Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1813 The environment is harsh, do you know how fast the island owner is?

These people from Chaos Star dare to bargain with their star master Wang Yang, but they don't dare to deal with Xiao Yi!

Now the fate of the entire Chaos Star is in Xiao Yi's hands, and they don't dare to have any opinions.

Xiao Yi looked at the Chaos Star people who were about to be arranged to Zhu Wu's side, and said with a smile: "If you miss your friends here, you can also contact them through the inter-galaxy communicator. Although you can't come back often, you can still come back occasionally. fulfilled."

"Yes, thank you, Lord Island Master!" Everyone said in unison.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, said no more, looked at Du Kang who was eager to try, and asked: "Are you ready?"

"Always be prepared!" Du Kang responded immediately.

Because we plan to install a teleportation array on Zhu Wu's spaceship, we need a teleporter with space attributes to go there.

After Du Kang learned the news, he immediately volunteered to fight.

"Your past task was to build the teleportation array and connect it to several of our existing teleportation arrays." Xiao Yi warned again.

"Yes, island owner, please rest assured and promise to complete the task!" Du Kang responded excitedly.

"Well, let's teleport there!" Xiao Yi said.

Du Kang took several translators and his subordinates and walked directly into the teleportation array.

The twenty-three people arranged by Wang Yang also walked in.

While chatting with them, Xiao Yi had already used the charm technique to charm the Chaos Star people who were about to pass by. These people were ordinary people, so they didn't notice anything strange at all.

Zhu Wu had already received Xiao Yi's notification, so he was already waiting by the teleportation array.

As soon as Du Kang's figure appeared, Zhu Wu couldn't wait to step forward and hug him.

Du Kang hurriedly held Zhu Wu down and said: "Don't block the road here, there are people behind you. Besides, what's there to hug a grown man!"

"I don't mind it!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

"I hate it!" Du Kang replied angrily.

After pushing Zhu Wu away, nearly thirty people came out one after another.

Du Kang was already covering his nose and complained: "Your living environment is very harsh!"

Not just him, everyone else who had just come over couldn't help but wrinkle their noses.

But they didn't dare to complain directly like Du Kang. After all, Zhu Wu would be their future leader. If they were given the opportunity to wear small shoes, life would be difficult in the future.

This is not on the Chaos Planet. There is no way to resign and find a new job.

"Huh?" Zhu Wu asked doubtfully, "What's wrong? I feel like it's pretty good here!"

After saying that, he even twitched his pig nose.

"Forget it, luckily I brought a mask, so everyone put on their masks and started working." Du Kang said helplessly.

Zhu Wu said with a smile: "I have discussed the location of the teleportation array with the island owner and placed it in the cockpit. There is enough space there."

"Well, I get it. You'd better let them clean it thoroughly for you first!" Du Kang pointed at the twenty-three people and said.

"Okay!" Zhu Wu looked at the Chaos Stars and said with a smile, "My rules here are very simple. Obey orders. After completing the task, you have your own time. You can move around freely, but you cannot cause sabotage. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Well, your task today is to clean. After cleaning, you can move around freely!" Zhu Wu said, "By the way, go down and choose your own room. The one closest to the cockpit is mine, and you can take the rest." Allocate it yourself.”

"Yes!" everyone responded, and then walked to their room.

"The environment here is really bad!"

"But, fortunately, at least there is gravity. Maybe the bad environment is just because Mr. Zhu can't clean it by himself!"

"I hope so. Mr. Zhu seems quite gentle. I hope this is his true temperament."

After simply assigning their rooms, they started to take action.

I applied for some cleaning tools and detergent from Xiao Yi, and then started cleaning.

Zhu Wu directly followed Du Kang to see how he constructed the teleportation array.

"You did a good job in depicting the base formation!" Du Kang looked at the already carved base formation and praised it.

Zhu Wu proudly replied: "Of course, the island owner says I am a genius!"

Du Kang couldn't stand his stinky look, so he asked with a smile: "Then our genius, has he learned the formation of the teleportation core?"

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, shrugged helplessly, and replied: "That thing is too complicated. I have only learned less than one-fifth of it. It's a big head!"

"It seems that the island owner has given you almost a day for this teleportation core formation, which is less than one-fifth. Your speed is average!" Du Kang said.

"This thing is also very difficult for geniuses!" Zhu Wu immediately replied, "What about you? Have you learned it?"

"I'm not a genius, of course not." Du Kang replied matter-of-factly, "Do you know how long it took the island owner to learn it?"

"Huh? Doesn't he know how to draw the teleportation formations?" Zhu Wu always thought that Xiao Yi could draw these formations himself.

Du Kang replied: "The island owner probably got this formation diagram ten hours earlier than you did."

"When did the island owner learn it?" Zhu Wu asked curiously.

"I can't tell, but I'm sure it's less than an hour!" Du Kang replied.

"An hour? How is that possible!" Zhu Wu said in shock.

"Our island owner and Brother Jiang got the formation diagram at the same time. They entered the game cabin to learn it at almost the same time!" Du Kang explained, "Two hours later, the island owner had already learned it when he came out, and he was in the game cabin. It has been completely painted twelve times, and on average, it can be painted once in ten minutes."

Zhu Wu fell into a complete sluggish state.

He is learning the formation to carve the teleportation core, and he knows how complex this formation is.

Even if he learns it in the future, he will never be able to finish it if he doesn't have more than six hours.

"Made, I shouldn't have asked this question. It's so shocking!" Zhu Wu slapped himself.

"However, although you can't compete with the island owner, you are still much better than the average person!" Du Kang comforted.

Zhu Wu rolled his eyes and replied: "Your way of comforting people is really strange."

"Just get used to it!" Du Kang said with a smile, and then completed the last process, "Okay, it's successfully completed, let's start the test!"

Du Kang activated the teleportation array, the white light flashed slightly, and it was operating normally. He then connected it to the other three teleportation arrays, and set the automatic teleportation position to the teleportation array on Xiao Yi's spaceship.

"Done!" Du Kang said happily, then looked at the surrounding environment and complained again, "I originally wanted to hang out at your place, but I didn't expect the environment to be so bad, so we are going back now."

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