"What do you mean it shouldn't happen? It's definitely possible. You didn't move at first. Are you moving now?"

"That's right, everyone should no longer be in their original positions now!"

"Nonsense, everyone must have grabbed more than one supply box. I don't know how far they have deviated from the original location!"

"So if we can get back to where we were, we're safe?"

"This is not certain, but at least it will be safer than the moved position!"

"Made, what are you waiting for? Fly back quickly!"

"I want to fly back, but I'm low on fuel!"

"Yes, we have completely exhausted our fuel by grabbing supply boxes in the past three days. How can we get the fuel back!"

"No, my escape capsule seems to have been captured by a large planet. It's over!"

"Everyone should try to move their escape capsules as far away from the star as possible. Move as far as you can!"

"Yeah, this should make it a little farther from the planet!"

"Made, why are there so many pits here?"

"Do you think space exploration is easy? Do you think anyone can be an astronaut?"

"I want to buy fuel. As long as 20% of the fuel is needed, I am willing to pay 100,000 foundation stones!"

Seeing this price, Xiao Yi knew that he must have set the price too low before, but it was understandable that now that the fuel was the key to his survival, the price would naturally rise.

In the past, fuel was only the key to grabbing the supply box. Although this was also related to life and death, it was not that direct after all.

Xiao Yi looked at his water and still had 95kg. He pondered for a moment and immediately used 45kg. He first let the air purification balance device electrolyze it into hydrogen and oxygen, and then converted it into 45% by using an air compression cooler. fuel.

After thinking for a moment, a transaction was placed on the trading floor.

"[Fuel]*1% Transaction [Cornerstone]*10,000."

There are 40 sets of transactions in total.

As soon as this transaction was announced, the public channels started to boil again.

"What's going on? How can this Yi Ranpin produce so much fuel?"

"Can he already make fuel?"

"Yeah, but the price is damn expensive!"

“Isn’t it a bit immoral to hang it so expensively at this time?”

"How long have you been talking about morality? If someone can come up with fuel at this time, I would like to thank his eight generations of ancestors!"

"Yes, how much other people want to pay for fuel is their own business. If you can't afford it, don't morally kidnap others!"

"Made, I just hesitated for a moment, and it's gone. Can the boss release some more?"

"Yes, how come you are all so fast and have so many cornerstones in your hands?"

"Please beg the boss to release some more fuel and save us!"

Mr. Lu also chatted with Xiao Yi privately: "Boss, why did you suddenly come up with so much fuel!"

"I collected some water from meteorites, so I was able to produce so much fuel." Xiao Yi explained.

"So that's it!" Mr. Lu replied, and then initiated a transaction.

"[Water]*12kg Transaction None."

"Boss, I have also collected some water here. Could you please help me convert it into fuel? Can the price be as you said?" Mr. Lu asked cautiously.

Xiao Yi agreed to the transaction and replied: "Since we have agreed on the price, we must follow the previous price. The price listed on the trading floor now is a bit high!"

"Thank you, boss!" Mr. Lu said excitedly.

"By the way, have you returned to your original position?" Xiao Yi asked casually.

"No, but I always grab the supply box away from the light. It shouldn't shorten the distance between me and the planet. It shouldn't be a big problem!" Mr. Lu replied.

"That's good!" Xiao Yi said as he converted the 12kg of water into 12 points of fuel and traded it back.

"[Fuel]*12% Transaction None."

Mr. Lu immediately agreed to the deal, and then said happily: "Thank you, boss. I came from Dier. My real name is Lu Meiyu. Where are you, boss?"

"I'm from the earth." Xiao Yi replied without saying his real name.

Lu Meiyu did not ask further questions, but said with a smile: "The boss should be very strong in the first stage. I wonder how many cornerstones he brought with him?"

Xiao Yi helplessly replied: "Being strong is a bit strong, but I haven't brought any of the cornerstones!"

"What? Not even a cornerstone?" Lu Meiyu was stunned. "Then why did you leave all the cornerstones in the first stage? There is no point in leaving them there!"

"My wife and some relatives and friends are still in that world, so I left it all to them!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "And I can't bring the foundation stone here due to some special reasons!"


Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Lu Meiyu fell into a daze again.

Then he hurriedly asked: "Boss, are your wife, relatives and friends all first-stage Aboriginals?"

Because only in this way can the wife, relatives and friends mentioned by Xiao Yi continue to survive in the world in the first stage!

"No, they are all survivors like us!" Xiao Yi replied calmly.

Lu Meiyu looked at Xiao Yi's reply on the island monument in shock.

Xiao Yi's words revealed two pieces of information.

First of all, the trialists can continue to survive in the first stage without entering the second stage.

What is going on? If we don’t enter the second stage, won’t we be obliterated?

Secondly, he couldn't bring the foundation stone here for some reason.

What's the reason for this, why can't he carry the cornerstone?

These two questions make no sense at all in Lu Meiyu’s case!

But now Lu Meiyu is not very familiar with Xiao Yi, so it is not convenient for him to continue asking, so he can only keep these questions in his heart.

Ask again later when you are familiar with it!

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and traded oxygen for water on the trading floor.

Now everyone basically has a collector, and if there is nothing else to do, they should grab some meteorites to collect, so as to return some metal resources, including water resources.

Of course, everyone should have discovered that water is collected from meteorites, and pure water is obtained from supply boxes.

Just from the name, you can tell that the water collected from meteorites needs to be processed before it can be eaten!

Therefore, Xiao Yi planned to trade some water back, which would be completely useless in the hands of others.

But in Xiao Yi's hands, it can be turned into oxygen and turned into fuel.

After Xiao Yi completed the transaction, the public channel started discussing again.

"The boss actually started collecting water?"

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