Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said: "Our fleet will undergo major changes next, and we need to plan carefully!"

Jiang Yuntian also nodded, and then asked: "Can this fusion device fuse spacecraft?"

"Of course, except for intelligent life, everything else is fine!" Xiao Yi replied.

Hearing Xiao Yi's answer, Jiang Yuntian and Du Kang took a deep breath.

This super fusion device is too buggy!

In this way, Xiao Yi's fleet can undergo a major merger!

Fuse all those micro, small, and medium-sized spaceships, and even fuse large spaceships to see if you can fuse more advanced spaceships.

With this fusion device, Xiao Yi's fleet will be completely different.

"In this case, the daily training of the combat team will have to wait until it stabilizes before training!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

They have to use these spaceships in battle. If the spaceships become large spaceships, they will naturally have to adapt to the fighting methods of large spaceships.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said: "So, we need to have a good discussion. Let's go. Du Kang, you can go over after you arrange things here!"

"Okay!" Du Kang responded.

Xiao Yi took Jiang Yuntian to the cockpit.

At this time, Ji Yi had already reported to Wang Yang everything that had happened when Xiao Yi was at the farm.

Wang Yang was shocked when he heard that Xiao Yi had reduced food and land.

"Star Master, Lord Island Master, why did you do this?" Ji Yi said helplessly.

Wang Yang replied in a deep voice: "The island owner must have his reasons for doing this. Don't think too much about it. I will tell you when it's time to tell you."

"Yes!" Ji Yi could only respond.

After hanging up the call, Wang Yang frowned. Although he knew that Xiao Yi must have his purpose in doing this, he couldn't help but feel worried.

Just when he was hesitating whether to make a video call with Xiao Yi and ask about this matter, Xiao Yi actually made a video request to him first.

"Island owner, are you looking for me?" Wang Yang asked respectfully.

"Well, come over to the cockpit immediately, we need to discuss something!" Xiao Yi replied.


Ergou had also returned to the cockpit. Jiang Yuntian asked: "How was the test of the combat team members?"

"The first item has been completed, 60% of the personnel have been eliminated!" Ergou replied.

"Did so many people be eliminated just by standing in the military posture and taking the disciplinary test?" Jiang Yuntian was a little surprised, "Are these people's physical condition so poor?"

Ergou nodded and said, "Well, it's true that his physical condition is not very good, but his discipline is not bad."

Xiao Yi heard their conversation and said with a smile: "Don't worry about your physical fitness, we already have ways to improve it!"

Yesterday, Xiao Yi didn't have the confidence to say this, but now with the super fusion device, grade food is not a problem at all, and the physique of those people is naturally not a problem either!

Ergou was stunned for a moment and asked, "Isn't it true that we don't have much high-grade food now?"

"That was yesterday, today is completely different!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Ergou became even more confused.

"Don't worry, the island owner will tell you what happened later!" Jiang Yuntian continued.

While talking, Wang Yang and Du Kang both hurried over.

"Everyone, please sit down. Now we have to consider a major upgrade of our fleet!" Xiao Yi said straight to the point.

"Big upgrade?" Wang Yang and Ergou looked at Xiao Yi doubtfully.

Both Jiang Yuntian and Du Kang already knew about the super fusion device, so they were not surprised.

Su Wan was also a little confused on the side.

"Yes, it's a big upgrade!" Xiao Yi continued to explain, "Based on the condition of our current spaceship, there may be no small and micro spaceships after the upgrade!"

"There are no small and micro spaceships?" Wang Yang frowned, and then continued: "Small and micro spaceships should still have special functions. Isn't it too reckless to eliminate them all?"

"I have also considered this issue, but in battle, the parameters of spaceships between different types are still very different. At least in terms of combat, a higher type can completely crush lower-level spaceships." Xiao Yi replied, "Besides, I'm talking about upgrading, not elimination!"

"Do you want to upgrade directly? Is it because we got a lot of upgrade cards?" Ergou asked equally curiously.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "I got an instrument here that can fuse two low-level items into a high-level item."

Hearing this, Wang Yang and Er Gou widened their eyes.

Su Wan asked, "Is it a super synthesizer?"

"That's my first reaction, but it's not!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile, "It's more advanced than that!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said: "Super fusion device!"

Su Wan suddenly realized that although she didn't know the specific function of this super fusion device, she could guess its general function just by looking at its name.

Wang Yang and Ergou were still confused. After all, they didn't know what a super synthesizer was!

"To put it simply, I will merge all low-level spaceships into high-level spaceships!" Xiao Yi continued to explain.

"What? Is this okay?" Wang Yang said in shock.

Ergou asked uncertainly: "Is there really such a device?"

Xiao Yi nodded and continued: "We are all our own people, so I will say it bluntly. Not only the spaceship, but also the soil will be fused. After the fusion, the field area in the farm will be the same as the current field area of ​​the same farm." same size."

Wang Yang stood up in surprise and said: "Then we are going to lose a large area of ​​land? Will this have an impact on our food supply?"

"Even if it has an impact, it is a good impact. By doing this, we will produce food of various levels, and the physique of everyone in Chaos Star will quickly improve." Xiao Yi replied.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yang suddenly realized that although two-thirds of the land had disappeared, the level of the land had increased.

This will allow you to grow more advanced crops.

In fact, Wang Yang's leadership team has also calculated the farm's output. One farm can indeed supply food rations for their 400,000 people, but this is when all staple food is grown. If some fruits and vegetables are to be grown, it is estimated that So reluctantly, it is better to have more fields to produce food, so that they can feel at ease.

Of course, they did not calculate Xiao Yi's quadruple state because they were not sure whether Xiao Yi would always have the quadruple state.

"It feels like food will be a little tight if you do this!" Wang Yang replied with a frown.

You must survive first before you can think about improving your physical fitness.

They didn't panic because they had food in hand. Now that two farms were cut down at once, Wang Yang and the others were still a little panicked!

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