Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1445 You guessed it right, no one believed it, the aircraft took off

"I'm not sure. The boss must have a small engine in his hand, so he will reward Brother Pig!"

"So, did the boss come up with the manufacturing drawings of two small spaceship engines?"

"No, we haven't driven one yet. How can the boss come up with two engine manufacturing diagrams?"

"Why not?"

"I don't think so. Maybe the boss has upgraded his spaceship to a small size, and then produced a manufacturing diagram for a small engine, so that there will be one more engine!"

"No, I'm still in an escape capsule, and the bosses have already upgraded to small spaceships!"

"This shouldn't be possible! Otherwise, how would other survivors be able to play!"

"However, this speculation should be more likely. After all, it is already difficult for each person to develop a miniature engine manufacturing diagram. He also developed two small engines, which is even more difficult!"

Zhu Wu looked at the discussion in the public channel, curled his lips, and muttered: "The island owner is not a small spaceship, but a medium-sized spaceship now. If I let you know, would your jaw drop?"

But Zhu Wu still knows what can be shown off and what should not be shown off.

Of course, Xiao Yi can't tell them now that he has upgraded to an intermediate spaceship!

At this time, someone sent a message in the public channel, which made everyone stunned.

"Do you think the boss can get an engine template?"

As soon as these words came out, the public channel went silent for ten seconds before anyone continued to speak!

"This is impossible! If the boss had an engine template, I would perform a handstand and have diarrhea!"

"That's right, how could there be such a template? This is too perverted!"

"If the boss really has the engine template, why not sell it?"

"Yes, there should be none!"

Xiao Yi actually considered selling this, but now he is not in the state of quadruple harvest.

What's more, raw materials are also a problem now. The aircraft on the Chaos Star have not yet completely replaced their engines. Let's wait and see!

When Zhu Wu saw this, his heart moved slightly, and then he immediately sent a message to Xiao Yi: "Island owner, you don't really have the template for this engine, do you?"

Just now Xiao Yi just said that he got this small spaceship engine by luck and did not mention the template. Zhu Wu also thought it was just a manufacturing diagram.

After hearing the discussion on the public channel, Zhu Wu suddenly felt that what they were saying was indeed possible.

Xiao Yi has many templates in his hands, and Zhu Wu only knows four types: glass, laser pistol, liquid gas storage and release device, and the electromagnetic railgun that was just traded to him!

Since there are so many templates, it seems very possible that this engine has templates!

Xiao Yi saw the message from Zhu Wu and asked with a smile: "What do you think?"

"Of course I hope to have a template!" Zhu Wu replied immediately.

"If you hope there is one, then there is!" Xiao Yi said.

"Wucao, there really is one! Then why not sell it directly?" Zhu Wu said in shock and confusion.

Xiao Yi briefly explained the reason, and Zhu Wu suddenly understood.

"I didn't expect to be fooled by this group of people, but they don't believe this fact!" Zhu Wu said with emotion.

"It's better if you don't believe it. We just need to grow up!" Xiao Yi replied.

"That's right!" Zhu Wu nodded, and then continued to ask, "Island owner, have you prepared this engine for Brother Jiang and Ergou?"

"It's ready. I'll send it to you together with the electromagnetic rail gun later!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Great, just follow the island owner. You don't need to think about anything, you just need to do as required!" Zhu Wu said happily.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and ended the chat with him.

Zhu Wu continued to watch the chat in the public channel excitedly. He felt as if he was watching a group of clowns discussing God.

At this time, the Chaos Star Space Station has begun to officially test the disk-shaped space station's simulated gravity.

After starting up, the entire disc began to rotate. As the rotation speed accelerated, the detection instrument fixed at the edge began to show the magnitude of the centrifugal force.

After speed adjustment, the centrifugal force is adjusted to be consistent with the gravity on the Chaos Star.

Although this produces simulated gravity, the simulated gravity still has many problems.

For example, if astronauts don't follow the disk, they won't feel gravity. And the current disk-shaped space station is not big enough. If the astronauts are allowed to follow the disk, they will probably be knocked out!

If this disk-shaped space station was large enough so that people could not feel its rotation, then there would be no dizziness.

But currently we can’t make it big enough because we just don’t have enough materials!

"Now it seems that it can only be used in agricultural production!" Wang Yang frowned after receiving Gong Tian's debugging report.

"Well, we can just send some soil up so that we can plant it in the sky!" the deputy responded in a deep voice.

"Then arrange some aircraft to send the soil up!" Wang Yang ordered.


By replacing the engines of small spacecraft, these vehicles can easily fly into space.

Therefore, everyone on Chaos Star is studying astronaut-related knowledge and actively preparing for life in space.

But life in gravity-free space is not that simple. They can only do their best to obey fate.

Soon an aircraft rushed into the sky. This was their first time flying an aircraft into space.

Even though they were wearing spacesuits inside the cabin, the strong acceleration still made everyone in the aircraft extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this process only lasted about ten minutes, and they were on track.

When Gong Tian saw the aircraft arriving near the space station, he was still a little surprised: "Is the engine provided by the island owner so powerful? It can actually fly up directly!"

He had heard from Wang Yang that Xiao Yi had installed an engine on their aircraft, but seeing the aircraft fly up with his own eyes was still extremely shocking!

After accurate docking, the aircraft delivered the soil to the disc-shaped space station!

After the soil was placed, someone immediately started sowing seeds. They had to seize every possible moment to plant crops.

After delivering the soil to the space station, the spacecraft returned again, this time to test whether the aircraft could successfully land on the planet.

The return flight was very smooth. The aircraft successfully returned to the atmosphere and accurately stopped at the altitude.

"The engine provided by the island owner is really powerful!" the deputy said with emotion.

Wang Yang nodded, looked at the rough sea, and murmured: "I just don't know if such a powerful engine can allow us to survive a galaxy collision!"

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