Hearing Xiao Yi mention that he was unable to practice, Zhu Wu said helplessly: "Island Master, can we not open or lift any pot?"

"This is motivating you!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Zhu Wu rolled his eyes and replied: "Then I'll be there early to thank you!"

"Thank you in advance?" Du Kang looked a little weird, and then laughed, "Island owner, they said you are sick!"

"Go away, you can't spit out ivory from that dog's mouth!" Xiao Yi scolded with a smile.

Being disturbed by Du Kang, everyone laughed.

"Okay, let's continue eating." Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head.

Jie Bi came over and asked: "Island Master, when can I try to practice?"

Feeling the gap between himself and Jiang Yuntian, Jie Ji couldn't wait to start practicing.

"Don't worry, let's follow everyone tomorrow morning!" Xiao Yi replied.

Jie Ji could only nod his head and continue to deal with the food on the plate.

"Look, there's something new in the public channel!" Du Kang said, pointing to the big screen.

Everyone looked over.

Amelia Su had already arranged for several translators to translate the chat content on the big screen in real time.

Of course, their translators also rotate every half an hour, and they also have time to rest and eat.

"Hmph, your level of development is so low, and you still want to kill me?"

"What's going on with the brother upstairs?"

"Yes, why did you suddenly say such a thing?"

"Hmph, I was transferred here and you still want to kill me. What a fool!"

"Well, you seem to be the fool. If someone else transfers you, you agree. You are really not afraid of death!"

"Am I stupid? I came here to occupy his spaceship. This way I gained a spaceship for nothing. Although it is only a miniature one, it is not for nothing!"

"Then weren't all the materials you harvested from the galaxy in vain?"

"Tch, survivors like you who are still fighting alone can never imagine what it is like to survive with a little brother!"

"Wucao, you have a younger brother? Boss, but if you come over, won't your spaceship fall into the hands of your younger brother?"

"Hmph, all my little brothers have used contract cards, they will not betray me!" Qi Yun said proudly.

"The boss is awesome!"

"I'm not a big boss, but I already have a small spaceship in the original galaxy, two micros, and four escape cabins. The development is only average." Qi Yun said nonchalantly.

What he meant by saying this was that he wanted to put a cup in front of the survivors in this galaxy, so he was like Versailles.

As a result, everyone's reaction was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"It's really average, but it's pretty awesome!"

"Yeah, it's not easy to get a small one!"

"This is too average. It can only be regarded as an average boss, not the top!"

The survivor who was teleported and whose ID was Qi Yun was dumbfounded.

I'm just visiting Versailles, and you actually say I'm really average?

Qi Yun couldn't help but said again: "Did you read my message clearly? One small ship, two micro ships? Is this normal?"

"Isn't this what you said yourself?"

"Damn it, can't you see it? You're trying to have a drink with us!"

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. This is really the only way to pretend to be a cup of tea and get fucked instead!"

"There is just a small spaceship in our galaxy. Although I don't have a small spaceship, I have seen many large spaceships!"

Seeing the speeches of other survivors, Qi Yun was dumbfounded: "Large? The survivors in this galaxy have already obtained a large spaceship? How is this possible?"

Thinking of this, Qi Yun immediately said: "Hmph, I don't believe that there are survivors in your backward galaxy with large spaceships. What you see must be the spaceships of indigenous civilizations."

"There is really no way to communicate with such a frog in the well. I will tell you that I witnessed with my own eyes the fleet of Mr. Yi Ranpin defeated the indigenous civilization fleet?"

"Even, I won't tell you that the boss directly replaced Mr. Lu with a large spaceship. I saw this with my own eyes, and I am right next to Mr. Lu's spaceship."

"I won't even tell you that Mr. Yi Ranpin is planning to start leasing large spaceships to foreign countries."

"Damn, you guys told him everything, okay?"

"We can only watch him blustering in front of us, why can't we do it for a while? Although we don't have a large spaceship, Boss Yi Ranpin is the light of survival in our chaotic galaxy!"

Seeing everyone's chatting, Qi Yun also understood that the person with the best development in this galaxy must be the survivor named Yi Ranpin.

Qi Yun narrowed his eyes and said, "So what if there is a large spaceship? Have you ever seen A-level weapons? Now I have three A-level aviation cannons on my spaceship!"

"Wow, A-level! So advanced!"

"Um, Brother Qiyun, have you checked the weapons on the spaceship you occupied? Let's take a look."

"Yeah, it makes you look like a country bumpkin!"

Qi Yun was stunned again. He looked doubtfully at the weapons of the spacecraft he had just occupied, and then his eyes widened.

"How is that possible? They are all SSS-level weapons?" Qi Yun felt that his worldview had collapsed!

When Xiao Yi saw Qi Yun's speech on the public channel, he also laughed.

"This Qiyun is too funny, isn't it? There is a small spaceship, and three A-level weapons can't be found?" Du Kang said with a smile.

"He is like Grandma Liu who just entered the Grand View Garden!" Sun Yao nodded slightly.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head and said: "He is not even as good as Grandma Liu. At least Grandma Liu was cautious when entering the Grand View Garden. He acted like the boss of the sky and the second child of others."

Su Wan said with a smile: "This can be regarded as a change from the ordinary life!"

Everyone nodded.

But Qi Yun didn't speak anymore. It was so embarrassing. He originally thought he was awesome, but now it seems that he is quite bad!

Qi Yun carefully inspected the spacecraft he occupied, and he was shocked to find that not only were the weapons here SSS-level, but the glass on the windows and the engines were also SSS-level. Not only that, there were also two S-level weapons. laser pistol!

Until this moment, Qi Yun felt that his back was soaked with cold sweat.

If this old rival of mine had used a laser pistol on his own, I would probably die decisively.

"Fortunately, he also wanted to show off in front of me, so he gave me a chance. Besides, I am no longer just an SSS-level person!" Qi Yun took a long breath and said, "The level of development of this galaxy is really incredible. To my surprise, it seems that being transferred here is also an opportunity for me. This time I will definitely surpass Yi Ranpin and become the number one in this galaxy!"

In Qi Yun's view, Xiao Yi was able to harvest large spaceships only because this galaxy has channels to obtain large spaceships.

As long as he has this channel, he can do it. He is confident that he is no worse than anyone else!

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