Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1438 The engine can be changed instantly, but the fuel tank cannot be changed.

In the following time, aircraft continued to arrive next to the medium-sized spaceship, and the modification of the aircraft was completed without anyone feeling anything.

The deputy was a little strange when he saw this scene. He came to Wang Yang and asked in a low voice: "Star Master, what is going on?"

"The island owner has helped us build the small spacecraft engine, and he is helping us install it!" Wang Yang replied.

"Installation? Installed just so close?" The deputy couldn't understand Xiao Yi's operation at all.

Wang Yang shook his head helplessly and said: "Don't ask me, I'm confused too! If you ask the engineer to check it, you will know the level of the island owner's installation!"

The deputy was startled for a moment, then nodded and left!

They summoned some of the most outstanding engineers on Chaos Star, came to an aircraft with an engine installed, and began to inspect it.

After some careful inspection, these engineers were shocked!

"How is this done! The engine has indeed been replaced, but there are no traces of replacement!"

"Yes, to replace the engine, we must land on the sea!"

"How do you complete the engine replacement in the air?"

"Aren't you worried that something might go wrong after replacing the engine, causing it to fall?"

The sea surface on Chaos Star has not completely calmed down, and huge waves hundreds of meters high form from time to time.

If it lands on the sea at this time, the aircraft may be driven directly to the bottom of the sea by huge waves!

Wang Yang initially thought that Xiao Yi would fix the aircraft on his medium-sized spaceship and then replace the engine. Unexpectedly, he only needed to get closer and it would have no impact on their mid-air movements.

The deputy was stunned when he heard the engineers' reports. After a while, he asked: "Are you sure the engine has been replaced and can work normally?"


The deputy nodded.

An engineer continued: "However, we found a problem. This engine is very powerful, so it consumes fuel very quickly, and the fuel tank of our aircraft is too small, so we need to continuously provide fuel!"

"How long can the current aircraft's fuel tank support just maintaining the airborne maneuver?" the deputy asked in a deep voice.

"Based on the current calculated data, it can last about twenty hours."

Upon hearing this time, the deputy frowned: "Is it less than a day?"


"Okay, I understand. You guys should think about ways to expand the fuel bunker! I'll report this to you!" the deputy said in a deep voice.


The deputy quickly rushed back to Wang Yang, told Wang Yang the results of the engineer's inspection, and explained the problem with the fuel tank!

Wang Yang thought for a moment and immediately contacted Xiao Yi. It would be much more convenient if Xiao Yi could complete the expansion of the fuel tank instantly.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled when he heard Wang Yang's report. He really didn't think of this problem!

"Island owner, can you help us expand the fuel warehouse?" Wang Yang asked respectfully.

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "I'm afraid this can't be done. You need to expand it yourself!"

He didn't have a larger fuel tank template, so he couldn't use the island monument to quickly transform it.

Hearing Xiao Yi's answer, Wang Yang was stunned for a moment. It was so easy to modify the engine before, so why can't the expanded fuel tank not work?

Seemingly seeing through Wang Yang's doubts, Xiao Yi explained: "I don't have a template for a large fuel tank here, so there is no way to quickly transform it. You can only rely on yourselves!"

Although Xiao Yi explained it, Wang Yang still didn't understand it very well. He just roughly knew that Xiao Yi's quick transformation was conditional!

"Yes, Island Master, I understand!" Wang Yang responded.

"In order not to affect the current aircraft's lag in the air, you can build a large fuel tank on the other side. After it is built, you can switch the fuel supply line to it, so that the impact can be minimized!" Xiao Yi reminded.


It took Xiao Yi ten hours to replace all the engines.

"It seems that I really need to find someone to help me operate the island monument." Xiao Yi thought.

Space One and Two are robots. They cannot operate the island monument and can only tell Xiao Yi in time when the island monument prompts.

And one island monument is not enough. It is best to get another island monument.

"By the way, isn't there an island monument on Brother Jiang's side? When Zhu Wu comes over next time, let him bring it back!" Xiao Yi suddenly thought that Jiang Yuntian had already harvested an island monument.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi immediately prepared to contact Zhu Wu on the island monument, but found that Zhu Wu's name had been dimmed.

"It seems that the time has not come yet. Why has Zhu Wu left this galaxy?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

At this time, Zhu Wu was equally confused. Just now, he was bragging to everyone on the public channel and was about to show off his large freezer. However, in the next moment, he had already left the galaxy.

"No, the speed has been accelerated again? The trajectory seems to have begun to change!" Zhu Wu was observing his own trajectory on the map.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's connection request appeared on the inter-galaxy communicator.

Zhu Wu immediately answered the call and said with a smile: "I knew the boss wouldn't let me go!"

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes helplessly and did not answer his question, but asked: "What's going on here? Didn't you say it will take some time before you leave our galaxy?"

Zhu Wu smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said: "I thought that was the case, but I just don't know why the comet has accelerated again! I just checked my trajectory, and it seems that it has changed!"

"Maybe it's because the galaxies are close to each other, causing the gravitational pull on the comet to become complicated?" Xiao Yi speculated.

Zhu Wu nodded and agreed: "Yes, it must be for this reason!"

"It seems that the people behind the scenes can't wait for us to face the test." Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"Hey, can't you let us rest for a while longer!" Zhu Wu complained.

"Hurry up, hurry up, this way the business cycle will become shorter and we will make more money!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Zhu Wu nodded slightly: "Well, that's right, then I'll do business first!"

At this time, in the public channel of this galaxy, many survivors are looking for various resources, most of which are oxygen, fuel, and electricity.

It seems that the resources purchased from Zhu Wu last time have been exhausted.

"You put the resources on the trading floor first. I have other things to ask you this time!" Xiao Yi said.

"Okay, island owner, please tell me, I'm listening!" Zhu Wu turned sideways and started working on the island monument beside him.

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