"Where are you now?" Zhu Wu suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Jie Bi was stunned for a moment, then asked him where he was and what he was doing.

"You have a miniature spaceship in your hand, and the one you traded is a large spaceship. It's too big for you to handle! So it needs to be traded at a specific location." Zhu Wu explained with a smile.

Jie Bi's face was filled with questions: "Why does it feel like you are driving?"

"Hehe, what I said was told to me by the island owner." Zhu Wu explained seriously while smiling.

This was the first time that Jie Bi knew that there was this requirement for trading a spaceship that exceeded his own type.

"You don't know, I almost died when I switched from a micro spaceship to a large spaceship. Fortunately, I have the island owner's intelligent robot!" Zhu Wu rambled.

Jie Bi nodded and said: "I am not near the planet now, so I can trade!"

"Then agree to the deal!" Zhu Wu replied.

"Really give me this large spaceship?" Jie Ji asked in disbelief.

"Of course, the island owner has absolutely nothing to say to our subordinates." Zhu Wu said with a smile, "However, I have too many large spaceships in our island owner's hands now. You can apply for a few more from the island owner."

Hearing this, Jacky was dumbfounded.

Others were very satisfied if they could get micro spaceships, so Xiao Yi actually started sending large spaceships to his subordinates.

Not only that, but according to Zhu Wu, how many more ships can we apply for?

It took Jiebi a while to react and said, "Forget it, I can't take care of the extra person!"

"Who said you should be left alone? Agree to the deal first!" Zhu Wu urged.

Jie Bi was stunned for a moment, and then immediately agreed to the transaction. He operated exactly according to the operation method Zhu Wu just said, and successfully took over the large spacecraft.

"You go to the middle cabin, and I'll send a few people there for you!" Zhu Wu continued.

"Giving it away?" Jie Ji was stunned again.

"Yes, this is the person assigned to you by the island owner. It is troublesome for one person to operate a large spaceship, and it will be even more difficult if you encounter enemies!" Zhu Wu replied, "The island owner has dealt with these people, so there is no need to worry about betrayal. The problem."

Hearing this, Jie Ji was completely dumbfounded.

Zhu Wu's words contained too much information, and he needed to digest it.

But Zhu Wu didn't give him time to digest, and continued: "The person who teleported has a secret code. If the secret code doesn't match, then don't hesitate and shoot directly."

"Teleport?" Before he could finish digesting what he just said, Jiebi heard a new word.

"Yes, there is a galaxy-level teleportation array on your miniature spaceship. As long as it is in the same galaxy, the teleportation can be completed." Zhu Wu explained, "Hurry over and I will send the person there right away."

"Oh, okay!" Jacky hurriedly ran to the middle cabin.

After getting there, a teleportation array appeared in front of him, which was the same as what he saw in the first stage.

"Xiao Yi is so powerful, he can even get this thing!" Jie Ji sighed as he walked to a small fortress nearby, which contained various weapons.

Soon, the teleportation array flashed with white light, and several figures appeared on the teleportation array. They immediately said the secret code they had agreed on before.

Seeing that the codes matched, Jiebi said, "Welcome to the Maitou Galaxy."

One of them said in a broken foreign language: "Thank you. You are Master Jie Ji. I am the translator of Chaos Galaxy. I will stay here for a long time. I hope you will take care of me!"

Jiebi looked at the Chaos Star man who looked very different from himself, and said happily: "Then I will rely on you to help communicate from now on. By the way, who did you learn your foreign language from?"

"Master Hui Jiebi, I learned my foreign language from Master Su." The translator responded.

"Well, you can have a simple conversation so quickly. Your language talent is really great!" Jie Bi praised.

"Thank you for the compliment, sir!"

Jie Bi asked a few soldiers to guard the teleportation array, and he led the others towards the large spaceship.

Large spaceships also have a gravity system, and Zhu Wu thoughtfully transferred his island monument to this large spaceship.

Jiebi turned back to the translator and asked, "Are you familiar with this kind of spaceship?"

"Sir, we have flown this type of spaceship into battle before!" one of the soldiers replied.

The first ones teleported over were soldiers.

"Okay, you can find a room for yourselves, just reserve one for me!" Jie Bi said.

"Yes, actually Mr. Zhu has already arranged our accommodation." the soldier replied.

"That's great, let's do it according to Zhu Wu's arrangement!" Jie Ji looked at the spacecraft with a dark eye now, so he decided to follow Zhu Wu's arrangement first, it was simple and convenient.

Wait until he gets familiar with it and then see if he needs to adjust.

Let them follow Zhu Wu's arrangements, and Jie Ji returned to the micro teleportation spacecraft again.

There are people constantly teleporting over in the teleportation array.

When Jie Ji saw so many people, he returned to the island monument and asked, "Lao Zhu, how many people have the island owner arranged for me to come over?"

"Two hundred Chaos Star people, and twenty Daiina tribe members. The Daiina tribe are currently prisoners, but the island owner saw that they were good at work, so he let them undergo labor reform." Zhu Wu replied.

Just ten minutes ago, Jiebi was alone, but now he has 220 subordinates. This identity change is too fast!

"The island owner has arranged so many people for me, does he still have any people?" Jie Bi asked curiously.

"Of course. Didn't I tell you before that the island owner recovered an indigenous planet. Although more than 90% of the people died in various previous disasters, there are still more than 400,000 people left!" Zhu Wu replied.

"More than 400,000?" Jie Bi was stunned, "With so many people, does the island owner really have enough space for them?"

"Not only is it enough now, but there are many more!" Zhu Wu replied, "The island owner is currently worried about how to deal with those spaceships."

Jie Ji felt a bit toothache. Other survivors couldn't get a spaceship, but Xiao Yi was worried about dealing with the extra spaceship in his hand.

Soon all the personnel were teleported over. During this time, Zhu Wu also introduced the various facilities on the spacecraft to Jie Ji.

When he heard about the stability system and gravity system, Jiebi exclaimed.

When he heard that the weapons were all large laser cannons, Jiebi was already stunned.

Hearing about the air circulation system, water circulation system, various levels of fields, etc., Jacky was already numb.

"Isn't this an independent living environment that can be self-sufficient?" Jie Ji couldn't help but say.

"This is not yet completely self-sufficient. It still needs the light of stars and various resources!" Zhu Wu shook his head and said.

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