Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1578 It may be an indigenous civilization, please be careful

"With such a skill, everyone is a civilized force and can communicate with each other!"

"Yes, although this skill is not lethal, it is very important!"

"Now I am completely convinced by Boss Yi Ranpin!"

Seeing everyone talking in shock on the public channel, Zhu Wu smiled: "What you know is just a drop in the bucket. Learn about it slowly in the future. Go to sleep!"

"No, Brother Zhu, let's talk for a while longer!"

"That's it, let's chat for a while and tell us about the boss's glorious deeds!"

"Sleep, sleep, wake up and be happy!"

Zhu Wu curled his lips, ignored their attempts to stay, and got into the sleeping bag with the doll in his arms.

Those people in the public channel all want to know more about Xiao Yi's situation through themselves. Although he likes to show off, he is not so brainless as to tell everyone about Xiao Yi's situation.

It was already getting late, and Zhu Wu's snoring soon sounded in the spaceship thanks to the rag doll's sleep aid.

Seeing that Zhu Wu did not continue to talk about Xiao Yi on the public channel, Jiang Yuntian felt relieved a little, then leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

But the discussion in the public channels has not stopped, but no matter how they talk, they can only be envious.

Nothing unusual happened next, and the time soon came to five o'clock in the morning.

Xiao Yi woke up on time, and according to his own habit, he practiced Tao Zang first.

An hour later, Xiao Yi opened his eyes in shock, because at that moment, he seemed to see many different things filling the air around him!

But he had his eyes closed!

"What is going on?" Xiao Yi muttered uncertainly, "Did my mental power see some substances in the air?"

But no one can give him an accurate answer now.

Originally, Xiao Yi would practice Taoism for two hours in the morning. After being interrupted by this special situation today, Xiao Yi simply got up and walked to the cockpit.

When Jiang Yuntian saw Xiao Yi coming over at this time, he was stunned for a moment, and then greeted: "Island owner, morning!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and asked, "Brother Jiang, how was the situation in the second half of the night?"

"Nothing unusual, but the person who appeared selling food when you left seemed to have purchased an electromagnetic railgun!" Jiang Yuntian explained his speculation.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Your analysis is very possible!"

"Well, because this thing is such a coincidence!" Jiang Yuntian said, "I just don't know where the other party got the food?"

"With such a large number and relatively freshness, it is almost certainly the work of indigenous civilization forces!" Xiao Yi replied, and then his eyes suddenly tightened, "Could this person be an indigenous person?"

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, then frowned: "It's really possible!"

"If this is the case, wouldn't I have sold the electromagnetic railgun to other civilized forces?" Jiang Yuntian continued, "Wouldn't the survivors be in danger?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, then walked to the island monument and said, "I'd better remind everyone first!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded.

Xiao Yi said in the public channel on the island monument: "Everyone, be careful. After our analysis, the people who bought our electromagnetic railgun yesterday are very likely to be mixed with people from other civilized forces. Everyone will encounter attacks from other civilized forces. , don’t be careless!”

Seeing Xiao Yi's speech, everyone immediately responded.

"Did Boss Yi Ranpin speak personally?"

"Absolutely, boss, why do you say that?"

"Yes, according to what you said, boss, wouldn't it mean that other civilized forces have captured the island monument?"

"I haven't heard of anyone being defeated?"

"Are you stupid upstairs? If you are really defeated, he can't tell you!"

"That's right! Boss, how did you judge this?"

Xiao Yi continued: "Didn't you say that the food sold by the other party is plentiful and fresh? Ordinary survivors simply cannot do these two things. Although it is possible that survivors cooperate with indigenous civilization forces, I have cooperated with them and know the difference. difficulties, so I speculate that there is a high probability that the other party is not a survivor."

"Well, I agree with the boss's point of view. This situation is indeed more like the forces of indigenous civilization."

"With so much food, how much do survivors need to bring to cooperate with the indigenous people? If the other party is originally an indigenous force, everything makes sense!"

"Wucao, let's put it this way, if we encounter attacks from other civilized forces today, we'll have to keep quiet!"

"The main thing is to observe whether there is an electromagnetic rail gun on the opponent's spacecraft!" Xiao Yi reminded, "The appearance of the electromagnetic rail gun is still very iconic!"

"Yes, the electromagnetic railgun has such an obvious appearance that you can spot it at a glance. Don't panic!"

"The boss just asked us to pay more attention. You don't have to scare yourself. What's more, the other party just bought four electromagnetic rail gun systems by one person. It's not a big problem!"

"You can't say that. Since other civilized forces have obtained the island monument, it is very likely that we have more than one here!"

"Are you saying that there are many other civilized forces on the public channel now?"

"Is it so exciting? What should we do? Don't they all know what we talked about!"

"Then what should we do? How about we create a new group and set entry conditions, such as describing the various tests in the first stage. If you don't know, you are prohibited from joining the group!"

"I feel like this doesn't have much effect. The other party only needs to capture one survivor to break the conditions for joining the group!"

"Wucao, those people upstairs are probably with the aborigines. You are telling them the answer directly!"

"Do you need me to tell you this? The indigenous civilizations here have already entered space, and it is not the slash-and-burn stage of the first stage! They can analyze it by themselves!"

"What should we do? Are we still chatting like this?"

"I don't think there is any problem. We are all competitors. It's just that another civilization force has come in, that's all!"

"You really stand and talk without pain, is that all? Do you know how powerful a civilized force is? With our current strength, no one can defeat the other party in a head-on battle!"

"Except for Mr. Yi Ranpin!"

"Indeed, except for Mr. Yi Ranpin, no one else has the slightest chance!"

"With your discussion like this, aren't you encouraging other civilized forces?"

"You are too arrogant to belittle yourselves. Now that we have electromagnetic rail guns, we can definitely fight them. Coupled with the ability to instantly repair and create island monuments, I personally think we can definitely fight a dozen."

"Stop talking, someone is coming to beat me!"

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