Lettuce grows very fast, one crop a day, and he cannot consume so much food by himself, so Xiao Yi decisively chooses to sell it to others!

Xiao Yi picked about 10kg of lettuce, divided it into 500g portions, and hung it on the trading floor.

"[Lettuce]*500g trade [Dark Gold]*5."

Now that Zhu Wu is no longer in this galaxy, Xiao Yi's source of dark gold is gone.

Upgrading the escape cabin requires a lot of dark gold, which makes Xiao Yi understand that dark gold is the most important thing here.

The average number of cornerstones in each daily supply box opened is more than ten, but the secret gold is basically less than ten!

It can also be seen from this point that the dark gold is more precious than the foundation stone!

After Xiao Yi posted the deal, he was not robbed, but it aroused everyone's discussion.

"Wucao, the boss has really grown something!"

"Isn't this normal? There are vermiculite, water, and seeds. It's not normal if they can't be planted!"

"That's true, but aren't you ready to buy some to try?"

"Now is not the time to pursue the taste! Anyone with a discerning eye should be able to see the importance of dark gold!"

"That's right, we will probably need a lot of dark gold to upgrade our escape cabin in the future. We can't do it easily now!"

"Yes, as long as it doesn't endanger our lives, then just keep the secret gold in your hands!"

Despite everyone's discussion, some people still chose to try something new and bought the lettuce that Xiao Yi hung in the trading hall.

"Those space foods wrapped in lettuce are delicious. It would be perfect if they could be heated up!"

"Brother, I provide heating services here, one unit of dark gold at a time!"

"Are you planning to rob? Just heating it once costs one unit of dark gold!"

"You have to know that I have to consume electricity! This thing is also very precious. Without electricity, there won't be many things. Do you understand?"

"Tch, anyway, I won't take out a unit of dark gold after heating it once!"

"You've already exchanged dark gold for lettuce. Do you still care about this?"

"I care! In my eyes, everything has a corresponding value. If it is not worth it, I will definitely not waste the resources I have!"

"Are those lettuce worth five units of dark gold?"

"It's worth it in my eyes!"

"Okay, it's worth it if you say it's worth it!"

There were only twenty groups of lettuce in total. Although the transaction speed was very slow, they were all sold within an hour.

Xiao Yi harvested one hundred units of secret gold.

At this time, someone suddenly said in the public channel: "Why didn't I see the boss's pig brother speak today? Doesn't he always speak in the public channel?"

"Yes, let me call him!"

"What's the situation? Can't @? The island monument prompts that this galaxy is no longer in the system?"

"Huh? What do you mean? I'll try it too!"

"That's true. Does this mean he ran to another galaxy?"

"Wancao, can this still be the case? Did he really ride a broomstick to another galaxy?"

"At least according to the instructions on the island monument, that's what it means. It's really shocking!"

"Since he can go to another galaxy, will he meet acquaintances from the first stage?"

"It's very possible. There should be no one in this galaxy who has found their first-stage companion. There shouldn't even be any first-stage competitors!"

"No, we should be divided into many galaxies!"

"Wucao, there are about tens of thousands of people in our alliance. Do you mean that we are divided into tens of thousands of galaxies?"

"What's wrong with this?"

"That's right, the galaxies in the universe are like the sand of the Ganges. They are countless. There are only ten thousand galaxies. It is not easy to find them!"

"If I had known that Brother Zhu could run to other galaxies, I would have established a good relationship with him and asked him to help me find my first-stage companions!"

"Yeah, who would have thought that he could fly to other galaxies!"

"However, we should still have a chance. Comets generally move cyclically. Maybe they will come back in a few days. Then we will ask again. If they really go to other galaxies, then we can let them He gave us a message!"

"Stop bringing words, you can even bring things!"

"Are you sure you dare to trade your things to him?"

"Well, I really don't dare to do this. We can't contact other galaxies. Even if we let him take him there, we can't be sure whether he has found the person or whether he has made a deal with the person. So let's bring him a message!"

"Yes, this dancing pig has such a good relationship with Yi Ranpin, can we talk to the boss Yi Ranpin?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi said directly: "I don't know what the situation is at the moment. If you want him to help you, you need to talk to him directly!"

"Boss, don't you need him to send you a message or something?"

"Of course!" Xiao Yi replied, "I want to talk to him too."

"Actually, you don't have to be so anxious to ask Brother Pig to help us pass the message. It's meaningless. Even if you find your companion, so what?"

"You don't dare to give the resources to Brother Pig, which means you can't give or get any help at all. Knowing that they are in another galaxy, we have no way to sail among the stars now. It can only increase our troubles. What's worse? Let’s develop well here honestly!”

"That's wrong. Knowing that our companions are in another galaxy will further promote our efforts to develop and strive to meet up with our companions one day earlier!"

"You'd better stop arguing. The basis of your argument is that Brother Pig has arrived in another galaxy, and there are survivors in that galaxy. But this foundation is inherently unstable. What if there are no survivors in that galaxy?"

"It's just that the universe is so vast and there are so many galaxies. It's not such a coincidence that Brother Zhu arrived at another galaxy that was set up as a trial ground."

"Maybe Brother Pig just arrived in a desolate void, and everyone should disperse. Maybe he died there!"

"The mouth upstairs is so vicious. Brother Zhu doesn't seem to be sorry for you. Why do you say that to others!"

"Tch, do you care about me? I can say whatever I want."

"You are indeed a keyboard warrior. You must have been responsible for attacking the boss last time!"

"So what if you bite me because you have my share?"

"A tree without bark is bound to die. A man is shameless and invincible in the world!"

"Hmph, I just told you a possibility. You just don't want to believe it. You stupid creatures are really trying to survive with you. I feel embarrassed!"

"Mad, I didn't want to curse, you forced me to do it! ***!"

"Aren't you too busy to do this? This will cause a quarrel. Hurry up and open the supply box. There are good things coming out today!"

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