Jie Ji struggled to control his spaceship, using unimportant positions on the spacecraft to resist Fei Yong's laser attack.

Because the evasive route was temporarily changed, Jacky was still hit in two places!

Feiyong was surprised to see that Jiebi didn't hide in the direction he subconsciously avoided, and thought to himself: "There is indeed something!"

Feiyong was hit by Jiebi, and then Jiebi was hit in two places, all in just a few seconds.

Du Kang was stunned. He thought Feiyong was at a disadvantage at first, but he didn't expect that Jiebi was hit twice!

"Awesome!" Du Kang exclaimed.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "It only took one day of training to reach this level. It's really amazing!"

"Sure enough, people are different. I have been training for countless days, and I am still tortured to death by simple enemies." Zhu Wu said with emotion.

"You didn't train seriously, that's all." Jiang Yuntian replied angrily, and then looked at the scene of the two competing again.

Feiyong and Jiebi immediately used supplies to repair their spacecraft.

Feiyong only had one damage, while Jiebi had two. After the repairs were completed, the supply on Jiebi's spaceship was already low. If he was hit again, he would not have enough resources to repair it.

Although he was now at a disadvantage, Jie Bi did not want to give up so quickly. He once again sailed close to Fei Yong, preparing to continue fighting.

Feiyong saw Jiebi approaching again. At this time, the laser cannons on both spaceships were ready to fire.

The two carefully kept their distance, constantly maneuvering their spacecraft and making various evasive maneuvers.

Jiebi's previous performance was enough for Feiyong to take him seriously.

The two tried it out and attacked again. This time, Jiebi took the lead and Feiyong fought back while dodging. The result was exactly the same as the first time.

Jiebi hit Feiyong with one shot, and Feiyong hit Jiebi with two shots again. Of course, neither of them were critical. Both of them protected the vitals of their own spacecraft very well and did not let the other side succeed.

Jie Bi said helplessly: "I give up!"

Although he could continue to fly and fight, with Fei Yong's skills, he had no chance.

Jie Bi and Fei Yong exited the battle room at the same time, and their figures appeared on Jiang Yuntian's side.

"Are you sure you only trained for one day?" Feiyong felt a little incredible!

Zhu Wu said with a smile: "It is indeed only one day. He only came into contact with the game cabin yesterday afternoon! To be precise, there may only be a few hours of training time!"

"Awesome!" Feiyong gave a thumbs up and said, "I have been training for more than half a month and have experienced several actual battles."

"But I still lost!" Jiebi sighed helplessly.

"You studied for one day and almost defeated me who studied for half a month. What else do you want? Do you want to defeat me?" Feiyong said speechlessly.

Jiang Yuntian agreed: "Yes, your fighting talent is too high! Others have trained exhaustingly for a month, but it is not as good as your training for one day!"

Jiang Yuntian said this is not an exaggeration at all. Although Feiyong is the result of half a month of learning, he is the best among the warriors. Other ordinary people really need a long time to practice to reach this level!

Jiebi shook his head again and replied: "I am recognized as the best player on the planet, and I still lost to him."

"You can't ignore the length of training!" Du Kang said helplessly, "No matter how talented you are, you have to learn first. No one knows it from birth."

"That's right!" Zhu Wu said angrily, "You have already practiced to this point and you are still not satisfied. Do you want to go to heaven?"

Jiang Yuntian asked again: "Do you want to have a team battle?"

"That's all, no need to fight. I'd better train first. My skills are not good enough for team fights." Jiebi shook his head.

Jiang Yuntian's mouth twitched slightly, and then he immediately said to the people behind him: "Look at how far you have trained, do you think you can do it?"

The soldiers lowered their heads.

Feiyong is the strongest among them, Jiebi is only weak, and the others will probably kneel down against Jiebi.

Jie Bi is so strong that he says he is not qualified to play in a group. Doesn't that mean that almost all of them are not qualified to play in a group?

"Go back and train hard. I don't want you to be tortured by Jacky next time!" Jiang Yuntian scolded.

"Yes!" Everyone responded, and then left one after another.

After the soldiers disappeared, Jiang Yuntian said happily: "Thank you for giving them a blow, otherwise, they would still be complacent!"

Jie Ji rolled his eyes and replied, "Are you using me as a spearman?"

"Hehe, just by the way!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile, "I really want to see you as a game master."

Jie Bi spread his hands and said, "I also want to show off, but my strength is limited and I can't show it off!"

"You have shocked everyone now! Don't ask for too much!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Yes, you have successfully hit me!" Du Kang said helplessly, "I think I should just do logistics work honestly, fighting is not suitable for me!"

"That's right, I will be my Comet Merchant honestly, and the battle will be left to you!" Zhu Wu also agreed.

Jie Bin shook his head, and then said: "If there is nothing else, then I will go to train!"

"Well, see you at dinner!" Du Kang and others replied.

Jiang Yuntian walked out of the game cabin, still feeling a little incredible. When he came to the cockpit, he said to Xiao Yi: "Are there really geniuses in this world?"

"Of course, and there will be more!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "What? Were you hit by Jie Coin?"

"It's really a bit of a shock. After only a few hours of training, he was able to fight with our outstanding soldiers vigorously." Jiang Yuntian was a little helpless.

"So, you need to be nervous!" Xiao Yi followed the words and said, "Fortunately, Jie Ji is one of our own. If he is an enemy, then we will be really in danger."

Jiang Yuntian nodded and replied: "Yes, I have already trained them, they should have a sense of urgency!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and Jiang Yuntian continued: "Island Master, it would be great if you could recruit Jie Coin into the fighting team!"

"It's a good idea, but he still has to go back." Xiao Yi replied, "Let's see if there is another chance in the future. The situation they discussed before is still possible."

The situation that Xiao Yi mentioned that they discussed was the issue of the interruption of the connection between the Chaos Galaxy and the Maitou Galaxy.

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