Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1809 If you don’t believe it, there are really supplies. I’m convinced.

"This is a good thing. Shouldn't you be happy for the rest of your life?" Xiao Yi took a sip of juice and said, "Why do you still look unhappy?"

"If you were violently shaken by that gravitational wave, your expression wouldn't be much better!" Jacky replied angrily.

Xiao Yi was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized.

There is a stabilization system on his spaceship, and it has been a long time since he felt the acceleration.

"That's true. However, since you have been pushed away, it means that the black hole should have ejected some matter. You can try to collect it. This is the harvest you deserve for surviving." Xiao Yi reminded.

"Huh? Ejected matter? Shouldn't that be a white hole?" Jacky asked in surprise.

"How did I know? With the technology of our earth, the white hole seems to be just a hypothesis, right?" Xiao Yi replied angrily.

Jie Bi nodded slightly and said, "I will arrange for the collector to collect it. Can I tell other survivors this news?"

"Of course, only by developing together can we develop better!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Jie Bi spread his hands and said, "It should be when everyone develops that you can develop better, right?"

"This is a matter of mutual benefit, isn't it?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Okay, what you said makes sense!" Jiebi responded helplessly, then walked to the island monument nearby and sent a message in the public channel.

"Hello everyone, my name is Jie Bin. Now I have free information to tell you. You can distinguish between true and false! You can point the collector in the direction of the previously wandering black hole and collect some information. You should gain something."

"It's Mr. Jack Coin, what kind of information is this?"

"Yes, wouldn't it be possible to collect nothing by collecting like this?"

"Where did the boss get such information?"

Jie Bi smiled and replied, "It's the Yi Ranpin Alliance."

"Yi Ranpin Alliance? I don't think I've ever heard of such an alliance?"

"No, it's Brother Zhu. Brother Zhu has always claimed that he is the Comet Merchant of the Yiranpin Alliance!"

"It turned out to be information from Brother Pig? No, Brother Pig has left this galaxy, hasn't he?"

"Brother Zhu gave me a cross-galaxy communicator. This communicator can communicate with the Yiranpin Alliance without any obstacles." Jiebi explained.

"Wucao, do you still have such high-end items?"

"Is this communicator for sale? I will pay a high price to buy one!"

"What are you thinking! This thing I have is just for rent to me. I've already asked. They have a limited quantity of this thing and they won't sell it to the outside world!" Jiebi said.

"What a shame!"

"Brothers, are you focusing on the wrong thing? Shouldn't we be concerned about the authenticity of this information?"

"No need to pay attention. I have already used the collector to collect it. There is nothing. This information is false!"

"No, it's true. I have collected things here, and there are still many things hitting the outer wall of my escape cabin!"

"What? No way, what did you collect?"

"Dark gold, and many other resources!"

"real or fake?"

"Believe it or not, I feel like if I seize the opportunity, I will probably be able to get up this time."

"I've collected them too, this is too much!"

"Why do I feel like you two are just asking for help? Why don't I have anything here?"

"Maybe it's really a promise."

"Rent a collector at a high price, ten units of dark gold per hour! If you want to rent it, go to the trading floor to trade!"

After seeing such a message, many survivors began to rent collectors.

No matter what, if you rent out ten units of dark gold in an hour, you will only make a profit but not a loss!

Seeing more and more transactions for rental collectors on the trading floor, they finally realized that this information should be true.

"But why don't I have supplies to collect here?"

"Perhaps it hasn't reached your side yet?"

"Yes, the wandering black hole even pushed us. Maybe it used these materials to push us!"

"It makes sense, then I'll wait and see."

Seeing the message in the public channel, Jiebi returned to the communicator in surprise.

"There are really materials that can be collected!" Jie Bi said with emotion.

"That means the wandering black hole you encountered this time should be the same as the one we encountered!" Xiao Yi replied, "The survivors in our galaxy gained weight thanks to that wave!"

Jie Bi nodded slightly and saw Xiao Yi leaning on the table nearby with juice in his hand.

It was only then that he asked in surprise: "Yi Ranpin, have you landed on a planet?"

Because of the stray black hole, Jiebi didn't notice that there was gravity on Xiao Yi's spaceship. Now that the threat of the stray black hole has been removed, he naturally wanted to ask.

"No, if we land on a planet, won't that planet be hit by meteorites every day?" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Jie Bi was even more surprised: "You already have a gravity system on your spaceship?"

Xiao Yi nodded, holding up the cup and replied: "Yes, otherwise I can drink juice from the cup?"

"Awesome!" Jie Ji gave a thumbs up, and then asked, "Does this gravity system have many systems?"

"Of course!" Xiao Yi replied, "But you need to collect the raw materials yourself. Once you have collected them all, I can ask Zhu Wu to bring one to you!"

Jie Bi couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: "You are not a template with a gravity system, are you?"

"You are very smart. Yes, I do have a template for the gravity system in my hand!" Xiao Yi admitted generously.

"I'm convinced, I'm completely convinced, please support me, Mr. Yiranpin!" Jiebi said immediately, "I don't want to work hard anymore!"

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "You are a survivor at the top of the pyramid. Are you sure you want to join me?"

"What's the top of the pyramid? You're already in space. What's the use of me being on the top of the pyramid?" Jie Bi said helplessly, "But I still have a question. I wonder if you can answer it for me?"

"What question?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"I really want to know how you developed to this level without the cornerstone advantage of the first stage?" Jie Bi asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "It all depends on luck!"

Jie Ji rolled his eyes. It was definitely not just luck that it could develop like this.

However, since Xiao Yi didn't want to say anything, Jie Ji stopped asking and said, "Boss, I will be your little brother from now on. Please take me in!"

Xiao Yi replied: "That depends on your performance."

Jiebi has always had a good impression on Xiao Yi. In the first stage, at least he did not join forces with other countries to attack Xiao Yi's island. Later, the two also cooperated when dealing with the undead, which was still very pleasant!

Therefore, Xiao Yi does not object to accepting Jie Coin as his younger brother.

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