"Island owner, how about I just go over and deal with the pursuers?" Sun Yao felt that his escape cabin was already very powerful and he could take the initiative.

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "No, although you have a lot of high-end items now, you can't underestimate other survivors. They may have a variety of items on hand, and some items can even directly solve the escape cabin. .”

Sun Yao was stunned and said uncertainly: "Is there such a thing?"

"Of course, this has happened in our galaxy before. Three survivors drove an escape cabin and besieged one, but they were killed by that survivor. What do you think?" Xiao Yi replied.

Sun Yao nodded slightly, and then said: "Well, I understand, it was me who drifted."

"You just need to stay near the wormhole now. As long as the other party comes over, you'll be waiting for work. It won't be a problem to capture them." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, Island Master, but I am alone now. If they never come, won't I have to be on guard like this?" Sun Yao said with a frown.

"Don't worry, we have this!" Xiao Yi initiated a transaction again.

"[Optical Detection Satellite] (SSS Class) * 6 Transaction None."

"Six should be enough, three to monitor wormholes, and three to monitor outer space. You don't need to put them too far away, just put them on your escape capsule." Xiao Yi warned.

"That's great, you actually have such a high-level thing." Sun Yao took all the satellites over in surprise and released them.

With these satellites, he no longer has to stare at the wormhole all the time.

Xiao Yi suddenly thought of a question and asked, "Have you landed on the ground?"

"No, but when I destroyed the opponent's escape cabin just now, I grabbed the two escape cabins from the ground." Sun Yao replied doubtfully, "Island Master, do you have any questions?"

"There is currently no problem with the escape capsule you traded, but you still have to be careful. We have encountered a planet before..." Xiao Yi explained the situation on the previous wormhole planet.

"Is there such a creature?" Sun Yao's eyes widened in shock when he heard the gold-eating bacteria.

"Yes, we still know too little about various life forms, so you still have to be careful." Xiao Yi warned.

"I've remembered it!" Sun Yao responded, and then he asked, "Island Master, do you want me to throw a few pieces of metal, cornerstones and dark gold on the ground of this planet to try?"

"Don't bother, use this to scan!" Xiao Yi replied.

"[Super Scanning Analyzer] (SSS level) One-hour usage rights are not available for trading."

Seeing this transaction, Sun Yao was stunned again, and then said with a smile: "Island Master, you really have all kinds of instruments in your hands!"

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "It just lacks a deterrent and highly lethal weapon."

"Island Master, you have so many high-end weapons, aren't they enough?" Sun Yao asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi just traded him five SSS-level electromagnetic railgun systems, which shows that Xiao Yi must have more.

"We encountered an opponent before. The opponent had a satellite-class warship, which was always a threat to us. I need a weapon that can deal with this level of warship." Xiao Yi said with emotion.

The opponent Xiao Yi mentioned was the Dai Na clan.

Sun Yao was confused again: "Wait a minute, island owner, what level of spaceship is this satellite-level battleship you are talking about?"

As a drug seller tinkering with Dali Pills, Sun Yao really didn't understand the differences.

"Battleships are different from spaceships. They can be understood as spaceships with different functions. Battleships are born for fighting!" Xiao Yi explained, "As far as I know, it is very rare for survivors to have warships in their hands."

"So that's it. It's not just rare, it should be non-existent. I've never heard of this term in the galaxy before!" Sun Yao replied.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "I only learned about the battleship today. A survivor in our galaxy unearthed it from the ruins."

"Then he is really lucky." Sun Yao said with emotion.

"Yes, but I have already replaced his battleship with a spaceship. He does not have enough resources to repair this damaged battleship!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Sun Yao was startled for a moment, then said: "Island Master, do you have many spaceships in your hands? Is it a bit of a loss to exchange a miniature spaceship for a damaged warship?"

"There are indeed some spaceships, but I didn't exchange them for micro spaceships, but for small spaceships!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Small spaceship?" Sun Yao looked at Xiao Yi in shock and shouted.

He is still just an escape capsule. Xiao Yi actually used the small spaceship to exchange for a damaged battleship. This is too luxurious.

Not just him, most of the survivors now are escape pods!

"Well, I have multiple states now, so I will definitely not lose money!" Xiao Yi replied, "Even if there is no multiple state, this transaction is guaranteed to make a profit. After the battleship is repaired, Brother Jiang has already done it Testing, the performance is simply not comparable to that of a spacecraft."

"Brother Jiang? Is instructor Jiang also with you?" Sun Yao was even more surprised.

There are advanced weapons and equipment, which is Xiao Yi's basic operation, but the survivors have been assigned to different galaxies. It is very difficult to come to the same galaxy, let alone to join together!

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "Dukang is also here."

"Dukang is here too? Were you assigned to the same galaxy from the beginning?" Sun Yao's eyes widened again.

"No, it's a long story. Let's talk to you slowly when Du Kang has time." Xiao Yi replied.

Sun Yao nodded slightly, and then Xiao Yi continued to return to the previous question: "A satellite-class spacecraft is a spacecraft that is two levels higher than a large spacecraft."

"Island Master, are all your current opponents already equipped with ships of this level?" Sun Yao asked with a look of shock on his face.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said: "They tried to attack a few times, but did not dispatch satellite-class warships. They were frightened by our combat skills, so they retreated."

"Instructor Jiang is very powerful on land, and he is still so powerful in space!" Sun Yao said with emotion.

"You have a chance to be so powerful here. Once you get rid of the pursuers, I'll send you something." Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay!" Sun Yao responded happily.

Since Xiao Yi has so many spaceships at his disposal, when he takes care of his pursuers, he should be able to replace his guns with cannons. This escape capsule should also be decommissioned.

Thinking about it made him excited, and Sun Yao now eagerly hoped that the pursuers would rush over quickly.

"By the way, those Yiqi Pills can be taken off the shelves. How did you get the raw materials for these Yiqi Pills?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

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