"Brother Pig, how many survivors are there who have bought guides now?" Someone suddenly @Dancing Pig in the public channel.

Zhu Wu was slightly startled, looked at the number of transactions, and replied: "A total of more than 310,000 points!"

"There should be only so many people left in our galaxy. Since more than 90% of the people have paid, let's announce it. This is good for the development of our galaxy. One person's prosperity is not prosperity! "

"No, why should we share the strategy we finally got with dark gold with other free prostitutes?"

"Yes, I feel bad too, but I also feel that what the brother just said is right. The more survivors we have, the richer our supplies will be!"

"Actually, it's not necessary. Since most of them have already obtained those strategies, the remaining survivors don't need them. They don't have any vision or structure."

"However, we have no way to discuss these strategies in the public channel. Do we need to create a new group?"

"There's no need. Let's just discuss it here. I don't want to start a lot of groups and then have no time to read the news in these groups!"

"It's up to you, I don't care. What I'm curious about right now is that Brother Zhu has listed some resource acquisition transactions on the trading floor. Didn't you pay attention?"

"How could I not notice that I still want to keep some secret gold? I happen to have some of the resources he wants to acquire!"

"Hahaha, I also exchanged resources for some oxygen. I should be able to hold on until Brother Pig comes over next time!"

"Then aren't you curious about what Brother Zhu makes by purchasing these resources?"

"Now I just want to get more resources and survive! I'm not curious about anything else!"

"What's so curious about this? As a businessman, it's perfectly normal to buy here and sell there!"

"I want to say that the materials that Brother Zhu purchased across the galaxy must be very important materials, and we should pay special attention to them."

"Survive first. It's getting late. I won't talk anymore. I want to have a good rest."

"Yeah, I haven't dared to sleep these past few days, just because I'm afraid I won't be able to get up! Now I finally have enough oxygen, I really need a good rest!"

No matter how discussed in the public channel, the raw materials purchased by Zhu Wu were still being sold.

Zhu Wu saw that there were no more people buying the guide, so he said in the public channel: "I am also ready to take a rest. The sales of the guide will be suspended for now."

After saying that, he returned to the living cabin, hugged the doll and got into the sleeping bag.

After a night of silence, Xiao Yi woke up on time at five o'clock the next morning, came out of the living cabin, floated to the sanitary cabin to clean up his personal hygiene, and then came to the cockpit with the already hot breakfast.

Looking at the island monument, Zhu Wu's name is still gray, obviously he has not returned yet.

"No. 1, was there anything unusual last night?" Xiao Yi asked casually.

"Back to the island owner, there is nothing unusual, just daily meteorite impacts. I have completed avoiding them and the spacecraft has not been damaged!" Space One replied. Xiao Yi nodded slightly, then drifted towards the planting cabin while eating breakfast.

Now that there is no Space 2, many things have to be done by ourselves.

Now the crops in the planting cabin are growing better after using the nutrient solution from Chaos Star.

Although Xiao Yi could extract some trace elements from the dust at the tail of comets before, it was all pieced together and could only meet the basic requirements.

The soilless culture nutrient solution provided by Chaos Star is a comprehensive nutrient solution, and its effect is much better than extracting trace elements from comet dust.

After harvesting a batch of crops, then continue to sow seeds and water the nutrient solution.

Looking at the lettuce that was the most harvested, Xiao Yi thought to himself: "We still have to sell it to others!"

Lettuce cannot be stored for too long. Thinking of this, Xiao Yi immediately floated back to the island monument and said on the public channel: "I have harvested a batch of lettuce here. If necessary, go to the trading hall to buy it yourself!"

After saying that, he placed a trade on the trading floor.

"[Lettuce]*500g trade [Dark Gold]*1."

"Boss, is this a big harvest? I've also planted some things here, but I can only plant them for one season, and I won't be able to plant them in the second season!"

"Of course, the boss seemed to have said before that nutrient solutions with various trace elements are needed. The boss once collected these, but no one else had them. I don't know how the boss solved this problem!"

"Brother Zhu seemed to have said that the boss has a machine that can make nutrient solution. He didn't seem to elaborate on the specific machine."

When Xiao Yi saw this, he complained helplessly: "Zhu Wu has such a big mouth!"

"You do need nutrient solution, because plants need various trace elements to grow, and these trace elements in vermiculite are not unlimited. Plants basically consume all the trace elements in vermiculite in one season, so they must be replenished!" Xiao Yi explained in a public channel.

"So that's how it is. No wonder I can't grow a second crop here!"

"It seems like it's not easy to be a farmer in space!"

"Yes, in the first stage, you only need to find a piece of forest land and cultivate it before planting. It's not as troublesome as here!"

"However, the lettuce grown by the boss tastes good. It just so happens that I have been short of food these two days, so these lettuces came at the right time!"

"Yes, the food in the supply box seems to be getting less and less in the past two days. Is this asking all of us to become space farmers?"

“Maybe there are other ways to source food!”

"Other sources? Do you have to buy it from the natives of this galaxy?"

"When you say that, it suddenly makes sense to me. Do you think the boss sold so much food before, did he buy it from the indigenous people?"

"It's very possible! Didn't we discuss before that it is almost impossible for the boss to receive so much food from the survivors."

"The gap between us and the big guys is getting bigger and bigger now. It seems that we can only have the ability to talk to the indigenous people on an equal footing!"

"Why are you thinking so much? Do you still want to catch up with the big guys now? This is a bit whimsical!"

"I'd better buy two pounds of lettuce and stockpile it!"

"Hahaha, today is my lucky day, look what I have come up with! [Space Sleeping Bag Manufacturing Diagram]*1, [In-cabin Space Suit Manufacturing Diagram]*1."

"Awesome, it seems that the spacesuit in the cabin is indeed one for each person!"

"But I still haven't opened it here, so I can only hope for the second supply box today!"

At this time, Zhu Wu also woke up, and he had indeed arrived at a place of deathly silence.

Zhu Wu rubbed his face, then came to the expanded galaxy communicator and asked to connect with Xiao Yi.

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