Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1801 The jumpsuit is very high-end, shocked, and collecting medicine

"Whether you believe it or not, I produced a manufacturing diagram of a bulletproof vest in the first stage. Some of the raw materials required are the same as those that the big brother is currently purchasing. However, the manufacturing diagram of the big brother is better than mine. More materials are needed.”

"Could it be a new type of space suit?"

"Probably not. The spacesuit at least needs an oxygen storage device. These materials do not have the part that can make the oxygen storage device."

"You guys are too idle. So what if you discuss it?"

"Yes, I am idle anyway. If I don't find something to talk about, wouldn't I be bored to death?"

"Everyone has nothing to do, so always have some fun."

Although some of the materials Xiao Yi acquired are relatively rare, the base of survivors is large enough, and there will always be someone who can produce or collect the corresponding materials.

Soon he acquired the raw materials for ten sets of space protective jumpsuits. After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Yi made three sets first.

He took out a set and put it on himself to feel it.

"It's slightly heavier than the one-piece suit in the first stage. It fits very well and doesn't affect movement at all. Even if you do some precise movements, there won't be any problems." Xiao Yi said with satisfaction.

This is an enhanced version of the first stage jumpsuit.

The current situation on the dinosaur planet means that you don't need to carry an oxygen bottle when wearing this one-piece suit. Although the outside air is turbid, there is oxygen in it.

As long as there is oxygen, this one-piece suit can filter out oxygen for the wearer to use.

After trying it on personally, Xiao Yi contacted Sun Yao.

"I'll trade Ergou for a jumpsuit and ask him to send it to you. It should be able to meet your current requirements." Xiao Yi said.

Sun Yao was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Xiao Yi to help him solve the current difficulty so quickly.

"Okay, thank you island owner!" Sun Yao responded, and then immediately contacted Ergou to inquire about the specific situation.

Ergou has received Xiao Yi's order, and he has arranged for a spaceship to send the jumpsuit he just got.

"It has been sent to you. It will be in your hands soon." Ergou said with a smile.

Sun Yao asked curiously: "Is there anything special about the jumpsuit the island owner gave me?"

Xiao Yi traded it to Ergou through the island monument, so Ergou could learn about the general situation of the jumpsuit through the island monument.

That's why Sun Yao asked this question.

"The name of this jumpsuit on the island monument is Space Protection Jumpsuit. Just by looking at the name, you can tell its special function!" Ergou replied.

"Wouldn't it be possible to wear it in space?" Sun Yao said in shock.

"Probably, but it needs to provide us with oxygen for breathing." Ergou replied.

"It's just providing oxygen, that's nothing!" Sun Yao said, "What about its volume and weight?"

"I'm not sure about this. It's unclear on the island monument. After the transaction was completed, I saw that the physical object was like a thin piece of clothing and not very heavy." Ergou spread his hands and replied, "I'm not looking at you. If it’s more urgent, let them send it directly.”

"Well, thank you!" Sun Yao replied with his hands in hand.

While he was talking, the space protective jumpsuit had been delivered.

After getting the jumpsuit, Sun Yao immediately put it on. He almost didn't feel anything, it was very light!

He tried a few subtle movements, with absolutely no effect.

"Great, with this, it will be more convenient to handle those herbs." Sun Yao walked out of the cabin excitedly.

"Didi, we have not detected that you are wearing an extravehicular spacesuit. Are you sure you are leaving the cabin?" the exit detection system on the spacecraft reminded.

"Sure!" Sun Yao replied decisively.

"You will be responsible for the consequences if you leave the cabin without wearing a spacesuit. Are you sure?"

"Sure, hurry up!" Sun Yao felt that this detection system was too ink!

"The administrator has been notified, waiting for confirmation!"

Installing such a system is also for everyone's safety. Although the procedure is a bit cumbersome, it is also necessary.

The administrator rushed over quickly and saw that Sun Yao seemed to be wearing a one-piece suit similar to a diving suit, so he asked: "Master Sun, what are you going to do?"

"Get out of the cabin, hurry up, I'm wearing the protective jumpsuit just provided by the island owner, there's no problem!" Sun Yao urged.

"It seems like I didn't receive the notice!" The administrator looked at Sun Yao's jumpsuit in confusion and said.

Sun Yao replied helplessly: "Can I still go out and commit suicide? You can ask instructor Ergou."

At this time, a soldier ran over and whispered a few words in the administrator's ear,

The administrator immediately smiled and said: "Master Sun, I just received a notification here. I'm sorry, I will open the hatch for you right now."

Sun Yao nodded slightly.

There was also a team wearing extravehicular space suits walking over.

The administrator opened the cabin door, and Sun Yao walked into the buffer room first, followed closely by the team on the side.

Sun Yao glanced at them and found that their team had prepared emergency supplies such as oxygen bottles.

"It seems there is an emergency outside!" Sun Yao said secretly.

After the connection between the buffer room and the spacecraft was closed, the other side opened. Sun Yao and the others walked out and arrived outside the cabin.

After leaving the cabin, Sun Yao first moved his limbs and took a few deep breaths. There was no problem at all. Then he found a car and got in it.

The team that came out with him also got into the same car.

"I'm going to use a car to research herbal medicine. Do you want to find a new car?" Sun Yao looked at them and asked.

"The order we received is to follow you, sir!"

Sun Yao was stunned for a moment, and then he understood instantly that Ergou must be worried about something going wrong, so he arranged for a team to follow him.

"Instructor Ergou is interested!" Sun Yao said, and then he didn't refuse and took them on the road.

Soon they came to a mountainous area with complex terrain. It was difficult to drive the rest of the way, so Sun Yao and the others could only walk there.

"Everyone, be careful of your surroundings!" Sun Yao reminded.

"Yes!" everyone responded.

Sun Yao cautiously came to a Ganoderma lucidum canyon that he had explored with a drone last time.

This canyon is only one person wide, with cliffs on both sides, as if it had been split from the sky.

"Sir, let us go first!" The soldier beside him grabbed Sun Yao, who wanted to take the lead into the canyon.

Before Sun Yao could speak, the two soldiers behind him walked in.

Sun Yao had no choice but to follow in.

Looking at the dim environment around him, even with the powerful searchlight he carried, the visibility was only within ten meters.

Suddenly, Sun Yao heard an extremely subtle sound coming from the front, and he immediately shouted in a low voice: "Stop moving forward."

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