"Bit, trigger the quadruple harvest state, which lasts for 24 hours (currently 23 hours and 59 minutes remain)!"

Xiao Yi was overjoyed when he heard this system prompt. Combined with the prompt content on the island monument, he knew that this time the world rules had indirectly assisted him.

Xiao Yi raised his head and said to everyone in the cockpit: "From now on, the virtual currency system will be opened to the outside world!"

Everyone was slightly stunned. They didn't expect Xiao Yi to make such a sudden decision!

But Jiang Yuntian and the others immediately understood that Xiao Yi's quadruple state was coming!

"Arrange some people to be on duty and the rest to go back to rest. We will be very busy tomorrow!" Xiao Yi continued.

"Yes!" everyone responded.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and immediately sent a message on the public channel.

"Hello, fellow survivors, the Yiranpin Alliance will launch a virtual currency trading system from today. It is open for recharge. One cornerstone and one unit of dark gold are worth one yuan. For the prices of various resources, please refer to the price list we provide. After you trade the cornerstones and dark gold or resources to me, someone will help you complete the recharge. After completion, he will take a screenshot of the balance in your recharge account to you. After seven o'clock tomorrow, you can use the virtual currency for consumption!"

"The rules of today's lottery are very simple. After each survivor recharges, an account composed of numbers will be generated. This account is used for the lottery."

"The rules for the rewards for the top three recharges are as follows: From now on until 8 o'clock tomorrow evening, the top three with the highest recharge amounts will automatically receive rewards. The first place will receive a large spaceship, and the second place will receive a medium spaceship. , third place, a small spaceship, these spaceships are bare ships, with only basic equipment!"

“The amount recharged into the account can be spent freely. The recharge reward only depends on the recharge amount, not the final amount in the account.

"Other considerations are as follows: ..."

Xiao Yi sent many messages in one breath, and everyone was stunned.

After a while, everyone started talking again.

"Wucao, is this about to start? It feels so exciting!"

"Why do I feel that the rules of the world are the same as those of the boss Yi Ranpin? The front of the island monument indicates that survival is becoming more difficult, and the boss later announces the start of virtual currency transactions. Doesn't this force us to use virtual currencies?"

"You don't have to use it! Don't force yourself!"

"Mad, can you do it without it? Without the boss's advanced equipment, I probably won't be able to hold on for long!"

"As you said, there are no bosses in other galaxies like Yi Ranpin. They still have survivors!"

"That's because the tests in their galaxy are not as difficult as ours!"

"Do you mean to blame the boss for raising the average level?"

"Although saying this is a bit of a slap in the face, it seems to be true!"

"Brothers, you are wrong to think this way. Without the boss, are you sure we could survive so many people? Think of the Dinosaur Galaxy!"

"Yes, the Dinosaur Galaxy was wiped out by a group. Although the boss may have raised the average level of our galaxy, without the boss, many survivors in our galaxy would have been eliminated!"

"Forget it, I'd better top up some points first, at least to get a spot in the lottery!"

"I feel that the probability of getting number 1 in the lottery is very low, so I will wait and recharge."

"Brother, you are overthinking. The account number is randomly generated. The number I just recharged is not 001 or anything like that!"

"In that case, forget it and hurry up!"

"I'd better wait and see. I still don't know what high-end items the boss will come up with for sale tomorrow. I'd better wait and see. Anyway, you can recharge at any time!"

At this time, in the cockpit, there were many people operating computers to recharge those survivors.

Because the recharge system and templates have been prepared before, although they are busy, they are not messy!

In just half an hour, the total recharge amount has reached one million!

"No wonder the island owner wants to promote the use of virtual currency so much. It's too profitable. Others only exchanged real money for a string of numbers in our system!" Zhu Wu said with emotion.

Hu Yi also looked at the recharge amount in shock and sighed: "This model is indeed good, but it cannot be copied. Only the island owner can play like this!"

"We have already been using this model in the first stage." Du Kang said with a smile.

"The island owner is a cow!" Ergou said with emotion.

Xiao Yi came over and said, "Aren't you sleepy?"

"Fortunately, let's watch for a while longer!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said, "Then I'll go back and rest first. Don't forget to get up at five o'clock tomorrow to practice!"

"Yes!" everyone responded.

When Jie Bin heard this, he immediately chose to go back to rest. He would be exposed to magic tomorrow, and he had to be energetic and study hard.

The reminder from the island monument gave those survivors an invisible sense of urgency, so now they even began to ignore the risks in virtual currency transactions, and just wanted to know what high-end items Xiao Yi would sell tomorrow.

"I hope the boss can bring out high-end weapons tomorrow, so I can feel at ease if I can protect myself!"

"You are overthinking. If an advanced civilization really comes over, it will probably be difficult for the boss's advanced weapons to fight against the advanced civilization!"

"Yes, if you really encounter an advanced civilization, then just surrender, maybe you can still survive!"

"So, isn't it necessary to buy high-end weapons from big guys? It's a waste of money?"

"No, if we have the advanced weapons provided by the big boss, then we can develop to be strong enough before the arrival of advanced civilization."

"Yes, you have to work hard. I believe that the rules of the world will not directly arrange for a civilization with a higher level to come over."

"I hope the boss will bring out advanced weapons tomorrow, and pray that advanced civilization will come later!"

During everyone's discussion, the time had already reached five o'clock in the morning, and Xiao Yi woke up without the need for an alarm.

Arriving at the cockpit, everyone was already waiting there.

"Same as before, I will take everyone to practice together for an hour first, and for the next hour, everyone will practice on their own!" Xiao Yi looked at everyone and said, "There are new people today, so I will start from the beginning."

"Yes!" everyone responded.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and began to speak.

Jacky listened especially carefully. He also wanted to get into the field of magic. Who doesn't want to be a character like Harry Potter?

Following Xiao Yi's explanation, Jie Ji unexpectedly entered a very strange state. Xiao Yi was clearly talking about the Taoist teachings of the Xia Kingdom, but he listened very clearly and even understood it.

Xiao Yi felt something strange about Jie Qi and was a little surprised, but he did not stop and continued to talk in depth.

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