpin Alliance, it's really possible!"

"The fighter jets took off and landed at sea. Combined with the movements of the indigenous ships just now, it is basically certain that the Yi Ranpin Alliance does have an aircraft carrier!"

If they didn't encounter ships at sea, but just had fighter jets coming over, the indigenous ships could have continued to attack the coast and land.

Only when they encounter more powerful ships can the indigenous ships give up and approach the shore first!

"No wonder the boss said no support is needed. With an aircraft carrier, we can walk sideways on the sea!"

"Awesome, the best ship I have built so far is the medium-sized sailboat manufacturing diagram! I didn't expect that the big guys already have aircraft carriers!"

"It's really impossible to compare. The more we compare, the sadder it becomes!"

"I only have one thing to say at this moment, the boss is awesome!"

The anchor looked at the sea and said quietly: "Aircraft carriers are indeed powerful, but they are not invincible, especially when encountering these small and fast warships. As long as the opponent does not fight to the death, the aircraft carrier will not be able to do anything against them!"

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