"What if the template for the teleportation array is opened?"

When such a message suddenly appeared, the entire public channel fell silent.

After a while, the public channel resumed the discussion.

"Probably not. Will there be templates in something as advanced as the teleportation array?"

"When you say that, I feel like I should start collecting them too."

" @Mr. Lu, can you give me a confirmation? If you really have a template for the teleportation array, then I will reserve two teleportation arrays first."

Lu Meiyu thought for a moment and made up a random reason: "I don't have a template for the teleportation array. This is just my mission material."

"Mission materials? Is there a mission system at this stage?"

"No, why didn't I receive any missions?"

"Let me just say, there will definitely not be a template for such an advanced thing. If it is mission material, then it is understandable."

"Master Lu must have communicated with some indigenous civilizations and received the mission from them!"

"Yes, could it be that Shui Wenxing?"

"Well, it's very possible. Mr. Lu is on the same planet as Shuiwen Star now. It's very normal for them to have contact."

"In this case, I will also go and get in touch with Shui Wenxing."

"I advise you not to be impulsive. Mr. Lu dares to contact Shui Wenxing because of his strength. If you drive an escape cabin over there, it will be to deliver food."

Seeing this sentence, Walter, the person in charge of Shuiwen Star, who was about to explain, stopped again.

As long as he doesn't explain, those survivors may misunderstand him. If an adventurous person approaches him, he can easily take care of it and harvest the island monument. Why not!

However, Lu Meiyu would not let his conspiracy succeed and spoke directly on the public channel: "I did not get the mission from Shuiwen Star. They probably don't even know what the teleportation array is."

"Look, I'm telling you you're overthinking this."

"Xiao Bai upstairs, you don't really believe what Mr. Lu said, do you?"

"It's just that in this world, no one's words can be fully believed. On the contrary, I feel that Mr. Lu's explanation is a bit of a cover-up."

"Yes, explanation is a cover-up, and what is covered up is the truth!"

Lu Meiyu shook his head helplessly and said, "It's up to you, as long as you don't regret it."

"If you can tell us who you received the mission from, then I will believe you."

Lu Meiyu didn't pay attention to the news in the group, but stood up and said: "I'm going to rest, I'll leave this place to you!"

"Don't worry, brother, I've slept for three hours during the day, and I'm very energetic now!" Lu Di replied with a smile.

"Yang Yangyang, you should also go and take a rest. Come and change your shift at four o'clock tomorrow." Lu Meiyu continued.

"Okay!" Yang Yang stood up and walked to his room.

Xiao Yi also saw the discussion in the public channel and murmured with a smile: "Master Lu is right. Collecting raw materials is indeed the task assigned to him."

Looking at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. Xiao Yi got up and prepared to rest.

Su Wan has arrived at the cockpit. Now Jiang Yuntian and Ergou are outside. Only Su Wan and Du Kang are taking turns to be on duty.

In fact, it is very easy to be on duty on Xiao Yi's spaceship. There are detection satellites, and if there is any abnormality, an alarm will be issued as soon as possible.

There are also teams constantly patrolling around to basically ensure safety.

The only thing Su Wan needs to do on duty is to check the island monument every once in a while to see if there is any useful intelligence information. The rest of the time is spent resting.

Xiao Yi said hello to Su Wan, then looked at Hu Yi standing aside and said, "Follow me!"

"Yes!" Hu Yi responded very obediently.

Before, Hu Yi didn't feel anything across the screen. At most, it was that the other party's charm technique was a bit powerful.

Now standing in front of Xiao Yi, Hu Yi felt as if she was looking up at a high mountain, and her heart was filled with awe.

As a genius of the Fox clan who has practiced the art of charm for a long time, he can clearly feel the surging spiritual power around Xiao Yi.

Even the elders of their fox clan who have been practicing for the longest time cannot reach this level of this kind of powerful spiritual power.

I had previously tried to control Xiao Yi with the charm technique, but now that I think about it, it was really fantastic.

"But why doesn't the island owner collect his spiritual power and just leave it outside?" Hu Yi was very confused in her heart.

Although he was confused, he didn't dare to bring it up now. He still couldn't figure out Xiao Yi's temperament. If he brought it up rashly, it might lead to death, so he should wait and wait.

Xiao Yi took Hu Yi to a room outside and said, "This is your bedroom. Take a rest first. We'll talk about what you need to do tomorrow."

"Yes!" Hu Yi responded, and then walked into the room.

A soft big bed, a tidy bathroom, and even a change of clothes were prepared for him.

Hu Yi looked at the "luxuriously decorated" bedroom, surprised and even a little moved.

He is considered a prisoner now, and he didn't expect Xiao Yi to arrange such a good room for him to rest.

"Becoming the island owner's subordinate doesn't seem to be a bad thing." Hu Yi muttered and walked into the bathroom.

Letting the warm water wash over her, this was Hu Yi's first bath after entering the second stage.

After changing into clean clothes, Hu Yi threw the old clothes she had worn for more than a month into the trash can.

Xiao Yi prepared five sets of clothes for him. The smelly old clothes could be thrown away.

Lying on the bed, Hu Yi quickly fell asleep.

In the dream, he was sitting under a high platform, listening to someone on the high platform chanting scriptures that he did not understand.

He wanted to see clearly who the person on the high platform was, but the colorful light behind the person was too dazzling and he couldn't see clearly. Looking at the figure, he seemed vaguely familiar.

Slowly, his tail changed from one tail to nine tails, and Hu Yi screamed in shock: "How is this possible!"

Hu Yi suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at his tail. It was just one tail. He murmured to himself slightly disappointedly: "It's just a dream!"

Looking at the time, Hu Yi turned over at two-thirty in the morning and fell asleep again.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian and the others were extremely awake, guessing that the enemy might attack them in the latter half of the night, so they had already slept well during the day.

"Instructor, are they really going to attack in the middle of the night? It looks like they have no intention of attacking?" the soldier on the side asked with a frown.

Jiang Yuntian replied in a deep voice: "There is a high probability that it will be late at night. The opponent has six large spaceships and will not give up this wormhole that represents endless wealth and opportunities so easily."

"Report, the enemy spacecraft has taken action and is flying towards us rapidly!"

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