"Okay, you'd better stop talking nonsense and see if you can escape the attraction of the comet!" Someone couldn't help but remind.

The man immediately activated the escape capsule, but his speed barely changed!

"Made, let me go!" the man roared, and then turned the power system to the maximum.

The speed of his escape capsule finally began to slow down, but in the next moment it continued to fly forward following the comet.

"Alert, low fuel!" the escape cabin prompted.

"What? I just spent 90% of the foundation stones to fill up the fuel, and now you are telling me that there is insufficient fuel!" the man shouted in shock.

At this time, the fuel gauge shows 0%!

"I spent all my belongings and only lasted for one second?" The man was desperate, "Maybe less than one second!"

The man reluctantly sent a message on the public channel: "If you encounter a comet, please stay away!"

"Brother, how are you? Have you escaped the attraction of the comet?"

"Seeing him send such touching words, it must be because this experience is so impressive!"

"It's a waste to escape. I spent all my foundation stones but I still can't escape. Now I'm sitting here waiting to die!"

"What! Isn't it possible to disengage even if the power system is started?"

"Yes, I started the power system and just reduced the speed a little. It lasted less than a second. Because there was insufficient fuel, I flew forward with the comet again!"

"Less than a second? How many points of fuel did you buy?"

"I filled up the fuel, but it's useless. I guess this can only be escaped in the early stages. Let's learn a lesson!"

"The fuel tank is full, but we can't escape the attraction of the comet? Doesn't that mean that as long as we encounter the comet, we will be dead!"

"Be aware of it in advance and stay away in advance! No wonder the ancients in our world called comets broom stars!"

"The ancients were honest and never deceived others!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi was a little surprised: "Is it possible that our civilizations still have something in common?"

At least that's how comets are called in the Xia Kingdom.

"This is feudal superstition. The comet is called a broom star just because of its tail. It does not predict war or natural disasters at all!"

"Brothers upstairs, don't be so sure. Everything in the world is interconnected. The appearance of a comet may cause a series of changes, leading to the final disaster!"

“Haven’t you all heard that the end of science is theology?”

"Made, you are talking nonsense here again! Get out of here, science is science, there is no way it will turn into theology!"

"I wonder if your world has ever done such an experiment, pouring the same water into different quilts, pasting words with different emotions on the quilts, and then using microscope photography to observe the crystallization form of water molecules?"

Xiao Yi was even more surprised when he saw this. Isn't this the same world as before, the experiment where "water knows the answer"?

The results of the experiment are roughly that in the cup with positive emotions such as happiness and joy, the water molecules are arranged in an unusually beautiful manner, while in the cup with negative emotions such as sadness and anger, the water molecules are arranged in an unusually chaotic manner!

"That experiment is nonsense, it's impossible!"

"Have you tried this experiment? I believe that with the technology on our planet, this experiment is not difficult to reproduce!"

"Does it sound like you did it?"

"I actually did it! I perfectly reproduced the test results!"

"Whatever you say, I don't believe it anyway!"

"If you don't believe this test, then do you believe that someone can tell the difference in water with their eyes?"

"This is even more nonsense. I don't believe it even more. The microscope is just about the same."

"Then just immerse yourself in your own world!"

At this time, no one cares about the person who was taken away by the comet.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and then found that all the ice crystals and dust on his window glass had been collected, and Xiao Yi finally saw the dark starry sky outside again.

Just by collecting the materials that fell on the surface of his escape cabin, he collected a full 500kg of water!

Half a ton of water seems like a lot, but compared to a comet weighing hundreds of billions of tons, it's just a drizzle.

I looked at the battery level on the escape capsule and saw that it was still 90%. I made a slight estimate and found that 20% of the battery was consumed in about 24 hours.

Lighting, robotic arms, space hooks, urine and feces collectors, air purification balance devices, and gas compression coolers all consume electricity!

"According to this kind of consumption, I can still last for more than four days, but I don't know if I can see the stars again in four days!" Xiao Yi looked at the extremely huge planet in front of him, frowning and thinking.

"Maybe I can try to move in the opposite direction of its revolution. Maybe I can speed up the time to see the star!" Xiao Yi thought.

At this time, Lu Meiyu sent a message: "Boss, are you awake?"

"You have something to say!" Xiao Yi floated over and saw the private chat on the island monument and replied.

"Boss, I don't have enough power here. I wonder if I can buy some power from you!" Lu Meiyu asked cautiously.

The escape cabin comes with a photovoltaic panel, but its level is only ordinary and its power generation capacity is limited.

When it could receive the light of stars before, the photovoltaic panel generated a little power, but it was not enough for Lu Meiyu to toss around!

Lu Meiyu does not have a space hook, so he can only drive the escape capsule around, which not only consumes fuel, but also consumes electricity.

The robotic arm on the escape capsule requires electricity to operate!

"I don't have much electricity!" Xiao Yi replied decisively.

Lu Meiyu immediately said: "Can I trade this for something? [Light Curtain Detector Manufacturing Diagram]*1."

Seeing this manufacturing diagram, Xiao Yi immediately changed his attitude: "Okay, in addition to giving you 10% of the power, plus four pieces of special double-layer glass for space, how about it?"

"Boss, you still have extra glass!" Lu Meiyu said in shock, "Okay, okay, thank you, boss!"

"Well, there are a few more." Xiao Yi explained simply.

"Then let's trade quickly, my robotic arm is almost shut down!" Lu Meiyu said excitedly.

Although the light curtain detector is also very important, the power in his escape cabin is currently a problem, so he should use this thing to trade some power with the big boss first, and at the same time, he can also please the big boss, killing two birds with one stone, why not!

The two quickly completed the deal, and Lu Meiyu immediately installed glass around his escape cabin.

"Hahaha, this way the field of view is indeed much wider, and it is more convenient to find the supply box!" Lu Meiyu said with a smile, "The safety has also been improved a lot. Although one detector was lost this time, the surrounding area was restored. The floor-to-ceiling windows are still profitable!”

Looking at the situation outside, Lu Meiyu became more open-minded!

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