"I'm really overthinking it. The probability of finding seeds in the supply box is too low now. The boss definitely didn't find it!"

"Yes, I have never found any crop seeds in the supply box before."

"Obviously, the boss's crops must have been obtained from the Chaos Star."

"That's not necessarily true. Look at this, [Eggplant Seed] (C-level)*10."

"I also produced seeds today, [Tomato Seeds]*12."

"Wucao, what's going on? How come you all have seeds?"

"I don't know. It seems like they want us to be self-sufficient. But don't say there is no vermiculite. Even if there is, I will not plant it in space!"

"Oh, I guess I still need to learn from the big boss!"

Xiao Yi said: "I'm not an expert, I can only dig a hole and bury some soil."

"It's no use. Let's explore on your own. In space, you can't even do something as simple as digging a hole and burying some soil!"

"Yeah, I can only go based on my feeling!"

"Oh, it's so difficult!"

Now that everyone has planted seeds, Xiao Yi is ready to purchase some.

Although the possibility of them selling seeds is low, Xiao Yi still wants to give it a try.

"Hello everyone, I will post some seed acquisition transactions on the trading floor. If you want to make a move, you can contact me privately!" Xiao Yi said in the public channel.

"The boss is preparing to develop agriculture, but the seeds I have are still ready to be planted by myself!"

Xiao Yi responded immediately: "You can keep some for yourself and sell some to me. Since it is seeds, after I plant them later, I can provide the same amount of seeds for free."

"That's okay. Anyway, I can keep some of the seeds."

"Yes, the boss promised to leave seeds for us, so there is nothing to hesitate about!"

"I've used three seeds to get ten vegetable rice bowls!"

"You can get it with three seeds? You're too picky. I'll take four."

Seeing this, Xiao Yi reminded: "I only harvest each crop once. If there are duplicates, choose the earliest one for trading!"

"In addition, crop seeds of all levels are required."

After reading the message sent by Xiao Yi, the other survivors immediately took out their seeds to trade for some food.

If they take it out too late and Xiao Yi has already received similar seeds, then the seeds in their hands will be worthless!

Xiao Yi immediately found that the speed of transaction completion increased.

"It seems they still can't stand the deception!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Except for the staple food, the seeds produced by each survivor are basically different. This is for the sake of balance.

Jiang Yuntian responded with a smile: "They should also be worried that if they repeat it, they won't be able to harvest your wool! Now only three ordinary-level seeds can be exchanged for ten rice bowls. In an environment where food is scarce, It’s still very tempting!”

At this time, Wang Yang sent the video again: "Island owner, the farm also needs some manpower to collect eggs. Can you arrange for some people to come over?"

Many professional equipment have not yet been installed on the farm, so manual work is required.

"Okay, you can make arrangements for this. As long as it doesn't violate my previous requirements, you can take care of the rest. Just don't forget to report it!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes, thank you island owner!" Wang Yang responded, and then continued to ask, "I have harvested a lot of eggs recently. Can I choose to sell some of them to others?"

After a day and night of breeding, a lot of various eggs have been harvested. The fertilized ones are picked out, and those that are not fertilized can only be used for food.

Xiao Yi was startled for a moment, and then replied: "Since we have gained a lot, we should give priority to our own people and put them in the canteen!"

Naturally, you should give priority to keeping good things for yourself.

Wang Yang was stunned for a moment, and then said cautiously: "Isn't it too wasteful for us to eat it? We should be able to sell it for a good price, right?"

"In my case, the good ones are used first by our own people, and the bad ones are sold overseas!" Xiao Yi replied, "Follow the orders!"

"Yes, thank you island owner!" Wang Yang said excitedly.

After ending the call, Wang Yang immediately informed the farm manager Ji Yi to ask the farm to send the unfertilized eggs to the canteen.

"Star Master, are you sending it to the canteen to be sold?" Ji Yi asked curiously after arranging things.

Wang Yang said with a smile: "I thought so too at first, but the island owner said it was for us to eat!"

"For us to eat?" Ji Yi said in shock.

"Yes, the island owner said that you must use good things first!" Wang Yang said with emotion.

Ji Yi shook his head: "The island owner is really different from other leaders!"

In the past, it had become a common practice in the Xia Kingdom to sell first-class products for export and use second-class products for personal use.

The reasons are somewhat complicated and will not be discussed for now, but here, Xiao Yi will never allow this to happen!

"Well, do your best, the farm is our foundation." Wang Yang warned.

"Yes, please rest assured, Star Master!" Ji Yi responded, "If there is a problem on the farm, I will come to see you."

Wang Yang nodded slightly.

It was already noon while we were talking, and the farm canteen had already started preparing lunch.

Wang Yang made a special call to the cafeteria: "I'll add an egg to my lunch today. You guys can make it yourself."

"Yes, Star Master!" the chef responded, "Do you want to cook it separately for the Island Master and the others?"

"No, no, no, I'll add an egg to everyone who wants to eat in the canteen!" Wang Yang said with a smile.

"Everyone?" The chef was stunned.

"Yes, everyone!" Wang Yang replied affirmatively, "This is the island owner's order."

"Yes, I understand!" the chef said excitedly.

Those who came to work on the farm were already sitting in twos and threes on the ground chatting.

Because they were worried that they had just recovered and were in poor physical condition, they arranged little and light work.

"I feel like I finished it without even sweating. The work this time was too little!"

"You didn't see how many people came to us, several times more than last time!"

"That's right, the island owner must be taking care of us and worrying about our injuries, so he reduced the dosage."

"The Island Master and Star Master are really kind to us. Judging from the current situation, we should still be able to have a meal in the cafeteria!"

"It's not that it should be, it's definitely possible. I can already smell the aroma coming from the canteen!"

"Nonsense. We are twenty floors away from where the cafeteria is. How can we smell it?"

"I mean it, I smell tomatoes and scrambled eggs."

At this time, the farm staff came over and greeted: "It's time to eat. Let's go to the canteen. Don't forget to wash your hands when you get there!"

"Yes!" Everyone jumped up excitedly and responded.

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