Everyone was stunned when they heard Xiao Yi's words. Some people had food in their mouths and forgot to chew.

"Island owner, do you really want to play this big?" Du Kang said excitedly.

Xiao Yi glanced at him and said with a smile: "Your tone sounds like you are a little excited and expectant!"

Du Kang chuckled and replied: "Of course, this will shock a group of survivors. Thinking about their expressions, I am looking forward to it."

Jiang Yuntian frowned and said, "Although we have many large spaceships, isn't it a bit pricey to give one away like this?"

"Yes, I suggest lowering the model level. The small spaceship is enough to attract them!" Jiebi said in agreement.

"I also think that large spaceships are a bit too exaggerated." Zhu Wu also said.

Hu Yi pondered for a moment and said, "I think it's better to use a large spaceship. This is more of a gimmick. It also shows the strength of our Yiranpin Alliance and reduces their concerns about using our trading system."

"Having said that, I still feel like it's a bit of a loss to give away a large spaceship for nothing!" Sun Yao couldn't help but say.

"In this case, we won't give it away for nothing!" Su Wan said at this time, "The lottery will be changed to large or below, and the survivor who tops up the most on the first day can buy a large spaceship with five million! "

After hearing Amelia Su's suggestion, everyone started thinking about it.

Su Wan continued: "Everyone is the core of our alliance. Naturally, we know that the cost of our large spaceship is almost zero. If we operate like this, it will not be a free gift, but in the eyes of other survivors, it will be a free gift. There will definitely be Some survivors will compete for the first place, so we will become the biggest winner."

When Su Wan was on Earth, she was in charge of the market and was good at grasping the psychology of consumers.

"This is a good idea!" Xiao Yi agreed.

The others also nodded.

Only Jie Bi asked in confusion: "Why do you say the cost of our large spaceship is zero?"

"Lao Zhu, didn't you tell Jie Ji about this situation?" Xiao Yi looked at Zhu Wu doubtfully and said.

"Isn't this your island master's secret? How dare I say it casually!" Zhu Wu immediately replied.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "I didn't expect the big-mouthed Lao Zhu to be able to hold back from talking about this!"

"Island Master, I am so sad when you say that. Although I am a bit talkative, I will never say anything I shouldn't!" Zhu Wu said.

"Then introduce it to Jie Yi!" Xiao Yi said, "We will continue to discuss promotion matters."

"Yes!" Zhu Wu introduced in a low voice next to Jie Bi's ear.

When Jie Bi heard that Xiao Yi had a super fusion device, he was shocked again.

When Zhu Wu said that Xiao Yi was in four times the state, Jie Ji was shocked three times and was completely dumbfounded.

Until this time, Jie Ji finally understood Zhu Wu's previous operation. No wonder all the materials had to be classified into whether they had passed through the hands of the island owner, and those that had passed through Xiao's hands could be quadrupled!

"No wonder the island owner has developed so well. With such a skill state, he can completely crush all survivors." Jiebi swallowed and said in shock.

Zhu Wu shook his head and replied: "But the island owner said, don't underestimate any survivor in this world."

"With such a huge advantage, he can still maintain this mentality. Maybe Xiao Yi's success is not just due to luck." Jie Bi thought to himself.

At this time, he heard Xiao Yi say: "Since everyone has no objections, let's do it like this. The lottery will only give away one micro spaceship. Participants must recharge at least one yuan. In addition, the top three recharges on the first day can get cheap rewards." Buy large, medium, small spaceships!”

"If you play like this, all the survivors will go crazy for it!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

"Not only that, we will start selling two new items that day, the water circulation system and the air balance system." Xiao Yi continued.

"This can completely promote our virtual currency." Su Wan nodded slightly and said.

"Does anyone else have anything to add?" Xiao Yi asked.

Wang Yang raised his hand at this time, and Xiao Yi motioned for him to speak directly.

"There is another very important issue, and that is the language issue!" Wang Yang said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

"Yes, our system mainly uses Xia Guoyu and Chaos Star Language. Others cannot understand these two languages ​​at all!" Su Wan also frowned.

I was only focused on discussing the promotion activities on the first day and did not consider the language issue.

It's impossible for Xiao Yi to be a translator all the time.

"Actually, this problem is not big!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice, "The current main communication method is still the island monument. All we need to do is to confirm each transaction, the amount of money consumed by the other party, and whether it has been crossed off from the server. Got it!"

Everyone nodded slightly.

"Actually, we don't need to be perfect. In the actual operation process, if we encounter any problems, we can just make corrections in time!" Xiao Yi continued.

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Then when will we start promoting it?" Jiebi asked again.

"I'll start right away when I'm in good shape, just in the last two days!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Su Wan suggested: "If you are going to promote it soon, then warm it up in the public channel in advance."

"Okay, that's it, let's continue eating, I'll go public it on the island monument!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Soon, everyone saw the message sent by Xiao Yi on the big screen.

"Hello, fellow survivors! In order to make shopping settlement more convenient and better serve everyone, our Yiranpin Alliance has launched its own virtual currency. From now on, all items in the Yiranpin Alliance can only be traded with virtual currency. We hope that Everyone knows it!”

Xiao Yi didn't make a big move at the beginning. He wanted to see how everyone accepted it first.

"Boss Yi Ranpin is causing trouble again!"

"Virtual currency? We probably need to use our own resources to recharge. It's too risky. I won't recharge anyway!"

"Yes, using Island Monument to trade can at least guarantee safety. Using their virtual currency to trade, there is no guarantee."

"Having said that, I don't think the problem is big. The credibility of Yiranpin Alliance has always been very good. I believe in the boss."

"Reputation is unreliable. If the other party makes such a fortune and runs away, won't the money we recharged be wasted?"

"That's right. When I was on my home planet, every time I recharged my money at a barber shop, the barber shop would immediately close down. I don't know how many Tonys I had recharged!"

"It's possible to say that, but Boss Yi Ranpin's items are so high-end, are you sure you won't even recharge them?"

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