"No problem!" Zhu Wu responded.

Now Zhu Wu no longer cares about why Xiao Yi changed hands like this. He just wants to stay under Xiao Yi and follow Xiao Yi until the end!

Zhu Wu had in his hands the 10 million units of cornerstones and secret gold that Xiao Yi had traded for him, and he directly traded half of them to Jiang Yuntian.

Jiang Yuntian looked at the five million units of cornerstones and secret gold, and was stunned for a moment.

"Isn't this a bit much?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"It's not much. The island owner directly gave me 10 million, and we both split it equally!" Zhu Wu replied nonchalantly.

Ergou was dumbfounded again. The island owner actually gave his alliance leader 10 million units of cornerstones and secret gold?

This damn spaceship can be upgraded again!

Having said this, Zhu Wu also comforted Ergou: "Ergou, don't feel unbalanced. The island owner's current plan is to arrange a spaceship for each galaxy. In the future, you will definitely upgrade the spaceship. Wait patiently!"

"No, no, I'm satisfied if I can follow Brother Jiang. There's nothing unbalanced in my heart!" Ergou hurriedly replied.

"Don't worry, as long as you follow the island owner, everyone will definitely have their own spaceship in the future!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"Of course, the island owner is so strong, I have no doubt about it!" Ergou replied affirmatively.

"Okay, let me check the public channel first. All the oxygen that was hung up just now must have been sold out!" Zhu Wu said, switching the chat interface to the public channel.

"Brother Pig, is there any oxygen left? I didn't even get it from here, so it's gone!"

"Yeah, how many years have you guys been single, and your hands are so fast?"

"Please Brother Pig, let out some more oxygen, I don't want to suffocate!"

Zhu Wu looked at the messages in the group and said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, I still have some oxygen this time. Wait a moment!"

Zhu Wu hung up all the oxygen and said: "This time not only can you use dark gold to trade, but some of it can also be exchanged for resources!"

"Can we also exchange resources? I wonder what kind of rare resources they are?"

"Actually, it's not rare. Everyone has a chance to get it." Zhu Wu said with a smile.

"I don't believe it. Since Brother Zhu has traveled across galaxies to acquire these resources, it means that these resources must be very precious. Everyone should be careful when taking action!"

"Yes, I feel the same way. Although Brother Zhu has helped us a lot, our galaxy also needs to develop, and we cannot sell important resources to other galaxies!"

"It's up to you. When doing business, it's all about your own will!" Zhu Wu said with a sneer on the public channel.

On the trading floor, the transactions in which cornerstones and dark gold were exchanged for oxygen were quickly sold out again, leaving only those transactions in which resources were exchanged for oxygen.

Zhu Wu actually still has a lot of oxygen in his hands, but he just won't release it. Aren't you going to trade resources? Let's see how long you can hold on!

At the same time, Jiang Yuntian also tacitly removed the oxygen he sold from the shelves.

For a time, the only transactions on the trading floor were trading resources for oxygen.

"Lie Cao, Brother Zhu, is it appropriate for you to do this?"

"Ah? What do you mean?" Zhu Armed Forces asked innocently.

"You removed the exchange of cornerstones and dark gold for oxygen. Doesn't this force us to exchange resources for oxygen?"

"Um? The oxygen in my hand is limited, and I only have this last bit left. Our island owner asked me to replace so many resources, and there is nothing I can do!" Zhu Wu continued to pretend to be innocent.

At this moment, countless survivors secretly scolded Zhu Wu for being shameless, and anyone with a discerning eye could see Zhu Wu's little thoughts at a glance.

But they couldn't say anything because no one knew how much oxygen Zhu Wu still had in his hands!

"No matter what, I didn't buy much oxygen at all. I can only use resources to exchange for oxygen!"

"Yes, when considering the development of survivors in our galaxy, we must first survive!"

"Yeah, I can't survive anymore, who would think so long term!"

Looking at the transactions on the trading floor, Zhu Wu nodded with satisfaction and muttered: "Do you still want to resist the monopoly business? Aren't you a little too naive!"

While muttering, Zhu Wu traded a liquid gas storage and release device to Jiang Yuntian.

Seeing this deal, Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Do you still have so much oxygen?"

"Yeah, since I just said no more, then I don't have any!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile, "Even if everyone knows that what I said may be a lie, then I have to make it true. After all, Now I represent the Yiranpin Alliance!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and then agreed to the deal.

Zhu Wu doesn't have oxygen in his hands, but Jiang Yuntian does. Even if he sells it, it will eventually return to Xiao Yi.

It was already night, and on the Chaos Star of the Gamma Galaxy, Wang Yang frowned and asked, "Don't the people on earth have any intention of taking action yet?"

The deputy on the side shook his head and said, "The other party just asked us to wait for his notification."

"It's not an option to wait like this. Let's ask again!" Wang Yang ordered.


The commander who was docking with Xiao Yi could only follow the orders of his superiors and ask Xiao Yi: "Dear Earthlings, when can we conduct transactions and build a disc-shaped space station?"

After Xiao Yi received the news, he was slightly startled, and then replied with a smile: "Don't worry, it's only been in the past two days. If you want to solve your dilemma, it can't be solved in a day or two!"

"Okay!" the commander said helplessly, and then conveyed Xiao Yi's words to the ground intact.

After receiving the news from the front, Wang Yang and others shook their heads helplessly.

Nowadays, processing in space requires a lot of energy. Now that the ground cannot provide support, we can still save some!

And it does take a long, long time to process it yourself, and this time should be measured in years!

"Now we can only wait. Since the people on earth said it has been in the past two days, it shouldn't be too long!" the deputy on the side said.

"Well, when the time comes, we must pay close attention to the other party's movements." Wang Yang said in a deep voice, "Especially the other party's manufacturing and processing process!"

"Yes! Star Master, do we need to activate our weapons?" the deputy asked in a deep voice.

Wang Yang thought for a moment and replied: "Don't start it yet, let the surrounding spacecraft be ready for battle at all times!"


Wang Yang walked out of the office, looked up at the starry sky outside the glass, and murmured to himself: "People on Earth, can you really create what we need in an instant?"

After restoring the Chaos Star, Xiao Yi floated to the living cabin. It was time to rest!

There was nothing to say all night, and at five o'clock the next morning, as soon as Xiao Yi woke up, a wonderful notification sound rang!

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